John Federici
John Federici
Distinguished Professor, Physics
474 Tiernan Hall (TIER)
About Me
PhD Princeton University
BS Notre Dame
Post-doc Bell Laboratories
Ph.D.; Princeton University; Plasma Physics; 1989
B.S.; University of Notre Dame; Physics; 1983
B.S.; University of Notre Dame; Physics; 1983
2025 Spring Courses
Teaching Interests
Photonics, Optics, introductory Physics
Past Courses
PHYS 480: ST:
PHYS 480: ST:
Research Interests
terahertz spectroscopy, imaging, and wireless communication.
remote sensing
ink-jet printed devices and sensors
Clark, Alexander, & Nemati, Jessy, & Bolton, Christoper, & Warholak, Nickolas, & Adriazola, Jimmie, & Gatley, Ian, & Gatley, Samuel, & Federici, John F. (2022). Terahertz Non-Destructive Evaluation of Additively Manufactured and Multilayered Structures, T. Chakraborty (Ed.), Elsevier. (pp. 42). New York: Elsevier
Federici, John F., & Moeller, Lothar (2022). Research at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)/Nokia Bell Labs, Springer. (pp. 495-499). Springer
Federici, John F., & Moeller, Lothar, & Su, Ke (2013). Handbook of terahertz technology for imaging, sensing and communications - Chapter 6- THz wireless communciations, Woodhead Publishing. (pp. 60 pages). Woodhead Publishing
Dykaar, D, & Greene, B, & Federici, John F., & Levi, A, & Pfeiffer, L, & Kopf, R (1991). Broadband periodic antennas for detecting picosecond terahertz radiation, Optical Society of America. (pp. 20). Optical Society of America
Federici, John F., & Moeller, Lothar (2022). Research at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)/Nokia Bell Labs, Springer. (pp. 495-499). Springer
Federici, John F., & Moeller, Lothar, & Su, Ke (2013). Handbook of terahertz technology for imaging, sensing and communications - Chapter 6- THz wireless communciations, Woodhead Publishing. (pp. 60 pages). Woodhead Publishing
Dykaar, D, & Greene, B, & Federici, John F., & Levi, A, & Pfeiffer, L, & Kopf, R (1991). Broadband periodic antennas for detecting picosecond terahertz radiation, Optical Society of America. (pp. 20). Optical Society of America
Journal Article
Li, Peian, & Wang, Jiancheng, & Ma, Jianjun, & Sun, Houjun, & Moeller, Lothar, & Federici, John F. (2023). Performance degradation of terahertz channels in emulated rain. Nano Communication Networks, 35, 100431.
Clark, Alexander, & D'Anna, Sophia, & Nemati, Jessy, & Barden, Phillip M., & Gatley, Ian, & Federici, John F. (2022). Evaluation of Fossil Amber Birefringence and Inclusions Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy. Polymers, 14(24), 5506.
Clark, Alexander T., & D’Anna, Sophia, & Nemati, Jessy, & Barden, Phillip M., & Gatley, Ian, & Federici, John F. (2022). Evaluation of Fossil Amber Birefringence and Inclusions Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy. Polymers, 14(24), 5506.
Carr, Michael, & Desai, Dhru, & Gatley, Ian, & Bolton, Chris, & Rizzo, Lou, & Gatley, Samuel , & Federici, John F., & Mills, Kendall (2022). Classified Journal: Title can not be provided. Journal of Defense Science and Technology, 5(2), 1-264.
Barden, Phillip M., & Sosiak, Christine E., & Grajales, Jonpierre, & Hawkins, John, & Rizzo, Louis, & Clark, Alexander, & Gatley, Samuel, & Gatley, Ian, & Federici, John F. (2022). Non-destructive comparative evaluation of fossil amber using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. PLoS ONE, 17(3 March),
Clark, Alexander, & D'Anna, Sophia, & Nemati, Jessy, & Barden, Phillip M., & Gatley, Ian, & Federici, John F. (2022). Evaluation of Fossil Amber Birefringence and Inclusions Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy. Polymers, 14(24), 5506.
Clark, Alexander T., & D’Anna, Sophia, & Nemati, Jessy, & Barden, Phillip M., & Gatley, Ian, & Federici, John F. (2022). Evaluation of Fossil Amber Birefringence and Inclusions Using Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy. Polymers, 14(24), 5506.
Carr, Michael, & Desai, Dhru, & Gatley, Ian, & Bolton, Chris, & Rizzo, Lou, & Gatley, Samuel , & Federici, John F., & Mills, Kendall (2022). Classified Journal: Title can not be provided. Journal of Defense Science and Technology, 5(2), 1-264.
Barden, Phillip M., & Sosiak, Christine E., & Grajales, Jonpierre, & Hawkins, John, & Rizzo, Louis, & Clark, Alexander, & Gatley, Samuel, & Gatley, Ian, & Federici, John F. (2022). Non-destructive comparative evaluation of fossil amber using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy. PLoS ONE, 17(3 March),
Mei, Yu, & Ma, Yongfeng, & Ma, Jianjun, & Moeller, Lothar, & Federici, John F. (2021). Eavesdropping Risk Evaluation on Terahertz Wireless Channels in Atmospheric Turbulence. IEEE Access, 9, 101916–101923.
Mei, Yu, & Ma, Yongfeng, & Ma, Jianjun, & Moeller, Lothar, & Federici, John F. (2021). Eavesdropping Risk Evaluation on Terahertz Wireless Channels in Atmospheric Turbulence. IEEE Access, 9, 101916-101923.
Clark, Alexander T., & Federici, John F., & Gatley, Ian (2021). Effect of 3D Printing Parameters on the Refractive Index, Attenuation Coefficient, and Birefringence of Plastics in Terahertz Range. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021,
Rizzo, Lou, & Federici, John F., & Gatley, Samuel, & Gatley, Ian, & Zunino, James L, & Duncan, Kate J (2020). Comparison of Terahertz, Microwave, and Laser Power Beaming Under Clear and Adverse Weather Conditions. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 41(8), 979--996.
Desai, Dhruvkumar, & Gatley, Ian, & Bolton, Christopher, & Rizzo, Lou, & Gatley, Samuel, & Federici, John F. (2020). Terahertz Van Atta Retroreflecting Arrays. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 41(8), 997--1008.
Ottaviani, Carlo, & Woolley, Matthew J, & Erementchouk, Misha, & Federici, John F., & Mazumder, Pinaki, & Pirandola, Stefano, & Weedbrook, Christian (2020). Terahertz quantum cryptography. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 38(3), 483--495.
Renaud, Dylan L., & Federici, John F. (2019). Terahertz Attenuation in Snow and Sleet. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 40(8), 868-877.
Hossain, Zahed, & Mollica, Carley N, & Federici, John F., & Jornet, Josep Miquel (2019). Stochastic Interference Modeling and Experimental Validation for Pulse-Based Terahertz Communication. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 18(8), 4103--4115.
Ottaviani, Carlo, & Woolley, Matthew J, & Erementchouk, Misha, & Federici, John F., & Mazumder, Pinaki, & Pirandola, Stefano, & Weedbrook, Christian (2018). Terahertz quantum cryptography. arXiv preprint arXiv:1805.03514,
Gu, Yuan, & Federici, John F. (2018). Fabrication of a Flexible Current Collector for Lithium Ion Batteries by Inkjet Printing. Batteries, 4(3), 42.
Rizzo, L, & Duncan, KJ, & Zunino, JL, & Federici, John F. (2018). Direct beam hazard analysis of large beam diameters for laser power beaming. Journal of Laser Applications, 30(3), 032017.
Gu, Yuan, & Wu, Aide, & Federici, John F. (2017). Comparison of thermal decomposition and chemical reduction of particle-free silver ink for inkjet printing. Thin Solid FIlms, 636, 397-402.
Gu, Yuan, & Wu, Aide, & Federici, John F., & Zhang, Xiaodong (2017). Inkjet printable constantan ink for the fabrication of flexible and conductive film. Chemical Engineering Journal, 313, 27-36.
Federici, John F., & Ma, Jianjun, & Moeller, Lothar (2016). Review of weather impact on outdoor terahertz wireless communication links. Nano Communication Networks, 10, 13-26.
Ma, Jianjun, & Vorrius, Francis , & Lamb, Lucas, & Moeller, Lothar, & Federici, John F. (2015). Comparison of Experimental and Theoretical Determined Terahertz Attenuation in Controlled Rain. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 1-6.
Gu, Yuan, & Wu, Aide, & Sohn, H, & Nicoletti, C, & Federici, John F., & Iqbal, Zafar (2015). Fabrication of rechargeable lithium ion batteries using water-based inkjet printed cathodes. Journal of Manufacturing Processes,
Ma, Jianjun, & Vorrius, Francis, & Lamb, Lucas, & Moeller, Lothar, & Federici, John F. (2015). Experimental Comparison of Terahertz and Infrared Signaling in Laboratory-Controlled Rain. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 36(9), 856-865.
Ma, Jianjun, & Moeller, Lothar, & Federici, John F. (2014). Experimental comparison of terahertz and infrared signaling in controlled atmospheric turbulence. Experimental comparison of terahertz and infrared signaling in controlled atmospheric turbulence, 36(2), 130-143.
Wu, Aide, & Wu, Yuan, & Stavrou, Constantino, & Kazerani, Hamed, & Federici, John F., & Iqbal, Zafar (2014). Inkjet printing colorimetric controllable and reversible poly-PCDA/ZnO composites. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 203, 320-326.
Wu, Aide, & Gu, Yuan, & Tian, Huiquan, & Federici, John F., & Iqbal, Zafar (2014). Effect of alkyl chain length on chemical sensing of polydiacetylene and polydiacetylene/ZnO nanocomposites. Colloid and Polymer Science, 1-12.
Wu, Aide, & Gu, Yuan, & Beck, C., & Iqbal, Zafar, & Federici, John F. (2014). Reversible chromatic sensor fabricated by inkjet printing TCDA-ZnO on a paper substrate. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 193, 10-18.
Federici, JF, & Moeller, L, & Su, K (2013). Terahertz Wireless Communications. Handbook of Terahertz Technology for Imaging, Sensing, and Communications,
Wu, Aide, & Beck, Christian, & Ying, Ye, & Federici, John F., & Iqbal, Zafar (2013). Thermochromism in polydiacetylene–ZnO nanocomposites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 117(38), 19593–19600.
Mukherjee, Suman, & Federici, John F., & Lopes, Paulo, & Cabral, Miguel (2013). Elimination of Fresnel Reflection Boundary Effects and Beam Steering in Pulsed Terahertz Computed Tomography. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 34(9), 539-555.
Su, Ke, & Moeller, Lothar, & Barat, Robert B., & Federici, John F. (2012). Experimental comparison of performance degradation from terahertz and infrared wireless links in fog. JOSA A, 29(2), 179–184.
Federici, John F. (2012). Review of moisture and liquid detection and mapping using terahertz imaging. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 33(2), 97–126.
Su, Ke, & Moeller, Lothar, & Barat, Robert B., & Federici, John F. (2012). Experimental comparison of terahertz and infrared data signal attenuation in dust clouds. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29(11), 2360-2366.
Collins, George, & Federici, John F., & Imura, Yuki, & Catalani, Luiz (2012). Charge generation, charge transport and residual charge in the electrospinning of polymers: A review of issues and complications. Journal of Applied Physics, 111(4), 044701 .
Federici, John F., & Su, Ke, & Moeller, Lothar, & Barat, Robert B. (2012). Experimental comparison of performance degradation from terahertz and infrared wireless links in fog. Journal of the Optical Society of America A, 29, 179-184.
Federici, John F. (2012). Review of Moisture and Liquid Detection and Mapping using Terahertz Imaging. 97-126.
Moeller, L, & Federici, John F., & Su, K (2011). 2.5 Gbit/s duobinary signalling with narrow bandwidth 0.625 terahertz source. Electronics letters, 47(15), 856–858.
Moeller, Lothar, & Federici, John F., & Su, Ke (2011). 2.5Gbit/s duobinary signalling with narrow bandwidth 0.625 terahertz source. Electronics Letters, 47(14), 856-858.
Teti, Anthony J, & Rodriguez, David D, & Federici, John F., & Brisson, Caroline (2011). Non-destructive measurement of water diffusion in natural cork enclosures using terahertz spectroscopy and imaging. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 32(4), 513-527.
Federici, John F., & Moeller, Lothar (2010). Review of terahertz and subterahertz wireless communications. Journal of Applied Physics, 107(11), 111101.
Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni, & Mukherjee, Sumat, & Hor, S., & Su, K., & Liu, Zhiwei, & Barat, Robert B., & Gary, Dale E., & Federici, John F. (2010). RDX Detection with THz Spectroscopy. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 31, 1171-1181.
S, Ke, & Liu, Zhiwei, & Federici, John F., & Barat, Robert B., & Gary, Dale E., & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni (2010). Two-dimensional interferometric and synthetic aperture imaging with a hybrid terahertz/millimeter wave system. Applied Optics, 49(19), E13-E19.
Federici, John F., & Moeller, Lothar (2010). Review of terahertz and sub-terahertz wireless communications. Journal of Applied Physics, 107(11), 111101-111122.
Su, K., & Liu, Zhiwei, & Barat, Robert B., & Gary, Dale E., & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni, & Federici, John F. (2010). Terahertz 2D interferometric and synthetic aperture imaging with an incoherent source. Applied Optics, 49, 7.
Hor, Yew Li, & Szabo, Zsolt, & Lim, Hee C, & Federici, John F., & Li, Er Ping (2010). Terahertz response of microfluidic-jetted three-dimensional flexible metamaterials. Applied Optics, 49(8), 1179-1184.
Federici, John F., & Wample, Robert L, & Rodriguez, David, & Mukherjee, Suman (2009). Application of terahertz Gouy phase shift from curved surfaces for estimation of crop yield. Applied Optics, 48(7), 1382–1388.
Lim, Hee C, & Hor, Yew Fong, & Hor, Yew L, & Zunino, III, James L, & Federici, John F. (2009). Poly (3, 4-Ethylenedioxythiophene)-Poly (4-Styrenesulfonate) for Humidity Sensing Using Ink-jet Printing Technique on Flexible Polyimide Substrate. Sensors & Transducers, 101(2), 52.
Liu, Zhiwei, & Su, Ke, & Gary, Dale E., & Federici, John F., & Barat, Robert B., & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni (2009). Video-rate terahertz interferometric and synthetic aperture imaging. Applied optics, 48(19), 3788–3795.
Zhiwel, Liu, & Su, Ke, & Gary, Dale E., & Federici, John F., & Barat, Robert B., & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni (2009). Video rate terahertz interferometric and syntehtic aperture imaging. Applied Optics, 48(19), 3788–3795.
Zorych, Ivan, & Hor, Yew Li, & Sinyukov, Alexander M, & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni, & Barat, Robert B., & Gary, Dale E., & Federici, John F. (2008). A Statistical Approach to RDX Detection with THz Reflection Spectra. CAMS Techical Report Series 2008–2009,
Möller, Lothar, & Federici, John F., & Sinyukov, Alexander, & Xie, Chongjin, & Lim, Hee Chuan, & Giles, Randy C (2008). Data encoding on terahertz signals for communication and sensing. Optics letters, 33(4), 393–395.
Sinyukov, Alexander, & Zorych, Ivan, & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni, & Gary, Dale E., & Barat, Robert B., & Federici, John F. (2008). Detection of explosives by Terahertz synthetic aperture imaging—focusing and spectral classification. Comptes Rendus Physique, 9(2), 248–261.
Hor, Yew Li, & Federici, John F., & Wample, Robert L (2008). Nondestructive evaluation of cork enclosures using terahertz/millimeter wave spectroscopy and imaging. Applied Optics, 47(1), 72–78.
Sinyukov, Alexander M, & Liu, Zhiwei, & Hor, Yew Li, & Su, Ke, & Barat, Robert B., & Gary, Dale E., & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni, & Zorych, Ivan, & Federici, John F., & Zimdars, David (2008). Rapid-phase modulation of terahertz radiation for high-speed terahertz imaging and spectroscopy. Optics letters, 33(14), 1593–1595.
Sternberg, O, & Stewart, KP, & Hor, Y, & Bandyopadhyay, A, & Federici, JF, & Bornefeld, M, & Mathis, Y-L, & Sliwinski, D, & Möller, KD, & Grebel, Haim (2008). Square-shaped metal screens in the infrared to terahertz spectral region: Resonance frequency, band gap, and bandpass filter characteristics. Journal of Applied Physics, 104(2), 023103.
Hor, Yew Li, & Lim, Hee C, & Federici, John F., & Moore, Eric, & Bozzelli, Joseph W. (2008). Terahertz study of trichloroanisole by time-domain spectroscopy. Chemical Physics, 353(1), 185–188.
Altan, H, & Sengupta, Arijit, & Pham, D, & Grebel, Haim, & Federici, JF (2007). Characteristics of HfO2 and SiO2 on p-type silicon wafers using terahertz spectroscopy. Semiconductor science and technology, 22(5), 457.
Bandyopadhyay, Aparajita, & Sengupta, Amartya, & Barat, Robert B., & Gary, Dale E., & Federici, John F., & Chen, Minghan, & Tanner, David B (2007). Effects of scattering on THz spectra of granular solids. International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 28(11), 969–978.
Federici, John F., & Gary, Dale E., & Barat, Robert B., & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni (2007). T-rays vs. terrorists. IEEE Spectrum, 44(7), 47–52.
Sinyukov, Alexander M, & Bandyopadhyay, Aparajita, & Sengupta, Amartya, & Barat, Robert B., & Gary, Dale E., & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni, & Zimdars, David, & Federici, John F. (2007). Terahertz interferometric and synthetic aperture imaging. International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, 17(02), 431–443.
Federici, John F. (2006). Aparajita Bandyopadhyay," Amartya Sengupta," Alexander M Sinyukov," Robert B Barat,“Dale E Gary," Zoi-Heleni Michalopoulou" and. Int J Infrared Milli Waves, 27, 1145–1158.
Bandyopadhyay, Aparajita, & Sengupta, Amartya, & Sinyukov, Alexander M, & Barat, Robert B., & Gary, Dale E., & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni, & Federici, John F. (2006). Artificial neural network analysis in interferometric THz imaging for detection of lethal agents. International journal of infrared and millimeter waves, 27(8), 1145–1158.
Sengupta, Arijit, & Bandyopadhyay, A, & Bowden, BF, & Harrington, JA, & Federici, JF (2006). Characterisation of olefin copolymers using terahertz spectroscopy. Electron. Lett, 42(25), 1477–1479.
Federici, John F., & Barat, Robert B., & Gary, Dale E., & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni, & Zimdars, David (2006). Standoff sensing of explosives using terahertz radiation. American laboratory, 38(12),
Bandyopadhyay, Aparajita, & Stepanov, Andrei, & Schulkin, Brian, & Federici, Michael D, & Sengupta, Amartya, & Gary, Dale E., & Federici, John F., & Barat, Robert B., & Michalopoulou, Zoi-Heleni, & Zimdars, David (2006). Terahertz interferometric and synthetic aperture imaging. JOSA A, 23(5), 1168–1178.
Sengupta, Amartya, & Bandyopadhyay, Aparajita, & Federici, John F., & Ravindra, Nuggehalli M (2005). Far Infrared Studies of Silicon Using Terahertz Spectroscopy. MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY-ASSOCIATION FOR IRON AND STEEL TECHNOLOGY-, 4, 5.
Lim, Hee C, & Schulkin, Brian, & Pulickal, MJ, & Liu, Sheng, & Petrova, Roumiana S., & Thomas, Gordon A., & Wagner, S, & Sidhu, K, & Federici, John F. (2005). Flexible membrane pressure sensor. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 119(2), 332–335.
Federici, John F., & Schulkin, Brian, & Huang, Feng, & Gary, Dale E., & Barat, Robert B., & Oliveira, Filipe, & Zimdars, David (2005). THz imaging and sensing for security applications—explosives, weapons and drugs. Semiconductor Science and Technology, 20(7), S266.
Sztancsik, Laszlo, & Schulkin, Brian, & Federici, John F. (2004). Analytical solution for photonic band-gap crystals using Drude conductivity. American journal of physics(8), 1051–1054.
Schulkin, Brian, & Sztancsik, Laszlo, & Federici, John F. (2004). Analytical solution for photonic band-gap crystals using Drude conductivity. American journal of physics, 72(8), 1051–1054.
Huang, Feng, & Federici, John F., & Gary, Dale E. (2004). Determining thickness independently from optical constants by use of ultrafast light. Optics letters, 29(20), 2435–2437.
Altan, Hakan, & Huang, Feng, & Federici, John F., & Lan, Aidong, & Grebel, Haim (2004). Optical and electronic characteristics of single walled carbon nanotubes and silicon nanoclusters by tetrahertz spectroscopy. Journal of applied physics, 96(11), 6685–6689.
Huang, Feng, & Schulkin, Brian, & Altan, Hakan, & Federici, John F., & Gary, Dale E., & Barat, Robert B., & Zimdars, David, & Chen, Minghan, & Tanner, DB (2004). Terahertz study of 1, 3, 5-trinitro-s-triazine by time-domain and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Applied Physics Letters, 85(23), 5535–5537.
Luo, DH, & Levy, RA, & Hor, YF, & Federici, JF, & Pafchek, RM (2003). An integrated photonic sensor for in situ monitoring of hazardous organics. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 92(1), 121–126.
Federici, John F., & Grebel, Haim (2003). Characteristics of nano-scale composites at THz and IR spectral regions. International journal of high speed electronics and systems, 13(04), 969–993.
Guzelsu, Nejat, & Federici, John F., & Lim, Hee C, & Chauhdry, Hans R, & Ritter, Art B, & Findley, Tom (2003). Measurement of skin stretch via light reflection. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 8(1), 80–86.
Schulkin, Brian, & Lim, Hee C, & Guzelsu, Nejat, & Jannuzzi, Glen, & Federici, John F. (2003). Polarized light reflection from strained sinusoidal surfaces. Applied optics, 42(25), 5198–5208.
Federici, John F., & Gary, Dale E., & Schulkin, Brian, & Huang, Feng, & Altan, Hakan, & Barat, Robert B., & Zimdars, David (2003). Terahertz imaging using an interferometric array. Applied physics letters, 83(12), 2477–2479.
Federici, John F., & Mitrofanov, Oleg, & Lee, Mark, & Hsu, Julia WP, & Brener, Igal, & Harel, Roey, & Wynn, James D, & Pfeiffer, Loren N, & West, Ken W (2002). Terahertz near-field imaging. Physics in medicine and biology, 47(21), 3727.
Nagel, Michael, & Pellemans, Harm PM, & Brucherseifer, Martin, & Bolívar, Peter Haring, & Kurz, Heinrich, & Schindler, Gerhard (2001). 94 GHz radar antenna characterization with synchronized near-field photoconductive sampling. Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics, 49, 72.
Mitrofanov, Oleg, & Lee, Mark, & Hsu, Julia WP, & Brener, Igal, & Harel, Roey, & Federici, John F., & Wynn, James D, & Pfeiffer, Loren N, & West, Ken W (2001). Collection-mode near-field imaging with 0.5-THz pulses. IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, 7(4), 600–607.
Mitrofanov, Oleg, & Harel, R, & Lee, Michael J., & Hsu, JWP, & Wynn, JD, & Federici, John F. (2001). Design optimization of terahertz near-field detectors. Ultrafast Electronics and Optoelectronics, 49, 79.
Mosquera, L, & de Oliveira, I, & Frejlich, J, & Hernandes, AC, & Lanfredi, S, & Carvalho, JF, & Hanna, Stefan, & Davis, Joshua L, & Watson, George H, & Onnagawa, Hiroyoshi, & others, (2001). LASERS, OPTICS, AND OPTOELECTRONICS „PACS 42…. J. Appl. Phys, 90(6),
Thomas, GA, & Bubb, DM, & Koo, T-Y, & Werder, DJ, & Cheong, S-W, & Federici, JF (2001). Lighting up erbium with water: Observation of substantial crystalline matrix element enhancements. Journal of Applied Physics, 90(6), 2678–2682.
Mitrofanov, O, & Harel, R, & Lee, Michael J., & Pfeiffer, LN, & West, K, & Wynn, JD, & Federici, John F. (2001). Study of single-cycle pulse propagation inside a terahertz near-field probe. Applied Physics Letters, 78(2), 252–254.
Mitrofanov, Oleg, & Lee, Michael J., & Hsu, JWP, & Pfeiffer, LN, & West, KW, & Wynn, JD, & Federici, JF (2001). Terahertz pulse propagation through small apertures. Applied Physics Letters, 79(7), 907–909.
Federici, JF, & Bubb, Daniel M (2001). The role of defects in persistent photoconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6+ x. Journal of superconductivity, 14(2), 331–340.
Bubb, DM, & Federici, JF (2000). Cellular automata model for persistent photoconductivity in YBCO. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 12(15), L261.
Mitrofanov, O, & Brener, I, & Wanke, MC, & Ruel, RR, & Wynn, JD, & Bruce, AJ, & Federici, John F. (2000). Near-field microscope probe for far infrared time domain measurements. Applied Physics Letters, 77(4), 591–593.
Mitrofanov, O, & Brener, I, & Harel, R, & Wynn, JD, & Pfeiffer, LN, & West, KW, & Federici, John F. (2000). Terahertz near-field microscopy based on a collection mode detector. Applied Physics Letters, 77(22), 3496–3498.
Bubb, Daniel M, & Federici, JF, & Tidrow, SC, & Wilber, W, & Kim, J, & Pique, A (1999). ARTICLES-Superfluidity and superconductivity-Wavelength and photon dose dependence of infrared quenched persistent photoconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6+ x. Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter, 60(9), 6827–6833.
Vijayalakshmi, S, & Iqbal, Z, & George, MA, & Federici, John F., & Grebel, Haim (1999). Characterization of laser ablated silicon thin films. Thin Solid Films, 339(1), 102–108.
Federici, John F., & Guzelsu, Nejat, & Lim, Hee C, & Jannuzzi, Glen, & Findley, Tom, & Chaudhry, Hans R, & Ritter, Art B (1999). Noninvasive light-reflection technique for measuring soft-tissue stretch. Applied optics, 38(31), 6653–6660.
Bubb, Daniel M, & Federici, JF, & Tidrow, SC, & Wilber, W, & Kim, J, & Piqué, A (1999). Wavelength and photon dose dependence of infrared quenched persistent photoconductivity in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6+ x. Physical Review B, 60(9), 6827.
Cai, Y, & Brener, I, & Lopata, J, & Wynn, J, & Pfeiffer, L, & Stark, JB, & Wu, Q, & Zhang, XC, & Federici, JF (1998). Coherent terahertz radiation detection: Direct comparison between free-space electro-optic sampling and antenna detection. Applied Physics Letters, 73(4), 444–446.
Barat, Robert B., & Federici, John F., & Johnson, Anthony, & Grebel, Haim, & Chang, Timothy N. (1998). Optical science and engineering curriculum at NJIT. Journal of Engineering Education, 87(S5), 575–582.
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Mukherjee, Suman, & Federici, John F., & Lopes, Paulo, & Cabral, Miguel (2013). Elimination of Fresnel Reflection Boundary Effects and Beam Steering in Pulsed Terahertz Computed Tomography. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 34(9), 539-555.
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Bubb, Daniel M, & Federici, JF, & Tidrow, SC, & Wilber, W, & Kim, J, & Pique, A (1999). ARTICLES-Superfluidity and superconductivity-Wavelength and photon dose dependence of infrared quenched persistent photoconductivity in YBa2Cu3O6+ x. Physical Review-Section B-Condensed Matter, 60(9), 6827–6833.
Vijayalakshmi, S, & Iqbal, Z, & George, MA, & Federici, John F., & Grebel, Haim (1999). Characterization of laser ablated silicon thin films. Thin Solid Films, 339(1), 102–108.
Federici, John F., & Guzelsu, Nejat, & Lim, Hee C, & Jannuzzi, Glen, & Findley, Tom, & Chaudhry, Hans R, & Ritter, Art B (1999). Noninvasive light-reflection technique for measuring soft-tissue stretch. Applied optics, 38(31), 6653–6660.
Bubb, Daniel M, & Federici, JF, & Tidrow, SC, & Wilber, W, & Kim, J, & Piqué, A (1999). Wavelength and photon dose dependence of infrared quenched persistent photoconductivity in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 6+ x. Physical Review B, 60(9), 6827.
Cai, Y, & Brener, I, & Lopata, J, & Wynn, J, & Pfeiffer, L, & Stark, JB, & Wu, Q, & Zhang, XC, & Federici, JF (1998). Coherent terahertz radiation detection: Direct comparison between free-space electro-optic sampling and antenna detection. Applied Physics Letters, 73(4), 444–446.
Barat, Robert B., & Federici, John F., & Johnson, Anthony, & Grebel, Haim, & Chang, Timothy N. (1998). Optical science and engineering curriculum at NJIT. Journal of Engineering Education, 87(S5), 575–582.
Cai, Y, & Brener, I, & Lopata, J, & Wynn, J, & Pfeiffer, L, & Federici, John F. (1997). Design and performance of singular electric field terahertz photoconducting antennas. Applied Physics Letters, 71(15), 2076–2078.
Tyson, TA, & Federici, JF, & Chew, D, & Bishop, AR, & Furenlid, L, & Savin, W, & Wilber, W (1997). Local structural and electronic changes accompanying photodoping in YBA 2 Cu 3 O 6+ x. Physica C: Superconductivity, 292(3), 163–170.
Chew, DC, & Federici, JF, & Gutierrez-Solana, J, & Molina, G, & Savin, W, & Wilber, W (1996). Infrared quenching of photoinduced persistent conductivity in YBa2Cu3O6+ x. Applied physics letters, 69(21), 3260–3262.
Federici, JF, & Chew, D, & Welker, B, & Savin, W, & Gutierrez-Solana, J, & Fink, T, & Wilber, W (1995). Defect mechanism of photoinduced superconductivity in Y Ba 2 Cu 3 O 6+ x. Physical Review B, 52(21), 15592.
Wang, Haimin, & Welker, B, & Gao, Y, & Federici, JF, & Levy, RA (1995). Photolithographic patterning of porous silicon using silicon nitride and silicon carbide masks. Materials Letters, 23(4), 209–214.
Blackstead, Howard A, & Dow, John D, & Federici, John F., & Packard, William E, & Pulling, David B (1994). Charge-distributions in YuPr1- uBa2Cu3Ox. Physica C: Superconductivity, 235, 2161–2162.
Vengsarkar, Ashish M, & Federici, John F., & DiGiovanni, DJ, & Walker, KL (1993). Annular erbium-ion distribution for ruggedized optical fiber amplifiers. Optics letters, 18(14), 1165–1167.
Federici, John F., & Greene, Benjamin I, & Saeta, Peter N, & Dykaar, Douglas R, & Sharifi, F, & Dynes, RC (1993). Cooper pair breaking in lead measured by pulsed terahertz spectroscopy. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 3(1), 1461–1464.
Federici, John F., & Greene, Benjamin I, & Saeta, Peter N, & Dykaar, Douglas R, & Sharifi, F, & Dynes, RC (1992). Direct picosecond measurement of photoinduced Cooper-pair breaking in lead. Physical Review B, 46(17), 11153.
Delavaux, J-MP, & Flores, CF, & Tench, RE, & Pleiss, TC, & Cline, TW, & DiGiovanni, DJ, & Federici, John F., & Giles, CR, & Presby, H, & Major, JS, & others, (1992). Hybrid Er-doped fibre amplifiers at 980-1480 nm for long distance optical communications. Electronics Letters, 28(17), 1642–1643.
Saeta, Peter N, & Federici, John F., & Greene, Benjamin I, & Dykaar, Douglas R (1992). Intervalley scattering in GaAs and InP probed by pulsed far-infrared transmission spectroscopy. Applied physics letters, 60(12), 1477–1479.
Shenk, S (1992). ThA4 Accurate noise figure measurements of erbiumdoped fiber amplifiers in saturation conditions.
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Klann, Robert, & Buhleier, Rainer, & Elsaesser, Thomas, & Lambrecht, Armin, & Pezeshki, B, & Lord, SM, & Harris, Jr, JS, & Endo, M, & Shiroki, K, & Uchiyama, T, & others, (1991). FLUIDS, PLASMAS, AND ELECTRICAL DISCHARGES. Applied Physics Letters, 59(8),
Federici, John F., & Valeo, Ernest J (1991). Four-wave mixing and phase conjugation in plasmas using ionization nonlinearities. Physical Review A, 44(8), 5158.
Greene, BI, & Federici, JF, & Dykaar, DR, & Jones, RR, & Bucksbaum, PH (1991). Interferometric characterization of 160 fs far-infrared light pulses. Applied physics letters, 59(8), 893–895.
Dykaar, DR, & Greene, BI, & Federici, JF, & Levi, AFJ, & Pfeiffer, LN, & Kopf, RF (1991). Log-periodic antennas for pulsed terahertz radiation. Applied physics letters, 59(3), 262–264.
Greene, Benjamin I, & Federici, John F., & Dykaar, DR, & Levi, AFJ, & Pfeiffer, L (1991). Picosecond pump and probe spectroscopy utilizing freely propagating terahertz radiation. Optics letters, 16(1), 48–49.
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Federici, JF, & Greene, BI, & Rapkine, DH, & Orenstein, J (1991). Thermally activated infrared-active vibrational mode in BaBiO 3. Physical Review B, 43(10), 8617.
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Saeta, P, & Federici, John F., & Fischer, RJ, & Greene, Benjamin I, & Pfeiffer, L, & Spitzer, RC, & Wilson, BA (1989). . Applied Physics Letters, 54(17), 1681–1683.
Mansfield, DK, & Federici, JF (1988). The feasibility of CW degenerate four-wave mixing in the far-infrared to millimeter region using an artificial Kerr medium. International journal of infrared and millimeter waves, 9(5), 419–442.
Federici, John F., & Lee, WW, & Tang, WM (1987). Nonlinear evolution of drift instabilities in the presence of collisions. Physics of Fluids (1958-1988), 30(2), 425–437.
Federici, John F., & Mansfield, DK (1986). Degenerate four-wave mixing and phase conjugation in a collisional plasma. JOSA B, 3(11), 1588–1595.
Federici, JF, & Lee, WW, & Tang, WM (1986). w w rPPPL-2354.
Research at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)/Nokia Bell Labs
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2022
Industrial Applications of THz Imaging: Plastics, Food Industry, Moisture Detection, and Additive Manufacturing
June 2020
Metamaterials with terahertz response and methods of making same
May 2015
System and method for terahertz 2D interferometric and synthetic aperture imaging with an incoherent source
February 2015
Tcda/zinc oxide nanocomposites and film sensors
August 2014
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2022
Industrial Applications of THz Imaging: Plastics, Food Industry, Moisture Detection, and Additive Manufacturing
June 2020
Metamaterials with terahertz response and methods of making same
May 2015
System and method for terahertz 2D interferometric and synthetic aperture imaging with an incoherent source
February 2015
Tcda/zinc oxide nanocomposites and film sensors
August 2014
Synthetic Aperture and Computed Tomography THz Imaging with Applications from Concealed Objects to Oenology
International Workshop on Terahertz Technology and Applications, March 2014
Methods and apparatus for the non-destructive detection of variations in a sample
August 2012
Methods and apparatus for the non-destructive measurement of diffusion in non-uniform substrates
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2011
Ultra-miniaturized thz communication device and system
March 2010
Non-linear terahertz spectroscopy for defect density identification in high k dielectric films
December 2008
Smart coating system
July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2007
Non-contact rf strain sensor
February 2007
Terahertz imaging for near field objects
September 2006
Terahertz imaging system and method
November 2004
Apparatus and method for non-invasive measurement of stretch
November 2001
International Workshop on Terahertz Technology and Applications, March 2014
Methods and apparatus for the non-destructive detection of variations in a sample
August 2012
Methods and apparatus for the non-destructive measurement of diffusion in non-uniform substrates
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2011
Ultra-miniaturized thz communication device and system
March 2010
Non-linear terahertz spectroscopy for defect density identification in high k dielectric films
December 2008
Smart coating system
July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2007
Non-contact rf strain sensor
February 2007
Terahertz imaging for near field objects
September 2006
Terahertz imaging system and method
November 2004
Apparatus and method for non-invasive measurement of stretch
November 2001
Conference Proceeding
Adding Visibility to Visibility Graphs: Weighting Visibility Analysis with Attenuation Coefficients
SIMAUD Conference 2021, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2021
Adding Visibility to Visibility Graphs: Weighting Visibility Analysis with Attenuation Coefficients
Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) 2021,
Propagation studies for indoor and outdoor terahertz wireless links
December 2019
Validation of Laser Power Beaming Applications with Enlarged Laser Beam Diameters Minimizing Hazardous Operation
IEEE SoutheastCon 2019 - West Point Research Papers, May 2019
SIMAUD Conference 2021, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2021
Adding Visibility to Visibility Graphs: Weighting Visibility Analysis with Attenuation Coefficients
Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design (SimAUD) 2021,
Propagation studies for indoor and outdoor terahertz wireless links
December 2019
Validation of Laser Power Beaming Applications with Enlarged Laser Beam Diameters Minimizing Hazardous Operation
IEEE SoutheastCon 2019 - West Point Research Papers, May 2019
Non-destructive evaluation of specialty coating degradation using terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
Proceeding SPIE, May 2017
Multi-user Interference Modeling and Experimental Characterization for Pulse-based Terahertz Communication
Proceedings of the THird Annual INternational Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NANOCOM2016), September 2016
Multi-user Interference Modeling and Experimental Characterization for Pulse-based Terahertz Communication
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, September 2016
Weather Impact on Outdoor Terahertz Wireless Links
Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, September 2015
Comparison of terahertz versus infrared free-space communications under identical weather conditions
Millimeter Wave/ Terahertz versus Infrared Free-Space Communications
2014 39th International Conference on Infrared mIllimeter, and Terzhertz Waves (IRMMW-THZ), September 2014
Terahertz Performance in Atmospheric Turbulence
2014 39TH International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), September 2014
Terahertz Wireless Communications: Progress and Future
European Microwave Week 2013 (EuMW 2013), October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2013
Weather Robustness of THz Communications Exemplified with Emulated Dust Clouds
International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2012
THz and IR Signaling through Fog Scintillations
18th European Wireless Conference, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2012
Experimental Results Comparing the Impact of Clouds and Fog on Multi‐Gb/sIR and THz Communication Links
The International Wireless Industry Consortium, December 2011
Study of structural defects inside natural cork by pulsed terahertz tomography
IRMMW-THz 2011 - 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2011
THz wireless communications: 2.5 Gb/s error-free transmission at 625 GHz using a narrow-bandwidth 1 mW THz source
2011 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, URSIGASS 2011, August 2011
Data transmission at 2.5 Gb/s with THz and IR Signals through Fog
EEE 802.15 WPAN™ Terahertz Interest Group, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2011
Non-Destructive Measurement of Water Diffusion in Natural Cork Enclosures Using Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging
International Workshop on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology, March 2011
The origin and effect of space charges in electrospinning
36th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, NEBEC 2010, May 2010
Data Encoding on Continuous Wave THZ Signals for Sensing
Interferometric and Synthetic Aperture Real-Time Terahertz Imaging
Fabrication of metamaterials in THz region using ink jet system and characterization using THz-TDS
Microfabricated implantable flow sensor for medical applications [6886-07]
Cyclic thin film flexible pressure sensor testing
Explosive identification with Terahertz spectroscopy: a model based approach
Terahertz Synthetic Aperture and Interferometric Imaging
A non contact characterization technique of the defect states of high k dielectrics using THz radiation
Characterization of hollow polycarbonate metal waveguides using Terahertz time domain spectroscopy
Grain size dependent scattering studies of common materials using THz time domain techniques
Interferometric terahertz imaging for detection of lethal agents using artificial neural network analyses
Terahertz interferometric imaging of a concealed object
Terahertz Spectroscopy as a non contact estimation technique of defect states in high dielectric constant materials
THz reflection spectroscopy of C-4 explosive and its detection through interferometric imaging
Application of THz Imaging in Security Screening
Biological material imaging using THz-echo analysis method
Determining thickness independently from optical constants using ultrafast spectral interferometry
Investigation of Defect States of HfO2 and SiO2 on p Type Silicon Using THz Spectroscopy
Noninvasive study of explosive materials by time domain spectroscopy and FTIR
Physical imaging of void using ultrafast light in optical precision
Stand-off sensing of explosives using terahertz radiation
Study of morphological effects on terahertz spectra using Ammonium Nitrate
Terahertz imaging using an interferometric array
Analysis of terahertz spectral images of explosives and bioagents using trained neural networks
Characteristics of nanoscale composites by THz spectroscopy
Detection of the agent inside or behind a barrier material
Optical properties around resonance peaks by THz-TDS
Terahertz near-field interferometric and synthetic aperture imaging
Transfer function study of biological samples by the THz-TDS
Characteristics of nanoscale composites by terahertz spectroscopy
Neural network analysis of terahertz spectra of explosives and bio-agents
Resistance to cracking of a stretchable semiconductor: Speed of crack propagation for varying energy release rate
Security applications of terahertz technology
Dynamics of nano-scale fissures in amorphous films
Non-linear and linear optical properties of single wall carbon nanotubes within photonic crystals
THz transmission near-field imaging with very high spatial resolution
Time-Domain Pulsed THz Near-Field Scanning Microscope with $λ$/50 Resolution!!!
Far-infrared near field microscopy
Thin terahertz detectors and emitters based on low-temperature grown GaAs on sapphire
Microstructure and Optics of Laser Ablation Grown Si Clusters
Photodoping Studies of CMR Thin Films
Wavelength Dependence of Infrared Quenched Persistant Photoconductivity in Y123
Coherent terahertz detection: free space electro-optic sampling versus antenna detection
Design and performance of singular electric-field terahertz emitters and detectors
Direct Measurement of Photoinduced Changes in the Electronic and Local Atomic Structure of YB_2Cu_3O_6+ x
Rondability and surface roughness of ultra-thin single crystal silicon wafers
Singular Electric Field Terahertz Emitters and Detectors
The Effect of Infrared Radiation on Photoinduced Superconductivity and Persistent Photoconductivity in Y123 Thin Films
Wavelength Dependence of Infrared Quenched Persistant Photoconductivity in Y123
Defect mechanism of photoinduced superconductivity in YYBa2Cu3Ox
Infrared Quenched Photoinduced Superconductivity
Spectral dependence of noise and gain in Er-doped fiber preamplifier at 980 nm
Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing In Collisional And Inhomogeneous Plasmas
Proceeding SPIE, May 2017
Multi-user Interference Modeling and Experimental Characterization for Pulse-based Terahertz Communication
Proceedings of the THird Annual INternational Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NANOCOM2016), September 2016
Multi-user Interference Modeling and Experimental Characterization for Pulse-based Terahertz Communication
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, September 2016
Weather Impact on Outdoor Terahertz Wireless Links
Proceedings of the Second Annual International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication, September 2015
Comparison of terahertz versus infrared free-space communications under identical weather conditions
Millimeter Wave/ Terahertz versus Infrared Free-Space Communications
2014 39th International Conference on Infrared mIllimeter, and Terzhertz Waves (IRMMW-THZ), September 2014
Terahertz Performance in Atmospheric Turbulence
2014 39TH International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), September 2014
Terahertz Wireless Communications: Progress and Future
European Microwave Week 2013 (EuMW 2013), October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2013
Weather Robustness of THz Communications Exemplified with Emulated Dust Clouds
International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2012
THz and IR Signaling through Fog Scintillations
18th European Wireless Conference, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2012
Experimental Results Comparing the Impact of Clouds and Fog on Multi‐Gb/sIR and THz Communication Links
The International Wireless Industry Consortium, December 2011
Study of structural defects inside natural cork by pulsed terahertz tomography
IRMMW-THz 2011 - 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2011
THz wireless communications: 2.5 Gb/s error-free transmission at 625 GHz using a narrow-bandwidth 1 mW THz source
2011 30th URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, URSIGASS 2011, August 2011
Data transmission at 2.5 Gb/s with THz and IR Signals through Fog
EEE 802.15 WPAN™ Terahertz Interest Group, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2011
Non-Destructive Measurement of Water Diffusion in Natural Cork Enclosures Using Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging
International Workshop on Optical Terahertz Science and Technology, March 2011
The origin and effect of space charges in electrospinning
36th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, NEBEC 2010, May 2010
Data Encoding on Continuous Wave THZ Signals for Sensing
Interferometric and Synthetic Aperture Real-Time Terahertz Imaging
Fabrication of metamaterials in THz region using ink jet system and characterization using THz-TDS
Microfabricated implantable flow sensor for medical applications [6886-07]
Cyclic thin film flexible pressure sensor testing
Explosive identification with Terahertz spectroscopy: a model based approach
Terahertz Synthetic Aperture and Interferometric Imaging
A non contact characterization technique of the defect states of high k dielectrics using THz radiation
Characterization of hollow polycarbonate metal waveguides using Terahertz time domain spectroscopy
Grain size dependent scattering studies of common materials using THz time domain techniques
Interferometric terahertz imaging for detection of lethal agents using artificial neural network analyses
Terahertz interferometric imaging of a concealed object
Terahertz Spectroscopy as a non contact estimation technique of defect states in high dielectric constant materials
THz reflection spectroscopy of C-4 explosive and its detection through interferometric imaging
Application of THz Imaging in Security Screening
Biological material imaging using THz-echo analysis method
Determining thickness independently from optical constants using ultrafast spectral interferometry
Investigation of Defect States of HfO2 and SiO2 on p Type Silicon Using THz Spectroscopy
Noninvasive study of explosive materials by time domain spectroscopy and FTIR
Physical imaging of void using ultrafast light in optical precision
Stand-off sensing of explosives using terahertz radiation
Study of morphological effects on terahertz spectra using Ammonium Nitrate
Terahertz imaging using an interferometric array
Analysis of terahertz spectral images of explosives and bioagents using trained neural networks
Characteristics of nanoscale composites by THz spectroscopy
Detection of the agent inside or behind a barrier material
Optical properties around resonance peaks by THz-TDS
Terahertz near-field interferometric and synthetic aperture imaging
Transfer function study of biological samples by the THz-TDS
Characteristics of nanoscale composites by terahertz spectroscopy
Neural network analysis of terahertz spectra of explosives and bio-agents
Resistance to cracking of a stretchable semiconductor: Speed of crack propagation for varying energy release rate
Security applications of terahertz technology
Dynamics of nano-scale fissures in amorphous films
Non-linear and linear optical properties of single wall carbon nanotubes within photonic crystals
THz transmission near-field imaging with very high spatial resolution
Time-Domain Pulsed THz Near-Field Scanning Microscope with $λ$/50 Resolution!!!
Far-infrared near field microscopy
Thin terahertz detectors and emitters based on low-temperature grown GaAs on sapphire
Microstructure and Optics of Laser Ablation Grown Si Clusters
Photodoping Studies of CMR Thin Films
Wavelength Dependence of Infrared Quenched Persistant Photoconductivity in Y123
Coherent terahertz detection: free space electro-optic sampling versus antenna detection
Design and performance of singular electric-field terahertz emitters and detectors
Direct Measurement of Photoinduced Changes in the Electronic and Local Atomic Structure of YB_2Cu_3O_6+ x
Rondability and surface roughness of ultra-thin single crystal silicon wafers
Singular Electric Field Terahertz Emitters and Detectors
The Effect of Infrared Radiation on Photoinduced Superconductivity and Persistent Photoconductivity in Y123 Thin Films
Wavelength Dependence of Infrared Quenched Persistant Photoconductivity in Y123
Defect mechanism of photoinduced superconductivity in YYBa2Cu3Ox
Infrared Quenched Photoinduced Superconductivity
Spectral dependence of noise and gain in Er-doped fiber preamplifier at 980 nm
Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing In Collisional And Inhomogeneous Plasmas
Conference Abstract
Laser Power Beaming Hazard Analysis for Unmanned Ground and Aerial Vehicles
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2017
Project-Based Learning with 3D Printing and Embedded Electronics.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2017
Theoretical Determined Terahertz Attenuation in Snow and Sleet
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2017
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2017
Project-Based Learning with 3D Printing and Embedded Electronics.
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2017
Theoretical Determined Terahertz Attenuation in Snow and Sleet
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2017
Technical Report
Characterization of Nano-Scale Composites at THz and IR Spectral Region
Four-wave mixing and phase conjugation in plasmas
Princeton Univ., NJ (United States), 1989
Four-wave mixing and phase conjugation in plasmas
Princeton Univ., NJ (United States), 1989