Mirko Schoenitz
Ph.D.; Princeton University; ; 2001
M.A.; Princeton University; ; 1997
; RWTH Aachen; ; 1995
M.A.; Princeton University; ; 1997
; RWTH Aachen; ; 1995
Past Courses
Journal Article
Senyurt, Elif Irem, & Arzideh, Seyed Mahmoud, & Venerus, David C., & Gor, Gennady, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2024). Viscosity and density of organophosphorus liquids and their aqueous solutions. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 399, 124476.
Gandhi, Purvam Mehulkumar, & McNanna, Jonathan, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2023). Effect of morphology of boron-potassium nitrate composite powders on their ignition and combustion. Combustion and Flame, 255, 112882.
Gandhi, Purvam M, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2023). Evaluation and design of metal-based gas-generating energetic materials. Combustion and Flame, 249, 112615.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2023). Ignition mechanisms of reactive nanocomposite powders combining Al, B, and Si as fuels with metal fluorides as oxidizers. Combustion Science and Technology, 195(3), 597--618.
Schoenitz, Mirko, & Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2023). Process-property correlations for spherical composite Al\textperiodcentered Ti powders prepared by emulsion-assisted milling. Powder Technology, 428, 118806.
Gandhi, Purvam Mehulkumar, & McNanna, Jonathan, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2023). Effect of morphology of boron-potassium nitrate composite powders on their ignition and combustion. Combustion and Flame, 255, 112882.
Gandhi, Purvam M, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2023). Evaluation and design of metal-based gas-generating energetic materials. Combustion and Flame, 249, 112615.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2023). Ignition mechanisms of reactive nanocomposite powders combining Al, B, and Si as fuels with metal fluorides as oxidizers. Combustion Science and Technology, 195(3), 597--618.
Schoenitz, Mirko, & Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2023). Process-property correlations for spherical composite Al\textperiodcentered Ti powders prepared by emulsion-assisted milling. Powder Technology, 428, 118806.
Mukhopadhyay, Shomik, & Patel, Khushi, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2023). Removal of powders from cavities in contaminated surfaces by shock and plasma generated by an adjacent electro-static discharge. Powder Technology, 420, 118407.
Ivanova, Ella V, & Vasudevan, Ashvinkumar, & Senyurt, Elif Irem, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Khalizov, Alexei, & Dreyzin, Edward L., & Gor, Gennady (2023). Surface Tension of Organophosphorus Compounds: Sarin and its Surrogates. Langmuir, 39(15), 5569--5578.
Ivanova, Ella V., & Vasudevan, Ashvinkumar, & Senyurt, Elif Irem, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Khalizov, Alexei, & Dreizin, Edward L., & Gor, Gennady (2023). Surface Tension of Organophosphorus Compounds: Sarin and its Surrogates. Langmuir, 39(15), 5569-5578.
Andrew, House, & Kuna, Anna, & Hastings, Daniel, & Rodriguez, Nikki, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L., & Guvendiren, Murat (2023). Effect of particle shape on rheology and printability of highly filled reactive inks for direct ink writing. Progress in Additive Manufacturing,
Jabraoui, Hicham, & Esteve, Alain, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L., & Rossi, Carole (2022). Atomic scale insights into the first reaction stages prior to Al/CuO nanothermite ignition: influence of porosity. ACS applied materials \& interfaces, 14(25), 29451--29461.
Gandhi, Purvam Mehulkumar, & Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Effect of organic liquid process control agents on properties of ball-milled powders. Advanced Powder Technology, 33(1), 103332.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & McCann, Holly, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Effect of particle morphology on characteristics of pressed aluminum-boron reactive powders. Journal of Energetic Materials, 1--13.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Effect of particle morphology on reactivity, ignition and combustion of boron powders. Fuel, 324, 124538.
Mukhopadhyay, Shomik, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Effect of reactive B--Ti powder morphology on its removal from a surface and ignition by electro-static discharge. Journal of Electrostatics, 120, 103766.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Skura, Agata, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Potential one-pot synthesis of spherical magnesium silicate powder by mechanical milling. Powder Technology, 404, 117458.
Vasudevan, Ashvin, & Senyurt, Elif Irem, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Removal of diisopropyl methyl phosphonate (DIMP) from heated metal oxide surfaces. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 130154.
Hastings, Daniel, & Rodriguez, Nikki, & McCann, Holly, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Titanium-boron reactive composite powders with variable morphology prepared by arrested reactive milling. Fuel, 310, 122313.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Gandhi, Purvam Mehulkumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Boron-Rich Composite Thermite Powders with Binary Bi2O3\textperiodcentered CuO Oxidizers. Energy \& Fuels,
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Combustion of Composites of Boron with Bismuth and Cobalt Fluorides in Different Environments. Combustion Science and Technology, 193(8), 1343--1358.
Vasudevan, Ashvin, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Effect of metal nitrate on mechanochemical nitration of toluene. Reaction Chemistry \& Engineering,
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Effect of Purity, Surface Modification and Iron Coating on Ignition and Combustion of Boron in Air. Combustion Science and Technology, 193(9), 1567--1586.
Hastings, Daniel, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Highly reactive spheroidal milled aluminum. Materialia, 15, 100959.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Ignition Mechanisms of Reactive Nanocomposite Powders Combining Al, B, and Si as Fuels with Metal Fluorides as Oxidizers. Combustion Science and Technology, 1--22.
Huang, Ci, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Ignition of zirconium powders placed near an electrostatic discharge. Combustion and Flame, 226, 1--13.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Huang, Ci, & Julien, Baptiste, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Est\`eve, Alain, , & Rossi, Carole, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Low-Temperature Exothermic Reactions in Al/CuO Nanothermites Producing Copper Nanodots and Accelerating Combustion. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4(4), 3811--3820.
Vasudevan, Ashvin, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Parameters affecting mechanochemical nitration of aromatic precursors. Chemical Engineering Science, 246, 116906.
Senyurt, Elif Irem, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Rapid destruction of sarin surrogates by gas phase reactions with focus on diisopropyl methylphosphonate (DIMP). Defence Technology, 17(3), 703--714.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L., & Neveu, Aur\'elien, , & Francqui, Filip (2021). Spherical boron powders prepared by mechanical milling in immiscible liquids. Powder Technology, 388, 41--50.
Marayikkottu, Akhil V, & Sawant, Saurabh S, & Levin, Deborah A, & Huang, Ci, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Study of particle lifting mechanisms in an electrostatic discharge plasma. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 137, 103564.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Transition metal catalysts for boron combustion. Combustion Science and Technology, 193(8), 1400--1424.
Mukhopadhyay, Shomik, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Vapor-phase decomposition of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), a sarin surrogate, in presence of metal oxides. Defence Technology, 17(4), 1095--1114.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward (2020). Bismuth fluoride-coated boron powders as enhanced fuels. Combustion and Flame, 221, 1--10.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Custom particle morphology in energetic nanocomposites prepared by arrested reactive milling in immiscible liquids. Powder Technology, 359, 238--246.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Ravi, Karthick Kumarasen, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Effect of boron content in B\textperiodcentered BiF3 and B\textperiodcentered Bi composites on their ignition and combustion. Combustion and Flame, 215, 78--85.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Effect of premilling Al and CuO in acetonitrile on properties of Al\textperiodcentered CuO thermites prepared by arrested reactive milling. Combustion and Flame, 214, 57--64.
Vasudevan, Ashvin Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Mechanochemical nitration of toluene with metal oxide catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General, 117604.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Hastings, Daniel L, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Microspheres with Diverse Material Compositions Can be Prepared by Mechanical Milling. Advanced Engineering Materials, 22(3), 1901204.
Sun, Yalun, & Ren, Hui, & Jiao, Qingjie, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Oxidation, ignition and combustion behaviors of differently prepared boron-magnesium composites. Combustion and Flame, 221, 11--19.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2020). Preparation and characterization of silicon-metal fluoride reactive composites. Nanomaterials, 10(12), 2367.
Hastings, DL, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Ryan, Kaleigh M, & Dreizin, Edward L, & Krumpfer, Joseph W (2020). Stability and Ignition of a Siloxane-Coated Magnesium Powder. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 45(4), 621--627.
Mukhopadhyay, Shomik, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Vapor-phase decomposition of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), a sarin surrogate, in presence of metal oxides. Defence Technology,
Hastings, Daniel, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Zirconium-boron reactive composite powders prepared by arrested reactive milling. Journal of Energetic Materials, 38(2), 142--161.
Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Boron doped with iron: Preparation and combustion in air. Combustion and Flame, 200, 286--295.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Boron-Metal Fluoride Reactive Composites: Preparation and Reactions Leading to Their Ignition. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 35(4), 802--810.
Monk, I, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Combustion of a rapidly initiated fully dense nanocomposite Al--CuO thermite powder. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 1--23.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Combustion of Aluminum-metal Fluoride Reactive Composites in Different Environments. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics,
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Composite Al∙ Ti powders prepared by high-energy milling with different process controls agents. Advanced Powder Technology, 30(7), 1319--1328.
Huang, Ci, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Displacement of powders from surface by shock and plasma generated by electrostatic discharge. Journal of Electrostatics, 100, 103353.
Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2019). Effect of Purity, Surface Modification and Iron Coating on Ignition and Combustion of Boron in Air. Combustion Science and Technology, 1--20.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Fluorine-containing oxidizers for metal fuels in energetic formulations. Defence Technology, 15(1), 1--22.
Valluri, Siva K, & Bushiri, Daniela, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward (2019). Fuel-rich aluminum--nickel fluoride reactive composites. Combustion and Flame, 210, 439--453.
Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee, & Sun, Yalun, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2019). Heterogeneous reaction kinetics for oxidation and combustion of boron. Thermochimica Acta, 682, 178415.
Liu, Xinhang, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Preparation, ignition, and combustion of magnesium-calcium iodate reactive nano-composite powders. Chemical Engineering Journal, 359, 955--962.
Sun, Yalun, & Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee L, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Reactive Shell Model For Boron Oxidation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2019). Transition Metal Catalysts for Boron Combustion. Combustion Science and Technology, 1--25.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Sun, Yalun, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Heterogeneous reaction kinetics for oxidation and combustion of boron. Thermochimica Acta, 682,
Sun, Yalun, & Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Reactive Shell Model for Boron Oxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(18), 11807-11813.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Boron doped with iron: Preparation and combustion in air. Combustion and Flame, 200, 286-295.
Wang, Song, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Grinshpun, Sergey A, & Yermakov, Michael, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Biocidal effectiveness of combustion products of iodine-bearing reactive materials against aerosolized bacterial spores. Journal of Aerosol Science, 116, 106--115.
Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Combustion of boron and boron--iron composite particles in different oxidizers. Combustion and Flame, 192, 44--58.
Monk, Ian, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2018). Combustion of Magnesium-Sulfur Composite Particles Ignited by Different Stimuli. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 43(11), 1178--1183.
Liu, Xinhang, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Combustion of Mg and composite Mg\textperiodcentered S powders in different oxidizers. Combustion and Flame,
Lagoviyer, Oleg S, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Effect of milling temperature on structure and reactivity of Al--Ni composites. Journal of Materials Science, 53(2), 1178--1190.
Lagoviyer, Oleg S, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2018). Effect of process parameters on mechanochemical nitration of toluene. Journal of materials science, 53(19), 13690--13700.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward (2018). Fluorine-containing oxidizers for metal fuels in energetic formulations. Defence Technology,
Hastings, Daniel L, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). High density reactive composite powders. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 735, 1863--1870.
Nakpan, Worrawit, & Grinshpun, Sergey A, & Yermakov, Michael, & Indugula, Reshmi, & Reponen, Tiina, & Wang, Song, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Inactivation of aerosolized surrogates of Bacillus anthracis spores by combustion products of aluminum-and magnesium-based reactive materials: Effect of exposure time. Aerosol Science and Technology, 52(5), 579--587.
Lagoviyer, Oleg S, & Krishtopa, Larisa, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Trivedi, Nirupam J, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Mechanochemical nitration of aromatic compounds. Journal of Energetic Materials, 36(2), 191--201.
Nguyen, Quang, & Huang, Ci, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Sullivan, Kyle T, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Nanocomposite thermite powders with improved flowability prepared by mechanical milling. Powder Technology, 327, 368--380.
Dreizin, Edward, & Lagoviyer, Oleg Shlomo, & Schoenitz, Mirko (2018). SERDP Project WP-2748.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2018). Combustion of boron and boron–iron composite particles in different oxidizers. Combustion and Flame, 192, 44-58.
Liu, Xuan, & Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2018). Reactive composite boron - Magnesium powders prepared by mechanical milling. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 34(3), 787-794.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Monk, Ian, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2017). FUEL-RICH ALUMINUM- METAL FLUORIDE THERMITES. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 16(1),
Liu, X, & Chintersingh, K-L, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, EL (2017). Reactive Composite Boron--Magnesium Powders Prepared by Mechanical Milling. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 34(3), 787--794.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2016). Oxidation kinetics and combustion of boron particles with modified surface. Combustion and Flame, 173, 288-295.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Nguyen, Quang, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2016). Combustion of boron particles in products of an air–acetylene flame. Combustion and Flame, 172, 194-205.
Ivanova, Ella V, & Vasudevan, Ashvinkumar, & Senyurt, Elif Irem, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Khalizov, Alexei, & Dreyzin, Edward L., & Gor, Gennady (2023). Surface Tension of Organophosphorus Compounds: Sarin and its Surrogates. Langmuir, 39(15), 5569--5578.
Ivanova, Ella V., & Vasudevan, Ashvinkumar, & Senyurt, Elif Irem, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Khalizov, Alexei, & Dreizin, Edward L., & Gor, Gennady (2023). Surface Tension of Organophosphorus Compounds: Sarin and its Surrogates. Langmuir, 39(15), 5569-5578.
Andrew, House, & Kuna, Anna, & Hastings, Daniel, & Rodriguez, Nikki, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L., & Guvendiren, Murat (2023). Effect of particle shape on rheology and printability of highly filled reactive inks for direct ink writing. Progress in Additive Manufacturing,
Jabraoui, Hicham, & Esteve, Alain, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L., & Rossi, Carole (2022). Atomic scale insights into the first reaction stages prior to Al/CuO nanothermite ignition: influence of porosity. ACS applied materials \& interfaces, 14(25), 29451--29461.
Gandhi, Purvam Mehulkumar, & Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Effect of organic liquid process control agents on properties of ball-milled powders. Advanced Powder Technology, 33(1), 103332.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & McCann, Holly, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Effect of particle morphology on characteristics of pressed aluminum-boron reactive powders. Journal of Energetic Materials, 1--13.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Effect of particle morphology on reactivity, ignition and combustion of boron powders. Fuel, 324, 124538.
Mukhopadhyay, Shomik, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Effect of reactive B--Ti powder morphology on its removal from a surface and ignition by electro-static discharge. Journal of Electrostatics, 120, 103766.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Skura, Agata, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Potential one-pot synthesis of spherical magnesium silicate powder by mechanical milling. Powder Technology, 404, 117458.
Vasudevan, Ashvin, & Senyurt, Elif Irem, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Removal of diisopropyl methyl phosphonate (DIMP) from heated metal oxide surfaces. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 130154.
Hastings, Daniel, & Rodriguez, Nikki, & McCann, Holly, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2022). Titanium-boron reactive composite powders with variable morphology prepared by arrested reactive milling. Fuel, 310, 122313.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Gandhi, Purvam Mehulkumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Boron-Rich Composite Thermite Powders with Binary Bi2O3\textperiodcentered CuO Oxidizers. Energy \& Fuels,
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Combustion of Composites of Boron with Bismuth and Cobalt Fluorides in Different Environments. Combustion Science and Technology, 193(8), 1343--1358.
Vasudevan, Ashvin, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Effect of metal nitrate on mechanochemical nitration of toluene. Reaction Chemistry \& Engineering,
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Effect of Purity, Surface Modification and Iron Coating on Ignition and Combustion of Boron in Air. Combustion Science and Technology, 193(9), 1567--1586.
Hastings, Daniel, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Highly reactive spheroidal milled aluminum. Materialia, 15, 100959.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Ignition Mechanisms of Reactive Nanocomposite Powders Combining Al, B, and Si as Fuels with Metal Fluorides as Oxidizers. Combustion Science and Technology, 1--22.
Huang, Ci, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Ignition of zirconium powders placed near an electrostatic discharge. Combustion and Flame, 226, 1--13.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Huang, Ci, & Julien, Baptiste, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Est\`eve, Alain, , & Rossi, Carole, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Low-Temperature Exothermic Reactions in Al/CuO Nanothermites Producing Copper Nanodots and Accelerating Combustion. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 4(4), 3811--3820.
Vasudevan, Ashvin, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Parameters affecting mechanochemical nitration of aromatic precursors. Chemical Engineering Science, 246, 116906.
Senyurt, Elif Irem, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Rapid destruction of sarin surrogates by gas phase reactions with focus on diisopropyl methylphosphonate (DIMP). Defence Technology, 17(3), 703--714.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L., & Neveu, Aur\'elien, , & Francqui, Filip (2021). Spherical boron powders prepared by mechanical milling in immiscible liquids. Powder Technology, 388, 41--50.
Marayikkottu, Akhil V, & Sawant, Saurabh S, & Levin, Deborah A, & Huang, Ci, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Study of particle lifting mechanisms in an electrostatic discharge plasma. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 137, 103564.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Transition metal catalysts for boron combustion. Combustion Science and Technology, 193(8), 1400--1424.
Mukhopadhyay, Shomik, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2021). Vapor-phase decomposition of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), a sarin surrogate, in presence of metal oxides. Defence Technology, 17(4), 1095--1114.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward (2020). Bismuth fluoride-coated boron powders as enhanced fuels. Combustion and Flame, 221, 1--10.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Custom particle morphology in energetic nanocomposites prepared by arrested reactive milling in immiscible liquids. Powder Technology, 359, 238--246.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Ravi, Karthick Kumarasen, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Effect of boron content in B\textperiodcentered BiF3 and B\textperiodcentered Bi composites on their ignition and combustion. Combustion and Flame, 215, 78--85.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Effect of premilling Al and CuO in acetonitrile on properties of Al\textperiodcentered CuO thermites prepared by arrested reactive milling. Combustion and Flame, 214, 57--64.
Vasudevan, Ashvin Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Mechanochemical nitration of toluene with metal oxide catalysts. Applied Catalysis A: General, 117604.
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Hastings, Daniel L, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Microspheres with Diverse Material Compositions Can be Prepared by Mechanical Milling. Advanced Engineering Materials, 22(3), 1901204.
Sun, Yalun, & Ren, Hui, & Jiao, Qingjie, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Oxidation, ignition and combustion behaviors of differently prepared boron-magnesium composites. Combustion and Flame, 221, 11--19.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2020). Preparation and characterization of silicon-metal fluoride reactive composites. Nanomaterials, 10(12), 2367.
Hastings, DL, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Ryan, Kaleigh M, & Dreizin, Edward L, & Krumpfer, Joseph W (2020). Stability and Ignition of a Siloxane-Coated Magnesium Powder. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 45(4), 621--627.
Mukhopadhyay, Shomik, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Vapor-phase decomposition of dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP), a sarin surrogate, in presence of metal oxides. Defence Technology,
Hastings, Daniel, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2020). Zirconium-boron reactive composite powders prepared by arrested reactive milling. Journal of Energetic Materials, 38(2), 142--161.
Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Boron doped with iron: Preparation and combustion in air. Combustion and Flame, 200, 286--295.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Boron-Metal Fluoride Reactive Composites: Preparation and Reactions Leading to Their Ignition. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 35(4), 802--810.
Monk, I, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Combustion of a rapidly initiated fully dense nanocomposite Al--CuO thermite powder. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 1--23.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Combustion of Aluminum-metal Fluoride Reactive Composites in Different Environments. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics,
Mursalat, Mehnaz, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Composite Al∙ Ti powders prepared by high-energy milling with different process controls agents. Advanced Powder Technology, 30(7), 1319--1328.
Huang, Ci, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Displacement of powders from surface by shock and plasma generated by electrostatic discharge. Journal of Electrostatics, 100, 103353.
Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2019). Effect of Purity, Surface Modification and Iron Coating on Ignition and Combustion of Boron in Air. Combustion Science and Technology, 1--20.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Fluorine-containing oxidizers for metal fuels in energetic formulations. Defence Technology, 15(1), 1--22.
Valluri, Siva K, & Bushiri, Daniela, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward (2019). Fuel-rich aluminum--nickel fluoride reactive composites. Combustion and Flame, 210, 439--453.
Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee, & Sun, Yalun, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2019). Heterogeneous reaction kinetics for oxidation and combustion of boron. Thermochimica Acta, 682, 178415.
Liu, Xinhang, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Preparation, ignition, and combustion of magnesium-calcium iodate reactive nano-composite powders. Chemical Engineering Journal, 359, 955--962.
Sun, Yalun, & Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee L, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Reactive Shell Model For Boron Oxidation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,
Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2019). Transition Metal Catalysts for Boron Combustion. Combustion Science and Technology, 1--25.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Sun, Yalun, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Heterogeneous reaction kinetics for oxidation and combustion of boron. Thermochimica Acta, 682,
Sun, Yalun, & Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Reactive Shell Model for Boron Oxidation. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123(18), 11807-11813.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2019). Boron doped with iron: Preparation and combustion in air. Combustion and Flame, 200, 286-295.
Wang, Song, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Grinshpun, Sergey A, & Yermakov, Michael, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Biocidal effectiveness of combustion products of iodine-bearing reactive materials against aerosolized bacterial spores. Journal of Aerosol Science, 116, 106--115.
Chintersingh, Kerri-Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Combustion of boron and boron--iron composite particles in different oxidizers. Combustion and Flame, 192, 44--58.
Monk, Ian, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2018). Combustion of Magnesium-Sulfur Composite Particles Ignited by Different Stimuli. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 43(11), 1178--1183.
Liu, Xinhang, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Combustion of Mg and composite Mg\textperiodcentered S powders in different oxidizers. Combustion and Flame,
Lagoviyer, Oleg S, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Effect of milling temperature on structure and reactivity of Al--Ni composites. Journal of Materials Science, 53(2), 1178--1190.
Lagoviyer, Oleg S, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2018). Effect of process parameters on mechanochemical nitration of toluene. Journal of materials science, 53(19), 13690--13700.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward (2018). Fluorine-containing oxidizers for metal fuels in energetic formulations. Defence Technology,
Hastings, Daniel L, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). High density reactive composite powders. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 735, 1863--1870.
Nakpan, Worrawit, & Grinshpun, Sergey A, & Yermakov, Michael, & Indugula, Reshmi, & Reponen, Tiina, & Wang, Song, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Inactivation of aerosolized surrogates of Bacillus anthracis spores by combustion products of aluminum-and magnesium-based reactive materials: Effect of exposure time. Aerosol Science and Technology, 52(5), 579--587.
Lagoviyer, Oleg S, & Krishtopa, Larisa, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Trivedi, Nirupam J, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Mechanochemical nitration of aromatic compounds. Journal of Energetic Materials, 36(2), 191--201.
Nguyen, Quang, & Huang, Ci, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Sullivan, Kyle T, & Dreizin, Edward L (2018). Nanocomposite thermite powders with improved flowability prepared by mechanical milling. Powder Technology, 327, 368--380.
Dreizin, Edward, & Lagoviyer, Oleg Shlomo, & Schoenitz, Mirko (2018). SERDP Project WP-2748.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2018). Combustion of boron and boron–iron composite particles in different oxidizers. Combustion and Flame, 192, 44-58.
Liu, Xuan, & Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2018). Reactive composite boron - Magnesium powders prepared by mechanical milling. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 34(3), 787-794.
Valluri, Siva Kumar, & Monk, Ian, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, Edward L (2017). FUEL-RICH ALUMINUM- METAL FLUORIDE THERMITES. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 16(1),
Liu, X, & Chintersingh, K-L, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreizin, EL (2017). Reactive Composite Boron--Magnesium Powders Prepared by Mechanical Milling. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 34(3), 787--794.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2016). Oxidation kinetics and combustion of boron particles with modified surface. Combustion and Flame, 173, 288-295.
Chintersingh, Kerri Lee, & Nguyen, Quang, & Schoenitz, Mirko, & Dreyzin, Edward L. (2016). Combustion of boron particles in products of an air–acetylene flame. Combustion and Flame, 172, 194-205.
Conference Proceeding
Comparison of numerical simulations of inert particle transport in an electrostatic discharge with experimental results
Ignition of Reactive Material Powders in Vicinity of an Electrostatic Discharge
Influence of Catalyst on the Mechanochemical Nitration of Toluene
Spherical Composite Powders As Feedstock for Additive Manufacturing
Combustion of boron in products of an air-acetylene pre-mixed flame
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2016
Composite B·Mg powders prepared by mechanical milling
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2016
Ignition of Reactive Material Powders in Vicinity of an Electrostatic Discharge
Influence of Catalyst on the Mechanochemical Nitration of Toluene
Spherical Composite Powders As Feedstock for Additive Manufacturing
Combustion of boron in products of an air-acetylene pre-mixed flame
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2016
Composite B·Mg powders prepared by mechanical milling
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2016
Technical Report
Reactive Materials with Burn Rate Adjusted by Initiation Method
New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark United States, 2020
Mechanochemical Preparation of Organic Nitro Compounds
New Jersey Institute of Technology University Heights United States, 2018
New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark United States, 2020
Mechanochemical Preparation of Organic Nitro Compounds
New Jersey Institute of Technology University Heights United States, 2018