Chang Yaramothu
Chang Yaramothu
Assistant Professor, School of Applied Engr & Tech
220 Fenster Hall (FENS)
About Me
I have spent the past decade creating and formulating new systems for concussion/TBI diagnostics. My goal is to perform fundamental research and translate that research into technology that can be utilized by the general public. Prior to joining NJIT as full-time faculty, I have co-founded a biotech start-up that utilizes virtual reality for therapeutic purposes.
Ph.D.; New Jersey Institute of Technology and Rutgers Biomedical & Health Sciences; Biomedical Engineering; 2017
M.S.; New Jersey Institute of Technology; Biomedical Engineering; 2014
B.S.; New Jersey Institute of Technology; Biomedical Engineering; 2013
M.S.; New Jersey Institute of Technology; Biomedical Engineering; 2014
B.S.; New Jersey Institute of Technology; Biomedical Engineering; 2013
Awards & Honors
2020 Digi-Tech Innovator, NJBiz Magazine
2020 Fellow, American Academy of Optometry
2020 Fellow, American Academy of Optometry
2025 Spring Courses
Teaching Interests
Biomedical Engineering, Electronics, Embedded Systems, Medical Devices, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis.
Past Courses
Research Interests
Concussion/TBI Diagnostics, Eye Movements, Vestibular System Endurance, OculoMotor and Vestibular Rehabilitation, Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS)
Method, System and Apparatus for Diagnostic Assessment and Screening of Binocular Dysfunctions
Method, system, and apparatus for treatment of binocular dysfunctions
In Progress
Development of Concussion Diagnostics Tools in an Adult Population
The aim of this study is to generate normative values of oculomotor endurance in an adult (18 - 65 years) population with acute TBI utilizing the Oculomotor and Vestibular Endurance Screening (MoVES) protocol.
Longitudinal Concussion Assessment on NJIT Athletes Utilizing MoVES and VisQuaL-T
The aim of this study is to test the reliability and efficacy of the Oculomotor and Vestibular Endurance Screening (MoVES) protocol in detecting concussions.
MoVES Automation
This project aims to automate the Oculomotor and Vestibular Endurance Screening (MoVES) protocol in a virtual reality headset so it can easily be utilized without any training.
Multimodal Visual Balance Concussion Assessment
The purpose of this study is to understand the underlying interconnectivity between the visual, oculomotor, and balance systems in non-concussed healthy controls and the deficits present in concussed participants.
TBI Acquired Convergence Insuffieincey Rehabilitation RCT
This study aims to examine the efficacy of office-based vergence and accommodative therapy (OBVAT) in remediating convergence insufficiency (CI) in children with CI acquired as a result of a concussion.
The aim of this study is to generate normative values of oculomotor endurance in an adult (18 - 65 years) population with acute TBI utilizing the Oculomotor and Vestibular Endurance Screening (MoVES) protocol.
Longitudinal Concussion Assessment on NJIT Athletes Utilizing MoVES and VisQuaL-T
The aim of this study is to test the reliability and efficacy of the Oculomotor and Vestibular Endurance Screening (MoVES) protocol in detecting concussions.
MoVES Automation
This project aims to automate the Oculomotor and Vestibular Endurance Screening (MoVES) protocol in a virtual reality headset so it can easily be utilized without any training.
Multimodal Visual Balance Concussion Assessment
The purpose of this study is to understand the underlying interconnectivity between the visual, oculomotor, and balance systems in non-concussed healthy controls and the deficits present in concussed participants.
TBI Acquired Convergence Insuffieincey Rehabilitation RCT
This study aims to examine the efficacy of office-based vergence and accommodative therapy (OBVAT) in remediating convergence insufficiency (CI) in children with CI acquired as a result of a concussion.
Conference Paper
“A Visual Inventory Management System for Makerspaces”
International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces, September 2024.
“Biomedical Engineering Technology Education in Makerspaces”
International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces, September 2024.
International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces, September 2024.
“Biomedical Engineering Technology Education in Makerspaces”
International Symposium on Academic Makerspaces, September 2024.
Journal Article
Stephanie Iring-Sanchez, Michaela Dungan, Andrew Jones, Mitchell Malakhov, Stuti Mohan, Chang Yaramothu. 2024. “OculoMotor & Vestibular Endurance Screening (MoVES) Normative, Repeatability, and Reliability Data.” Brain Sciences, vol. 14, no. 7.
Sebastian Fine, Yi Gup, Henry Talasan, Steven LeStrange, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2023. “Quantification of Oculomotor Responses and Accommodation through Instrumentation and Analysis Toolboxes.” Journal of Visualized Experiments, no. 193, pp. e64808.
Michaela Dungan, Mitchelle Scheiman, Chang Yaramothu. 2023. “Vision Quality of Life with Time Survey: Normative Data and Repeatability.” Clinical Optometry, vol. 15, pp. 205-212.
A Sangoi, M Scheiman, Chang Yaramothu, E M Santos, S Gohel, Tara L. Alvarez. 2021. “Convergence Insufficiency Neuro-Mechanism Adult Population Study: Phoria Adaptation Results..” Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 19.
Tara L. Alvarez, Chang Yaramothu, M Scheiman, A Goodman, S A Cotter, K Huang, A M Chen, M Grady, A E Mozel, O E Podolak, C G Koutures, C L Master. 2021. “Disparity vergence differences between typically occurring and concussion-related convergence insufficiency pediatric patients..” Vision research, vol. 185, pp. 58-67.
Sebastian Fine, Yi Gup, Henry Talasan, Steven LeStrange, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2023. “Quantification of Oculomotor Responses and Accommodation through Instrumentation and Analysis Toolboxes.” Journal of Visualized Experiments, no. 193, pp. e64808.
Michaela Dungan, Mitchelle Scheiman, Chang Yaramothu. 2023. “Vision Quality of Life with Time Survey: Normative Data and Repeatability.” Clinical Optometry, vol. 15, pp. 205-212.
A Sangoi, M Scheiman, Chang Yaramothu, E M Santos, S Gohel, Tara L. Alvarez. 2021. “Convergence Insufficiency Neuro-Mechanism Adult Population Study: Phoria Adaptation Results..” Investigative ophthalmology & visual science, vol. 62, no. 10, pp. 19.
Tara L. Alvarez, Chang Yaramothu, M Scheiman, A Goodman, S A Cotter, K Huang, A M Chen, M Grady, A E Mozel, O E Podolak, C G Koutures, C L Master. 2021. “Disparity vergence differences between typically occurring and concussion-related convergence insufficiency pediatric patients..” Vision research, vol. 185, pp. 58-67.
J Semmlow, Chang Yaramothu, M Scheiman, Tara L. Alvarez. 2021. “Vergence Fusion Sustaining Oscillations..” Journal of eye movement research, vol. 14, no. 1.
Chang Yaramothu, C J Morris, J V d'Antonio-Bertagnolli, Tara L. Alvarez. 2021. “OculoMotor Assessment Tool Test Procedure and Normative Data..” Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry, vol. 98, no. 6, pp. 636-643.
Tara L. Alvarez, M Scheiman, C Morales, S Gohel, A Sangoi, E M Santos, Chang Yaramothu, J V d'Antonio-Bertagnolli, X Li , Bharat Biswal. 2021. “Underlying neurological mechanisms associated with symptomatic convergence insufficiency..” Scientific reports, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 6545.
Tara L. Alvarez, M Scheiman, C Morales, S Gohel, A Sangoi, E M Santos, Chang Yaramothu, J V d'Antonio-Bertagnolli, X Li , Bharat Biswal. 2021. “Underlying neurological mechanisms associated with symptomatic convergence insufficiency..” Scientific reports, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 6545.
Mashael Namaeh, Mitchell M Scheiman, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2020. “A Normative Study of Objective Measures of Disparity Vergence and Saccades in Children 9 to 17 Years Old.” Optometry and Vision Science, vol. 97, no. 6, pp. 416--423.
Chang Yaramothu, Xiaobo Li, Cristian Morales, Tara L. Alvarez. 2020. “Reliability of frontal eye fields Activation and Very Low-frequency oscillations observed during Vergence eye Movements: an fNIRS Study.” Scientific reports, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1--10.
Cristian Morales, Suril Gohel, Xiaobo Li, Mitchell Scheiman, Bharat Biswal, Elio M Santos, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2020. “Test--Retest Reliability of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activation for a Vergence Eye Movement Task.” Neuroscience Bulletin, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 506--518.
Tara L. Alvarez, Mitchell Scheiman, Elio M Santos, Cristian Morales, Chang Yaramothu, John Vito D’Antonio-Bertagnolli, Bharat Biswal, Suril Gohel, Xiaobo Li. 2020. “The Convergence Insufficiency Neuro-mechanism in Adult Population Study (CINAPS) Randomized Clinical Trial: Design, Methods, and Clinical Data.” Ophthalmic Epidemiology, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 52--72.
Tara L. Alvarez, M Scheiman, E M Santos, Chang Yaramothu, J V d'Antonio-Bertagnolli. 2020. “Convergence Insufficiency Neuro-mechanism in Adult Population Study Randomized Clinical Trial: Clinical Outcome Results..” Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry, vol. 97, no. 12, pp. 1061-1069.
Tara L. Alvarez, M Scheiman, E M Santos, C Morales, Chang Yaramothu, J V D'Antonio-Bertagnolli, Bharat Biswal, S Gohel, X Li . 2020. “The Convergence Insufficiency Neuro-mechanism in Adult Population Study (CINAPS) Randomized Clinical Trial: Design, Methods, and Clinical Data..” Ophthalmic epidemiology, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 52-72.
Mitchell Scheiman, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2019. “Changes in the disparity vergence main sequence after treatment of symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children.” Journal of eye movement research, vol. 12, no. 4.
John L Semmlow, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2019. “Dynamics of the Disparity Vergence Fusion Sustain Component.” Journal of eye movement research, vol. 12, no. 4.
Chang Yaramothu, Arlene M Goodman, Tara L. Alvarez. 2019. “Epidemiology and incidence of pediatric concussions in general aspects of life.” Brain sciences, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 257.
Chang Yaramothu, Rajbir S Jaswal, Tara L. Alvarez. 2019. “Target eccentricity and form influences disparity vergence eye movements responses: A temporal and dynamic analysis.” Journal of eye movement research, vol. 12, no. 4.
Chang Yaramothu, Lynn D Greenspan, Mitchell Scheiman, Tara L. Alvarez. 2019. “Vergence endurance test: A pilot study for a concussion biomarker.” Journal of neurotrauma, vol. 36, no. 14, pp. 2200--2212.
Ziyan Wu, Catherine A Mazzola, Lori Catania, Oyindamola Owoeye, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez, Yu Gao, Xiaobo Li. 2018. “Altered cortical activation and connectivity patterns for visual attention processing in young adults post-traumatic brain injury: A functional near infrared spectroscopy study.” CNS neuroscience \& therapeutics, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 539--548.
Elio M Santos, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2018. “Comparison of symmetrical prism adaptation to asymmetrical prism adaptation in those with normal binocular vision.” Vision research, vol. 149, pp. 59--65.
Chang Yaramothu, Elio M Santos, Tara L. Alvarez. 2018. “Effects of visual distractors on vergence eye movements.” Journal of vision, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 2--2.
Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2018. “Objective Quantitative Concussion Assessment Through Vergence Eye Movements.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, vol. 99, no. 11, pp. e143--e144.
Tara L. Alvarez, Eun H Kim, Chang Yaramothu, Granger-Donetti, B\'erang\`ere. 2017. “The influence of age on adaptation of disparity vergence and phoria.” Vision research, vol. 133, pp. 1--11.
Chang Yaramothu, C J Morris, J V d'Antonio-Bertagnolli, Tara L. Alvarez. 2021. “OculoMotor Assessment Tool Test Procedure and Normative Data..” Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry, vol. 98, no. 6, pp. 636-643.
Tara L. Alvarez, M Scheiman, C Morales, S Gohel, A Sangoi, E M Santos, Chang Yaramothu, J V d'Antonio-Bertagnolli, X Li , Bharat Biswal. 2021. “Underlying neurological mechanisms associated with symptomatic convergence insufficiency..” Scientific reports, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 6545.
Tara L. Alvarez, M Scheiman, C Morales, S Gohel, A Sangoi, E M Santos, Chang Yaramothu, J V d'Antonio-Bertagnolli, X Li , Bharat Biswal. 2021. “Underlying neurological mechanisms associated with symptomatic convergence insufficiency..” Scientific reports, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 6545.
Mashael Namaeh, Mitchell M Scheiman, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2020. “A Normative Study of Objective Measures of Disparity Vergence and Saccades in Children 9 to 17 Years Old.” Optometry and Vision Science, vol. 97, no. 6, pp. 416--423.
Chang Yaramothu, Xiaobo Li, Cristian Morales, Tara L. Alvarez. 2020. “Reliability of frontal eye fields Activation and Very Low-frequency oscillations observed during Vergence eye Movements: an fNIRS Study.” Scientific reports, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1--10.
Cristian Morales, Suril Gohel, Xiaobo Li, Mitchell Scheiman, Bharat Biswal, Elio M Santos, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2020. “Test--Retest Reliability of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Activation for a Vergence Eye Movement Task.” Neuroscience Bulletin, vol. 36, no. 5, pp. 506--518.
Tara L. Alvarez, Mitchell Scheiman, Elio M Santos, Cristian Morales, Chang Yaramothu, John Vito D’Antonio-Bertagnolli, Bharat Biswal, Suril Gohel, Xiaobo Li. 2020. “The Convergence Insufficiency Neuro-mechanism in Adult Population Study (CINAPS) Randomized Clinical Trial: Design, Methods, and Clinical Data.” Ophthalmic Epidemiology, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 52--72.
Tara L. Alvarez, M Scheiman, E M Santos, Chang Yaramothu, J V d'Antonio-Bertagnolli. 2020. “Convergence Insufficiency Neuro-mechanism in Adult Population Study Randomized Clinical Trial: Clinical Outcome Results..” Optometry and vision science : official publication of the American Academy of Optometry, vol. 97, no. 12, pp. 1061-1069.
Tara L. Alvarez, M Scheiman, E M Santos, C Morales, Chang Yaramothu, J V D'Antonio-Bertagnolli, Bharat Biswal, S Gohel, X Li . 2020. “The Convergence Insufficiency Neuro-mechanism in Adult Population Study (CINAPS) Randomized Clinical Trial: Design, Methods, and Clinical Data..” Ophthalmic epidemiology, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 52-72.
Mitchell Scheiman, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2019. “Changes in the disparity vergence main sequence after treatment of symptomatic convergence insufficiency in children.” Journal of eye movement research, vol. 12, no. 4.
John L Semmlow, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2019. “Dynamics of the Disparity Vergence Fusion Sustain Component.” Journal of eye movement research, vol. 12, no. 4.
Chang Yaramothu, Arlene M Goodman, Tara L. Alvarez. 2019. “Epidemiology and incidence of pediatric concussions in general aspects of life.” Brain sciences, vol. 9, no. 10, pp. 257.
Chang Yaramothu, Rajbir S Jaswal, Tara L. Alvarez. 2019. “Target eccentricity and form influences disparity vergence eye movements responses: A temporal and dynamic analysis.” Journal of eye movement research, vol. 12, no. 4.
Chang Yaramothu, Lynn D Greenspan, Mitchell Scheiman, Tara L. Alvarez. 2019. “Vergence endurance test: A pilot study for a concussion biomarker.” Journal of neurotrauma, vol. 36, no. 14, pp. 2200--2212.
Ziyan Wu, Catherine A Mazzola, Lori Catania, Oyindamola Owoeye, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez, Yu Gao, Xiaobo Li. 2018. “Altered cortical activation and connectivity patterns for visual attention processing in young adults post-traumatic brain injury: A functional near infrared spectroscopy study.” CNS neuroscience \& therapeutics, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 539--548.
Elio M Santos, Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2018. “Comparison of symmetrical prism adaptation to asymmetrical prism adaptation in those with normal binocular vision.” Vision research, vol. 149, pp. 59--65.
Chang Yaramothu, Elio M Santos, Tara L. Alvarez. 2018. “Effects of visual distractors on vergence eye movements.” Journal of vision, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 2--2.
Chang Yaramothu, Tara L. Alvarez. 2018. “Objective Quantitative Concussion Assessment Through Vergence Eye Movements.” Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, vol. 99, no. 11, pp. e143--e144.
Tara L. Alvarez, Eun H Kim, Chang Yaramothu, Granger-Donetti, B\'erang\`ere. 2017. “The influence of age on adaptation of disparity vergence and phoria.” Vision research, vol. 133, pp. 1--11.
Conference Abstract
“OculoMotor and Vestibular Endurance Screening (MoVES) Protocol Adult Concussion Data”
Proceedings of the Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), Hoboken, NJ, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2024.
“Quantification of Cortical Activation During Vestibular Tasks: A Pilot fNIRS Study”
Proceedings of the Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), Hoboken, NJ, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2024.
“"It's all in your head": Abnormal Visual Processing During Magnetoencephalography is Associated with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in US Veterans.”
Brain & Behavioral Health Research Day,
“You, Me, and Debris”
43rd annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 2017.
Proceedings of the Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), Hoboken, NJ, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2024.
“Quantification of Cortical Activation During Vestibular Tasks: A Pilot fNIRS Study”
Proceedings of the Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), Hoboken, NJ, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2024.
“"It's all in your head": Abnormal Visual Processing During Magnetoencephalography is Associated with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in US Veterans.”
Brain & Behavioral Health Research Day,
“You, Me, and Debris”
43rd annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 2017.
Conference Proceeding
“OculoMotor and Vestibular Endurance Screening (MoVES) Protocol Adult Concussion Data”
17th Annual Conference on Brain Injury, March 2024.
“Abstract# 1: Individualizing HD-tDCS With fMRI and E-Field Modeling: Pilot Data from the NAVIGATE-TBI Study”
Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 2019.
“Clinical and Functional Imaging Changes Induced from Vision Therapy in Patients with Convergence Insufficiency”
“Proceedings# 37: Virtual eye rotation vision exercises (VERVE): A virtual reality vision therapy platform with eye tracking”
Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 2019.
“Short-term modification of vergence ramp eye movements in the convergent direction”
17th Annual Conference on Brain Injury, March 2024.
“Abstract# 1: Individualizing HD-tDCS With fMRI and E-Field Modeling: Pilot Data from the NAVIGATE-TBI Study”
Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 2019.
“Clinical and Functional Imaging Changes Induced from Vision Therapy in Patients with Convergence Insufficiency”
“Proceedings# 37: Virtual eye rotation vision exercises (VERVE): A virtual reality vision therapy platform with eye tracking”
Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 2019.
“Short-term modification of vergence ramp eye movements in the convergent direction”