Sergei Adamovich
Sergei Adamovich
Professor, Bio-Medical Engineering
616 Fenster Hall (FENS)
Ph.D.; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; ; 1988
B.S.; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; ; 1983
M.S.; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; ; 1983
B.S.; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; ; 1983
M.S.; Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology; ; 1983
Past Courses
In Progress
Enhancing Robot Physical Intelligence via Crowdsourced Surrogate Learning
Two-finger Multi-DOF robot hands for teleoperated and autonomous dexterous manipulations
Two-finger Multi-DOF robot hands for teleoperated and autonomous dexterous manipulations
Conference Paper
Integrated Object, Skill, and Motion Models for Nonprehensile Manipulation
2024 IEEE/ASME (AIM) International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2024
2024 IEEE/ASME (AIM) International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2024
Conference Proceeding
EEG Based Resting State Connectivity Changes in the Motor Cortex Associated with Upper Limb Motor Recovery in the Subacute Period Post-Stroke
Evaluation of Changes in Kinematic Measures of Three Dimensional Reach to Grasp Movements in the Early Subacute Period of Recovery from Stroke
EEG Based Analysis of Cortical Activity during Mirror Visual Feedback Target-Directed Movement
Hovrs: home-based virtual rehabilitation system
The effect of movement phase on the contralaterally coordinated paired associative stimulation-induced excitability
Evaluation of Changes in Kinematic Measures of Three Dimensional Reach to Grasp Movements in the Early Subacute Period of Recovery from Stroke
EEG Based Analysis of Cortical Activity during Mirror Visual Feedback Target-Directed Movement
Hovrs: home-based virtual rehabilitation system
The effect of movement phase on the contralaterally coordinated paired associative stimulation-induced excitability
Early versus delayed VR-based hand training in persons with acute stroke
Clinical and neurophysiologic responses to recovery-oriented virtual rehabilitation of hand function in a person with subacute stroke: A case study
Virtual reality-augmented rehabilitation in the acute phase post-stroke for individuals with flaccid upper extremities: A feasibility study
Correlation of reaching and grasping kinematics and clinical measures of upper extremity function in persons with stroke related hemiplegia.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2014
Sensorimotor cortex reorganization in subacute and chronic stroke: A neuronavigated TMS study.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. , October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2014
Corticospinal signals recorded with MEAs can predict the volitional forearm forces in rats
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., IEEE, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2013
Visual feedback discordance mediates changes in brain activity and effective connectivity: A stroke fMRI dynamic causal modeling study
Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME), 2013 2nd International Conference on, September 2013
Sensorimotor training in virtual environments produces similar outcomes to real world training with greater efficiency
Proceeding of: 2013 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), , IEEE, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2013
Classification of hand preshaping in persons with stroke using Linear Discriminant Analysis
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, IEEE, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2012
Correlations between statistical models of robotically collected kinematics and clinical measures of upper extremity function
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., IEEE, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2012
Resting state functional connectivity and task-related effective connectivity changes after upper extremity rehabilitation: a pilot study
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2012
Integrating kinematic modeling and kinetics to quantify hand motor performance in persons with stroke
Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 2012 38th Annual Northeast, March 2012
A system for sensory motor rehabilitation of the upper limb with virtual reality, exoskeleton robot, and real objects
Mechanisms of neural reorganization in chronic stroke subjects after virtual reality training
Mirror feedback in virtual reality elicits ipsilesional motor cortex activation in chronic stroke patients
Virtual reality, robot, and object touch: Blended reality sensorimotor training experience
Visuomotor discordance in virtual reality: Effects on online motor control
A comparison of motor adaptations to robotically facilitated upper extremity task practice demonstrated by children with cerebral palsy and adults with stroke.
IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), June 2011
Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 2011 IEEE 37th Annual Northeast, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2011
IASTED Conferences, Biomedical Engineering, February 2011
Exaggeration of visual errors during goal-directed movements enhances primary motor cortex excitability in healthy subjects and stroke patients
Examining the manipulation of the dynamic properties of virtual objects to optimize upper extremity rehabilitation activities
fMRI study of the effects of visual feedback manipulation on sensorimotor circuits
Improving Hemiparetic Hand Function: Training With Virtual Reality Task-Based Simulations Interfaced With Adaptive Robots.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2010
Robotically Facilitated Upper-Extremity Task Practice in Complex Virtual Environments for Children With Cerebral Palsy.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2010
Integrated Arm and Hand Training Using Adaptive Robotics and Virtual Reality Simulations.
2010 International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, September 2010
Integrated Versus Isolated Training of the Hemiparetic Upper Extremity in Haptically Rendered Virtual Environments.
IEEE 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, August 2010
Analysis of a commercial EEG device for the control of a robot arm
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2010
Design of a customized virtual reality simulation for retraining upper extremities after stroke.
2010 IEEE 36th Annual Northeast Bio-Engineering Conference, March 2010
fMRI study of the effects of visual feedback manipulation on sensorimotor circuits.
2010 IEEE 36th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, March 2010
Robot-assisted virtual rehabilitation (NJIT-RAVR) system for children with cerebral palsy.
2010 IEEE 36th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference. , March 2010
Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International Conference, February 2010
Experimental Study and Modeling of Equilibrium Point Trajectory Control in Single and Double Joint Arm Movement
Experimental Study and Modeling of Equilibrium Point Trajectory Control in Single and Double Joint Arm Movements
2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress , November 2009
Effects of virtual reality-altered perception of hand movement on sensorimotor neural circuits measured with fMRI
Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2009
Coordination changes demonstrated by subjects with hemiparesis performing hand-arm training using the NJIT-RAVR robotically assisted virtual rehabilitation system.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine in Biology Society, September 2009
Robot-assisted virtual rehabilitation (NJIT-RAVR) system for children with upper extremity hemiplegia.
2009 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2009
Robotically facilitated training of the hemiparetic upper extremity as an integrated functional unit in virtual environments.
2009 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2009
FMRI study on the neural mechanisms of sensorimotor transformations
2009 IEEE 35th Annual, Northeast Bioengineering Conference, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009
NJIT-RAVR system for upper extremity rehabilitation in children with hemiplegia.
2009 IEEE 35th Annual, Northeast Bioengineering Conference, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009
Modeling of relative damping in defining the equilibrium point trajectory for the human arm movement control
Recovery of Hand Function in Virtual Reality: Training Hemiparetic Hand and Arm Together or Separately.
IEEE EMBC 2008, August 2008
Design of a virtual reality-based system for hand and arm rehabilitation
Strategies for incorporating bilateral training into a virtual environment
Design of an fmri compatible system to explore neural mechanisms subserving vr therapies
FMRI analysis of neural mechanisms underlying rehabilitation in virtual reality: activating secondary motor areas
Virtual reality physical therapy: a telerehabilitation tool for hand and finger movement exercise monitoring and motor skills analysis
A virtual reality based exercise system for hand rehabilitation post-stroke: transfer to function
A virtual reality-based exercise program for stroke rehabilitation
Procedural motor learning in Parkinson’s disease: preliminary results
Deficits in sensorimotor transformations in Parkinson’s disease
Control processes in fast movements end before the peak velocity: evidence based on experimental analysis and modelling
Overshoot in three-dimensional pointing movements
Clinical and neurophysiologic responses to recovery-oriented virtual rehabilitation of hand function in a person with subacute stroke: A case study
Virtual reality-augmented rehabilitation in the acute phase post-stroke for individuals with flaccid upper extremities: A feasibility study
Correlation of reaching and grasping kinematics and clinical measures of upper extremity function in persons with stroke related hemiplegia.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2014
Sensorimotor cortex reorganization in subacute and chronic stroke: A neuronavigated TMS study.
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. , October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2014
Corticospinal signals recorded with MEAs can predict the volitional forearm forces in rats
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., IEEE, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2013
Visual feedback discordance mediates changes in brain activity and effective connectivity: A stroke fMRI dynamic causal modeling study
Advances in Biomedical Engineering (ICABME), 2013 2nd International Conference on, September 2013
Sensorimotor training in virtual environments produces similar outcomes to real world training with greater efficiency
Proceeding of: 2013 International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation (ICVR), , IEEE, January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2013
Classification of hand preshaping in persons with stroke using Linear Discriminant Analysis
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc, IEEE, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2012
Correlations between statistical models of robotically collected kinematics and clinical measures of upper extremity function
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc., IEEE, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2012
Resting state functional connectivity and task-related effective connectivity changes after upper extremity rehabilitation: a pilot study
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2012
Integrating kinematic modeling and kinetics to quantify hand motor performance in persons with stroke
Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 2012 38th Annual Northeast, March 2012
A system for sensory motor rehabilitation of the upper limb with virtual reality, exoskeleton robot, and real objects
Mechanisms of neural reorganization in chronic stroke subjects after virtual reality training
Mirror feedback in virtual reality elicits ipsilesional motor cortex activation in chronic stroke patients
Virtual reality, robot, and object touch: Blended reality sensorimotor training experience
Visuomotor discordance in virtual reality: Effects on online motor control
A comparison of motor adaptations to robotically facilitated upper extremity task practice demonstrated by children with cerebral palsy and adults with stroke.
IEEE International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), June 2011
Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), 2011 IEEE 37th Annual Northeast, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2011
IASTED Conferences, Biomedical Engineering, February 2011
Exaggeration of visual errors during goal-directed movements enhances primary motor cortex excitability in healthy subjects and stroke patients
Examining the manipulation of the dynamic properties of virtual objects to optimize upper extremity rehabilitation activities
fMRI study of the effects of visual feedback manipulation on sensorimotor circuits
Improving Hemiparetic Hand Function: Training With Virtual Reality Task-Based Simulations Interfaced With Adaptive Robots.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2010
Robotically Facilitated Upper-Extremity Task Practice in Complex Virtual Environments for Children With Cerebral Palsy.
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2010
Integrated Arm and Hand Training Using Adaptive Robotics and Virtual Reality Simulations.
2010 International Conference on Disability, Virtual Reality and Associated Technologies, September 2010
Integrated Versus Isolated Training of the Hemiparetic Upper Extremity in Haptically Rendered Virtual Environments.
IEEE 32nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE EMBS, August 2010
Analysis of a commercial EEG device for the control of a robot arm
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2010
Design of a customized virtual reality simulation for retraining upper extremities after stroke.
2010 IEEE 36th Annual Northeast Bio-Engineering Conference, March 2010
fMRI study of the effects of visual feedback manipulation on sensorimotor circuits.
2010 IEEE 36th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, March 2010
Robot-assisted virtual rehabilitation (NJIT-RAVR) system for children with cerebral palsy.
2010 IEEE 36th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference. , March 2010
Proceedings of the 7th IASTED International Conference, February 2010
Experimental Study and Modeling of Equilibrium Point Trajectory Control in Single and Double Joint Arm Movement
Experimental Study and Modeling of Equilibrium Point Trajectory Control in Single and Double Joint Arm Movements
2009 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress , November 2009
Effects of virtual reality-altered perception of hand movement on sensorimotor neural circuits measured with fMRI
Society of Neuroscience Annual Meeting, October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2009
Coordination changes demonstrated by subjects with hemiparesis performing hand-arm training using the NJIT-RAVR robotically assisted virtual rehabilitation system.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine in Biology Society, September 2009
Robot-assisted virtual rehabilitation (NJIT-RAVR) system for children with upper extremity hemiplegia.
2009 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2009
Robotically facilitated training of the hemiparetic upper extremity as an integrated functional unit in virtual environments.
2009 IEEE International Conference on Virtual Rehabilitation, July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2009
FMRI study on the neural mechanisms of sensorimotor transformations
2009 IEEE 35th Annual, Northeast Bioengineering Conference, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009
NJIT-RAVR system for upper extremity rehabilitation in children with hemiplegia.
2009 IEEE 35th Annual, Northeast Bioengineering Conference, April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2009
Modeling of relative damping in defining the equilibrium point trajectory for the human arm movement control
Recovery of Hand Function in Virtual Reality: Training Hemiparetic Hand and Arm Together or Separately.
IEEE EMBC 2008, August 2008
Design of a virtual reality-based system for hand and arm rehabilitation
Strategies for incorporating bilateral training into a virtual environment
Design of an fmri compatible system to explore neural mechanisms subserving vr therapies
FMRI analysis of neural mechanisms underlying rehabilitation in virtual reality: activating secondary motor areas
Virtual reality physical therapy: a telerehabilitation tool for hand and finger movement exercise monitoring and motor skills analysis
A virtual reality based exercise system for hand rehabilitation post-stroke: transfer to function
A virtual reality-based exercise program for stroke rehabilitation
Procedural motor learning in Parkinson’s disease: preliminary results
Deficits in sensorimotor transformations in Parkinson’s disease
Control processes in fast movements end before the peak velocity: evidence based on experimental analysis and modelling
Overshoot in three-dimensional pointing movements
Journal Article
Luo, Shuzhen, & Androwis, Ghaith, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Su, Hao, & Nunez, Erick, & Zhou, Xianlian A. (2021). Reinforcement Learning and Control of a Lower Extremity Exoskeleton for Squat Assistance. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 8,
Luo, Shuzhen, & Androwis, Ghaith, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Nunez, Erick, & Su, Hao, & Zhou, Xianlian A. (2021). Robust Walking Control of a Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Coupled with a Musculoskeletal Model via Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Patel, Jigna, & Mont, Ashley, & Cronce, Amanda, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Merians, Alma, & Adamovich, Sergei (2021). Virtual Rehabilitation of the Paretic Hand and Arm in Persons With Stroke: Translation From Laboratory to Rehabilitation Centers and the Patient's Home. Frontiers in neurology, 12,
Qiu, Qinyin, & Cronce, Amanda, & Patel, Jigna, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Mont, Ashley J, & Merians, Alma S, & Adamovich, Sergei (2020). Development of the Home based Virtual Rehabilitation System (HoVRS) to remotely deliver an intense and customized upper extremity training. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 17(1), 1--10.
Merians, Alma S, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Patel, Jigna, & Mont, Ashley J, & Saleh, Soha, & Nolan, Karen J, & Barrett, Anna M, & Tunik, Eugene, & others, (2020). Hand focused upper extremity rehabilitation in the subacute phase post-stroke using interactive virtual environments. Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 1449.
Luo, Shuzhen, & Androwis, Ghaith, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Nunez, Erick, & Su, Hao, & Zhou, Xianlian A. (2021). Robust Walking Control of a Lower Limb Rehabilitation Exoskeleton Coupled with a Musculoskeletal Model via Deep Reinforcement Learning.
Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Patel, Jigna, & Mont, Ashley, & Cronce, Amanda, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Merians, Alma, & Adamovich, Sergei (2021). Virtual Rehabilitation of the Paretic Hand and Arm in Persons With Stroke: Translation From Laboratory to Rehabilitation Centers and the Patient's Home. Frontiers in neurology, 12,
Qiu, Qinyin, & Cronce, Amanda, & Patel, Jigna, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Mont, Ashley J, & Merians, Alma S, & Adamovich, Sergei (2020). Development of the Home based Virtual Rehabilitation System (HoVRS) to remotely deliver an intense and customized upper extremity training. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 17(1), 1--10.
Merians, Alma S, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Patel, Jigna, & Mont, Ashley J, & Saleh, Soha, & Nolan, Karen J, & Barrett, Anna M, & Tunik, Eugene, & others, (2020). Hand focused upper extremity rehabilitation in the subacute phase post-stroke using interactive virtual environments. Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 1449.
Alokaily, Ahmad O, & Yarossi, MS Mathew, & Adamovich, Sergei (2019). Abstract\# 40: Direction of PAS-Induced Modulation of Corticospinal Excitability Depends on Timing Between Stimulation and Movement Onset. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 12(2), e14--e15.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Patel, Jigna, & Cronce, Amanda, & Merians, Alma S, & Adamovich, Sergei (2019). Autonomous use of the home virtual rehabilitation system: a feasibility and pilot study. Games for health journal, 8(6), 432--438.
Furmanek, Mariusz P, & Schettino, Luis F, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Kirkman, Sofia, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2019). Coordination of reach-to-grasp in physical and haptic-free virtual environments. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 16(1), 1--14.
Patel, Jigna, & Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Merians, Alma, & Tunik, Eugene, & Adamovich, Sergei (2019). Intensive virtual reality and robotic based upper limb training compared to usual care, and associated cortical reorganization, in the acute and early sub-acute periods post-stroke: a feasibility study. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 16(1), 1--12.
Manuweera, Thushini, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2019). Parietal activation associated with target-directed right hand movement is lateralized by mirror feedback to the ipsilateral hemisphere. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12, 531.
Yarossi, Mathew, & Patel, Jigna, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Massood, Supriya, & Fluet, Gerard, & Merians, Alma, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2019). The association between reorganization of bilateral m1 topography and function in response to early intensive hand focused upper limb rehabilitation following stroke is dependent on ipsilesional corticospinal tract integrity. Frontiers in neurology, 10, 258.
Yarossi, Mathew, & Gordon, Seth, & Gomes, Kayla, & Rubakhina, Anna, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene, & others, (2017). Concurrent tDCS and Mirror Feedback has additive effects on M1 excitability. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 10(4), e39–e40.
Schettino, Luis F, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2017). Coordination of pincer grasp and transport after mechanical perturbation of the index finger. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117(6), 2292–2297.
Patel, Jigna, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Merians, Alma, & Massood, Supriya, & Tunik, Eugene, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, Gerard (2017). Exploring the impact of visual and movement based priming on a motor intervention in the acute phase post-stroke in persons with severe hemiparesis of the upper extremity. Disability and rehabilitation, 39(15), 1515–1523.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Patel, Jigna, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Yarossi, Matthew, & Massood, Supriya, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene, & Merians, Alma S (2017). Motor skill changes and neurophysiologic adaptation to recovery-oriented virtual rehabilitation of hand function in a person with subacute stroke: a case study. Disability and rehabilitation, 39(15), 1524–1531.
Saleh, Soha, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Manuweera, Thushini, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2017). Network interactions underlying mirror feedback in stroke: A dynamic causal modeling study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 13, 46–54.
Saleh, Soha, & Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Merians, Alma, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2017). Neural Patterns of Reorganization after Intensive Robot-Assisted Virtual Reality Therapy and Repetitive Task Practice in Patients with Chronic Stroke. Frontiers in Neurology, 8,
Yarossi, Mathew, & Manuweera, Thushini, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2017). The Effects of Mirror Feedback during Target Directed Movements on Ipsilateral Corticospinal Excitability. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 11,
Ranky, G, & Adamovich, Sergei (2017). The Use of Audio Stimulation to Affect Sensorimotor Learning. J Ergonomics, 7, 199.
Fluet, Gerard, & Merians, Alma, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Rohafza, Maryam, & VanWingerden , Anita, & Adamovich, Sergei (2015). Does training with traditionally presented and virtually simulated tasks elicit differing changes in object interaction kinematics in persons with upper extremity hemiparesis?. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 1760184.
Schettino, Luis, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Bagce, Hamid, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Tunik, Eugene (2015). Disruption of activity in the ventral premotor but not the anterior intraparietal area interferes with on-line correction to a haptic perturbation during grasping.. Journal of Neuroscience, 4, 2112-2117.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Merians, Alma S, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Davidow, Amy, & Adamovich, Sergei (2014). Comparing integrated training of the hand and arm with isolated training of the same effectors in persons with stroke using haptically rendered virtual environments, a randomized clinical trial. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 11(1), 126.
Merians, Alma S, & Fluet, Gerard, & Tunik, Eugene, & Qiu, QinYin, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei (2014). Movement rehabilitation in virtual reality from then to now: how are we doing?. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 13(3), 311–317.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Merians, Alma S, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & Ruano, Viviana, & Delmonico, Andrea R, & Adamovich, Sergei (2014). Robotic/virtual reality intervention program individualized to meet the specific sensorimotor impairments of an individual patient: a case study. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 13(3), 401–407.
Fluet, GG, & Merians, A, & Patel, J, & Van Wingerden, A, & Qiu, Q, & Yarossi, M, & Tunik, E, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Massood, S (2014). Virtual reality-augmented rehabilitation for patients in sub-acute phase post stroke: a feasibility study.
Fluet, Gerard, & Merians, Alma, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Davidow, Amy, & Adamovich, Sergei (2014). Integrated training of hand and arm not superior to equal dose of isolated training of same effectors in persons with stroke.. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 11(1), 11.
Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2014). Mirrored Feedback in Chronic Stroke Recruitment and Effective Connectivity of Ipsilesional Sensorimotor Networks. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair,
guo, yi, & Sahin, Mesut, & Foulds, Richard A., & Adamovich, Sergei (2014). Encoding of forelimb forces by corticospinal tract activity in the rat. Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics, 8(62), 7 pages.
Bagce, Hamid F, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Krakauer, John W, & Tunik, Eugene (2013). Corticospinal excitability is enhanced after visuomotor adaptation and depends on learning rather than performance or error. Journal of neurophysiology, 109(4), 1097–1106.
Abdusamatov, RM, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Berkinblit, MB, & Chernavsky, AV, & Feldman, AG (2013). RAPID ONE-JOINT MOVEMENTS: A QUALITATIVE MODEL AND ITS. Stance and Motion: Facts and Concepts, 261.
Tunik, Eugene, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei (2013). Visuomotor discordance during visually-guided hand movement in virtual reality modulates sensorimotor cortical activity in healthy and hemiparetic subjects.. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 21(2), 198–207.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Merians, Alma S, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Lafond, Ian, & Saleh, Soha, & Ruano, Viviana, & Delmonico, Andrea R, & Adamovich, Sergei (2012). Robots integrated with virtual reality simulations for customized motor training in a person with upper extremity hemiparesis: a case report. Journal of neurologic physical therapy: JNPT, 36(2), 79.
Merians, AS, & Fluet, G, & Tunik, E, & Qiu, Q, & Saleh, S, & Adamovich, Sergei (2012). Movement rehabilitation in virtual reality from then to now: how are we doing?. ICDVRAT 2012, 8, 52.
Bagce, Hamid F, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Krakauer, John W, & Tunik, Eugene (2012). Corticospinal excitability is enhanced after visuomotor. J Neurophysiol, 109, 1097–1106.
Bagce, Hamid, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2012). Visuomotor Gain Distortion Alters Online Motor Performance and Enhances Primary Motor Cortex Excitability in Patients with Stroke, . Neuromodulation,
Fluet, Gerard, & Merians, Alma, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Lafond, Ian, & Saleh, Soha, & Ruano, V, & Delmonico, A, & Adamovich, Sergei (2012). Robots integrated with virtual reality simulations for customized motor training in a person with upper extremity hemiparesis: a case study.. Neurological Physical Therapy, 36(2), 79-86.
Alma S, Merians, & Gerard G, Fluet, & Qinyin, Qiu, & Ian, Lafond, & Adamovich, Sergei (2011). Learning in a virtual environment using haptic systems for movement re-education: can this medium be used for remodeling other behaviors and actions?. Journal of diabetes science and technology, 5(2), 301–308.
Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & Lafond, Ian, & Merians, Alma, & Adamovich, Sergei (2011). Robotic Training of Proximal Upper Extremity Stabilization During Distal Motor Activity in Persons with Upper Extremity Hemiparesis. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 17(1), 93.
Merians, Alma S, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Lafond, Ian, & Adamovich, Sergei (2011). Virtual Reality Technologies for Research and Education in Obesity and Diabetes-Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and Department of Defense: Learning in a Virtual Environment Using Haptic Systems for Movement Re-Education: Can This Medium Be Used for Remodeling Other Behaviors and Actions?. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 5(2), 301.
Merians, Akma S, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & Lafond, Ian, & Adamovich, Sergei (2011). Robotically Facilitated Virtual Rehabilitation of Arm Transport Integrated With Finger Movement in Persons with Hemiparesis. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 8-27.
Merians, Alma S, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & Lafond, Ian, & Adamovich, Sergei (2011). Learning in a Virtual Environment Using Haptic Systems for Movement Re-Education: Can This Medium Be Used for Remodeling Other Behaviors and Actions?. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology , 5(2), 301-308.
Merians, AS, & Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & LaFond, Ian, & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). Article 2 (see Poster 151): Improving Hemiparetic Hand Function: Training With Virtual Reality Task-Based Simulations Interfaced With Adaptive Robots. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(10), e3.
Foulds, Richard A., & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). Editorial introduction to the special issue. Technology and Disability, 22, 159–160.
Foulds, Richard A., & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). Introduction to Special Issue: State of Science in Pediatric Rehabilitation Engineering. Technology and Disability, 22, 159–160.
Merians, AS, & Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & LaFond, Ian, & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). Poster 151 (see Article 2): Improving Hemiparetic Hand Function: Training With Virtual Reality Task-Based Simulations Interfaced With Adaptive Robots. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(10), e51.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Ramirez, Diego, & Saleh, Soha, & Parikh, Heta D, & Kelly, Donna, & Fluet, Gerard G (2010). Poster 163: Robotically Facilitated Upper-Extremity Task Practice in Complex Virtual Environments for Children With Cerebral Palsy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(10), e54.
Foulds, Richard A., & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). State of the Science for Pediatric Rehabilitation Engineering. Technology and Disability, 22(4), 161–165.
Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Kelly, Donna, & Parikh, Heta , & Ramirez, Diego, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). Interfacing a haptic robotic system with complex virtual environments to treat impaired upper extremity motor function in children with cerebral palsy. . Developmental Neurorehabilition, 13(5), 335-345.
Adamovich, Sergei, & August, K, & Merians, A, & Tunik, E (2009). A virtual reality-based system integrated with fmri to study neural mechanisms of action observation-execution: a proof of concept study. Restorative neurology and neuroscience, 27(3), 209–223.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Mathai, Abraham, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Lewis, Jeffrey, & Merians, Alma S (2009). Design of a complex virtual reality simulation to train finger motion for persons with hemiparesis: a proof of concept study. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 6(1), 28.
Qiu, Qinyin, & Ramirez, Diego A, & Saleh, Soha, & Parikh, Heta D, & Kelly, Donna, & Adamovich, Sergei (2009). Design of NJIT-Robot-Assisted Virtual Rehabilitation System to Train the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Arlington (VA): RESNA,
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Mathai, Abraham, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Lewis, Jeffrey, & Merians, Alma S (2009). Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 6, 28.
Qiu, Qinyin, & Ramirez, Diego A, & Saleh, Soha, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Parikh, Heta D, & Kelly, Donna, & Adamovich, Sergei (2009). Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 6, 40.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, GG, & Merians, AS, & Mathai, A, & Qiu, Q (2009). Neural and Rehabilitation Interface-Incorporating Haptic Effects Into Three-Dimensional Virtual Environments to Train the Hemiparetic Upper Extremity. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 17(5), 512.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Tunik, Eugene, & Merians, Alma S (2009). Sensorimotor training in virtual reality: a review. NeuroRehabilitation, 25(1), 29–44.
Qiu, Qinyin, & Ramirez, Diego, & Saleh, Soha, & Fluet, Gerald, & Parikh, Heta, & Kelly, Donna, & Adamovich, Sergei (2009). The New Jersey Institute of Technology Robot-Assisted Virtual Rehabilitation (NJIT-RAVR) system for children with cerebral palsy: A feasibility study. . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 16(1), 6-40.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, G G, & Merians, A S, & Mathai, A, & Qiu, Q (2009). Design of 3 Robotically Facilitated Simulations in Virtual Environments to Train the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity.. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2009, 17, 512-520.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, Gerard, & Merians, Alma, & Mathai, Abraham, & Qiu, Qinyin (2009). Incorporating haptic effects into three-dimensional virtual environments to train the hemiparetic upper extremity.. IEEE Transactions in Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 17(5), 512-520.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, G G, & Tunik, E, & Merians, A S (2009). Sensorimotor Training in Virtual Reality. Neurorehabilitation, 25(1), 29-44.
Merians, A S, & Tunik, E, & Adamovich, Sergei (2009). Virtual reality to maximize function for hand and arm rehabilitation: exploration of neural mechanisms. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009, 145, 109-25.
Adamovich, Sergei, & August, K, & Merians, A S, & Tunik, E (2009). A Virtual Reality-Based System Integrated with fMRI to Study Neural Mechanisms Underlying Rehabilitation: A Proof of Concept Study. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2009, 27(3), 209-23.
Merians, A S, & Tunik , E, & Fluet, G G, & Qiu, Q, & Adamovich, Sergei (2009). Innovative approaches to the rehabilitation of upper extremity hemiparesis using virtual environments.. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 45(1), 123-33.
E, Tunik, & Lo , O, & Adamovich, Sergei (2008). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to the Frontal Operculum and Supramarginal Gyrus Disrupts Planning of Outcome Based Hand-Object Interactions. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 14422-14427.
Tunik, Eugene, & Ortigue, Stephanie, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Grafton, Scott T (2008). Differential recruitment of anterior intraparietal sulcus and superior parietal lobule during visually guided grasping revealed by electrical neuroimaging. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(50), 13615–13620.
Tunik, E, & Merians, A, & Adamovich, Sergei (2008). Mirrored feedback in virtual reality enhances corticospinal excitability. Brain Stimulation, 1(3), 302.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Merians, Alma S, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Mathai, Abraham, & Adamovich, Sergei (2008). Poster 35: Robotically Facilitated Training of the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity as a Functional Unit, Compared With Isolated Training of the Hand and Arm: Decreased Competition for Reorganizing Cortical Territory?. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89(10), e37.
Tunik, E, & Lo, OY, & Adamovich, Sergei (2008). TMS to the frontal operculum and supramarginal gyrus disrupts planning of outcome based hand-object interactions. Brain Stimulation, 1(3), 298.
Tunik, E S, & Ortigue, S, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Grafton, S T (2008). Fronto-parietal interactions during adaptive control of visually-guided reach-to-grasp revealed by electrical neuroimaging.. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 13615-20.
Foulds, R A, & Saxe, D M, & Joyce III, A W, & Adamovich, Sergei (2008). Sensory-motor enhancement in a virtual therapeutic environment.. Virtual Reality, 12, 87-97.
Messier, Julie, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Jack, David, & Hening, Wayne, & Sage, Jacob, & Poizner, Howard (2007). Visuomotor learning in immersive 3D virtual reality in Parkinson’s disease and in aging. Experimental brain research, 179(3), 457–474.
Abbott, David F, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Akinwuntan, AE, & Alcaniz, Mariano, & Arno, P, & Auerbach, Edward J, & Baccini, Marco, & Barbay, Scott, & Bastian, Amy J, & Baten, G, & others, (2006). 516 Copyright 2006 The American Society of Neurorehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 20(4), 517.
Schettino, Luis F, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Hening, Wayne, & Tunik, Eugene, & Sage, Jacob, & Poizner, Howard (2006). Hand preshaping in Parkinson’s disease: effects of visual feedback and medication state. Experimental Brain Research, 168(1-2), 186–202.
Merians, Alma S, & Poizner, Howard, & Boian, Rares, & Burdea, Grigore, & Adamovich, Sergei (2006). Sensorimotor training in a virtual reality environment: does it improve functional recovery poststroke?. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 20(2), 252–267.
August, K, & Lewis, J A, & Chandar, G, & Merians, A, & Biswal, Bharat, & Adamovich, Sergei (2006). FMRI analysis of neural mechanisms underlying rehabilitation in virtual reality: activating secondary motor areas.. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 1, 3692-5.
August, K, & Lewis, J A, & Chandar, G, & Merians, A, & Biswal, Bharat, & Adamovich, Sergei (2006). FMRI analysis of neural mechanisms underlying rehabilitation in virtual reality: activating secondary motor areas.. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 1, 3692-5.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Merians, Alma S, & Boian, Rares, & Lewis, Jeffrey A, & Tremaine, Marilyn, & Burdea, Grigore S, & Recce, Michael L., & Poizner, Howard (2005). A Virtual Reality—Based Exercise System for Hand Rehabilitation Post-Stroke. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14(2), 161–174.
Tunik, Eugene, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, Howard, & Feldman, Anatol G (2004). Deficits in rapid adjustments of movements according to task constraints in Parkinson’s disease. Movement disorders, 19(8), 897–906.
Schettino, Luis F, & Rajaraman, Viswanathan, & Jack, David, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Sage, Jacob, & Poizner, Howard (2004). Deficits in the evolution of hand preshaping in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychologia, 42(1), 82–94.
Deutsch, Judith E, & Merians, Alma S, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, Howard, & Burdea, Grigore C (2004). Development and application of virtual reality technology to improve hand use and gait of individuals post-stroke. Restorative neurology and neuroscience, 22(3), 371–386.
Tunik, E, & Poizner, H, & Levin, MF, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Messier, J, & Lamarre, Y, & Feldman, AG (2003). Arm–trunk coordination in the absence of proprioception. Experimental brain research, 153(3), 343–355.
Schettino, Luis F, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, Howard (2003). Effects of object shape and visual feedback on hand configuration during grasping. Experimental Brain Research, 151(2), 158–166.
Messier, Julie, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Berkinblit, Michail, & Tunik, Eugene, & Poizner, Howard (2003). Influence of movement speed on accuracy and coordination of reaching movements to memorized targets in three-dimensional space in a deafferented subject. Experimental Brain Research, 150(4), 399–416.
Krebs, Hermano Igo, & Volpe, Bruce T, & Aisen, ML, & Hening, W, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, Howard, & Subrahmanyan, K, & Hogan, Neville (2003). Robotic applications in neuromotor rehabilitation. Robotica, 21(1), 3–11.
Deutsch, Judith E, & Merians, Alma S, & Burdea, Grigore C, & Boian, Rares, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, Howard (2002). Haptics and virtual reality used to increase strength and improve function in chronic individuals post-stroke: two case reports. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 26(2), 79–86.
Ghafouri, Mohammad, & Archambault, Philippe S, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Feldman, Anatol G (2002). Pointing movements may be produced in different frames of reference depending on the task demand. Brain research, 929(1), 117–128.
Boian, R, & Sharma, A, & Han, C, & Merians, A, & Burdea, G, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Recce, Michael L., & Tremaine, M, & Poizner, H, & others, (2002). Virtual reality-based post-stroke hand rehabilitation. Studies in health technology and informatics, 64–70.
Merians, Alma S, & Jack, David, & Boian, Rares, & Tremaine, Marilyn, & Burdea, Grigore C, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Recce, Michael L., & Poizner, Howard (2002). Virtual reality–augmented rehabilitation for patients following stroke. Physical therapy, 82(9), 898–915.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Archambault, Philippe S, & Ghafouri, Mohammad, & Levin, Mindy F, & Poizner, Howard, & Feldman, Anatol G (2001). Hand trajectory invariance in reaching movements involving the trunk.. Experimental Brain Research, 138(3), 288–303.
Krebs, H, & Hogan, N, & Hening, W, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, H (2001). Procedural motor learning in Parkinson’s disease. Experimental Brain Research, 141(4), 425–437.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Berkinblit, MB, & Hening, W, & Sage, J, & Poizner, H (2001). The interaction of visual and proprioceptive inputs in pointing to actual and remembered targets in Parkinson’s disease. Neuroscience, 104(4), 1027–1041.
Jack, David, & Boian, Rares, & Merians, Alma S, & Tremaine, Marilyn, & Burdea, Grigore C, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Recce, Michael L., & Poizner, Howard (2001). Virtual reality-enhanced stroke rehabilitation. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 9(3), 308–318.
Rajaraman, V, & Jack, D, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Hening, W, & Sage, J, & Poizner, H (2000). A novel quantitative method for 3D measurement of Parkinsonian tremor. Clinical neurophysiology, 111(2), 338–343.
Schettino, LF, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, H (2000). The role of visual feedback in the determination of hand configuration during grasping. Proc. Integrated Neuroscience Minisymp, 179–187.
Poizner, Howard, & Feldman, Anatol G, & Levin, Mindy F, & Berkinblit, Michail B, & Hening, Wayne A, & Patel, Ami, & Adamovich, Sergei (2000). The timing of arm-trunk coordination is deficient and vision-dependent in Parkinson’s patients during reaching movements.. Experimental brain research, 133(3), 279–292.
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Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Patel, Jigna, & Cronce, Amanda, & Merians, Alma S, & Adamovich, Sergei (2019). Autonomous use of the home virtual rehabilitation system: a feasibility and pilot study. Games for health journal, 8(6), 432--438.
Furmanek, Mariusz P, & Schettino, Luis F, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Kirkman, Sofia, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2019). Coordination of reach-to-grasp in physical and haptic-free virtual environments. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 16(1), 1--14.
Patel, Jigna, & Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Merians, Alma, & Tunik, Eugene, & Adamovich, Sergei (2019). Intensive virtual reality and robotic based upper limb training compared to usual care, and associated cortical reorganization, in the acute and early sub-acute periods post-stroke: a feasibility study. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 16(1), 1--12.
Manuweera, Thushini, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2019). Parietal activation associated with target-directed right hand movement is lateralized by mirror feedback to the ipsilateral hemisphere. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 12, 531.
Yarossi, Mathew, & Patel, Jigna, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Massood, Supriya, & Fluet, Gerard, & Merians, Alma, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2019). The association between reorganization of bilateral m1 topography and function in response to early intensive hand focused upper limb rehabilitation following stroke is dependent on ipsilesional corticospinal tract integrity. Frontiers in neurology, 10, 258.
Yarossi, Mathew, & Gordon, Seth, & Gomes, Kayla, & Rubakhina, Anna, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene, & others, (2017). Concurrent tDCS and Mirror Feedback has additive effects on M1 excitability. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 10(4), e39–e40.
Schettino, Luis F, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2017). Coordination of pincer grasp and transport after mechanical perturbation of the index finger. Journal of Neurophysiology, 117(6), 2292–2297.
Patel, Jigna, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Merians, Alma, & Massood, Supriya, & Tunik, Eugene, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, Gerard (2017). Exploring the impact of visual and movement based priming on a motor intervention in the acute phase post-stroke in persons with severe hemiparesis of the upper extremity. Disability and rehabilitation, 39(15), 1515–1523.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Patel, Jigna, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Yarossi, Matthew, & Massood, Supriya, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene, & Merians, Alma S (2017). Motor skill changes and neurophysiologic adaptation to recovery-oriented virtual rehabilitation of hand function in a person with subacute stroke: a case study. Disability and rehabilitation, 39(15), 1524–1531.
Saleh, Soha, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Manuweera, Thushini, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2017). Network interactions underlying mirror feedback in stroke: A dynamic causal modeling study. NeuroImage: Clinical, 13, 46–54.
Saleh, Soha, & Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Merians, Alma, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2017). Neural Patterns of Reorganization after Intensive Robot-Assisted Virtual Reality Therapy and Repetitive Task Practice in Patients with Chronic Stroke. Frontiers in Neurology, 8,
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Ranky, G, & Adamovich, Sergei (2017). The Use of Audio Stimulation to Affect Sensorimotor Learning. J Ergonomics, 7, 199.
Fluet, Gerard, & Merians, Alma, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Rohafza, Maryam, & VanWingerden , Anita, & Adamovich, Sergei (2015). Does training with traditionally presented and virtually simulated tasks elicit differing changes in object interaction kinematics in persons with upper extremity hemiparesis?. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 1760184.
Schettino, Luis, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Bagce, Hamid, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Tunik, Eugene (2015). Disruption of activity in the ventral premotor but not the anterior intraparietal area interferes with on-line correction to a haptic perturbation during grasping.. Journal of Neuroscience, 4, 2112-2117.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Merians, Alma S, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Davidow, Amy, & Adamovich, Sergei (2014). Comparing integrated training of the hand and arm with isolated training of the same effectors in persons with stroke using haptically rendered virtual environments, a randomized clinical trial. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 11(1), 126.
Merians, Alma S, & Fluet, Gerard, & Tunik, Eugene, & Qiu, QinYin, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei (2014). Movement rehabilitation in virtual reality from then to now: how are we doing?. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 13(3), 311–317.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Merians, Alma S, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & Ruano, Viviana, & Delmonico, Andrea R, & Adamovich, Sergei (2014). Robotic/virtual reality intervention program individualized to meet the specific sensorimotor impairments of an individual patient: a case study. International Journal on Disability and Human Development, 13(3), 401–407.
Fluet, GG, & Merians, A, & Patel, J, & Van Wingerden, A, & Qiu, Q, & Yarossi, M, & Tunik, E, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Massood, S (2014). Virtual reality-augmented rehabilitation for patients in sub-acute phase post stroke: a feasibility study.
Fluet, Gerard, & Merians, Alma, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Davidow, Amy, & Adamovich, Sergei (2014). Integrated training of hand and arm not superior to equal dose of isolated training of same effectors in persons with stroke.. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 11(1), 11.
Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2014). Mirrored Feedback in Chronic Stroke Recruitment and Effective Connectivity of Ipsilesional Sensorimotor Networks. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair,
guo, yi, & Sahin, Mesut, & Foulds, Richard A., & Adamovich, Sergei (2014). Encoding of forelimb forces by corticospinal tract activity in the rat. Frontiers in Neuroprosthetics, 8(62), 7 pages.
Bagce, Hamid F, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Krakauer, John W, & Tunik, Eugene (2013). Corticospinal excitability is enhanced after visuomotor adaptation and depends on learning rather than performance or error. Journal of neurophysiology, 109(4), 1097–1106.
Abdusamatov, RM, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Berkinblit, MB, & Chernavsky, AV, & Feldman, AG (2013). RAPID ONE-JOINT MOVEMENTS: A QUALITATIVE MODEL AND ITS. Stance and Motion: Facts and Concepts, 261.
Tunik, Eugene, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei (2013). Visuomotor discordance during visually-guided hand movement in virtual reality modulates sensorimotor cortical activity in healthy and hemiparetic subjects.. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 21(2), 198–207.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Merians, Alma S, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Lafond, Ian, & Saleh, Soha, & Ruano, Viviana, & Delmonico, Andrea R, & Adamovich, Sergei (2012). Robots integrated with virtual reality simulations for customized motor training in a person with upper extremity hemiparesis: a case report. Journal of neurologic physical therapy: JNPT, 36(2), 79.
Merians, AS, & Fluet, G, & Tunik, E, & Qiu, Q, & Saleh, S, & Adamovich, Sergei (2012). Movement rehabilitation in virtual reality from then to now: how are we doing?. ICDVRAT 2012, 8, 52.
Bagce, Hamid F, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Krakauer, John W, & Tunik, Eugene (2012). Corticospinal excitability is enhanced after visuomotor. J Neurophysiol, 109, 1097–1106.
Bagce, Hamid, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Tunik, Eugene (2012). Visuomotor Gain Distortion Alters Online Motor Performance and Enhances Primary Motor Cortex Excitability in Patients with Stroke, . Neuromodulation,
Fluet, Gerard, & Merians, Alma, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Lafond, Ian, & Saleh, Soha, & Ruano, V, & Delmonico, A, & Adamovich, Sergei (2012). Robots integrated with virtual reality simulations for customized motor training in a person with upper extremity hemiparesis: a case study.. Neurological Physical Therapy, 36(2), 79-86.
Alma S, Merians, & Gerard G, Fluet, & Qinyin, Qiu, & Ian, Lafond, & Adamovich, Sergei (2011). Learning in a virtual environment using haptic systems for movement re-education: can this medium be used for remodeling other behaviors and actions?. Journal of diabetes science and technology, 5(2), 301–308.
Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & Lafond, Ian, & Merians, Alma, & Adamovich, Sergei (2011). Robotic Training of Proximal Upper Extremity Stabilization During Distal Motor Activity in Persons with Upper Extremity Hemiparesis. Topics in Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation, 17(1), 93.
Merians, Alma S, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Lafond, Ian, & Adamovich, Sergei (2011). Virtual Reality Technologies for Research and Education in Obesity and Diabetes-Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health and Department of Defense: Learning in a Virtual Environment Using Haptic Systems for Movement Re-Education: Can This Medium Be Used for Remodeling Other Behaviors and Actions?. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 5(2), 301.
Merians, Akma S, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & Lafond, Ian, & Adamovich, Sergei (2011). Robotically Facilitated Virtual Rehabilitation of Arm Transport Integrated With Finger Movement in Persons with Hemiparesis. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation, 8-27.
Merians, Alma S, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & Lafond, Ian, & Adamovich, Sergei (2011). Learning in a Virtual Environment Using Haptic Systems for Movement Re-Education: Can This Medium Be Used for Remodeling Other Behaviors and Actions?. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology , 5(2), 301-308.
Merians, AS, & Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & LaFond, Ian, & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). Article 2 (see Poster 151): Improving Hemiparetic Hand Function: Training With Virtual Reality Task-Based Simulations Interfaced With Adaptive Robots. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(10), e3.
Foulds, Richard A., & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). Editorial introduction to the special issue. Technology and Disability, 22, 159–160.
Foulds, Richard A., & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). Introduction to Special Issue: State of Science in Pediatric Rehabilitation Engineering. Technology and Disability, 22, 159–160.
Merians, AS, & Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Saleh, Soha, & LaFond, Ian, & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). Poster 151 (see Article 2): Improving Hemiparetic Hand Function: Training With Virtual Reality Task-Based Simulations Interfaced With Adaptive Robots. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(10), e51.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Ramirez, Diego, & Saleh, Soha, & Parikh, Heta D, & Kelly, Donna, & Fluet, Gerard G (2010). Poster 163: Robotically Facilitated Upper-Extremity Task Practice in Complex Virtual Environments for Children With Cerebral Palsy. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(10), e54.
Foulds, Richard A., & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). State of the Science for Pediatric Rehabilitation Engineering. Technology and Disability, 22(4), 161–165.
Fluet, Gerard, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Kelly, Donna, & Parikh, Heta , & Ramirez, Diego, & Saleh, Soha, & Adamovich, Sergei (2010). Interfacing a haptic robotic system with complex virtual environments to treat impaired upper extremity motor function in children with cerebral palsy. . Developmental Neurorehabilition, 13(5), 335-345.
Adamovich, Sergei, & August, K, & Merians, A, & Tunik, E (2009). A virtual reality-based system integrated with fmri to study neural mechanisms of action observation-execution: a proof of concept study. Restorative neurology and neuroscience, 27(3), 209–223.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Mathai, Abraham, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Lewis, Jeffrey, & Merians, Alma S (2009). Design of a complex virtual reality simulation to train finger motion for persons with hemiparesis: a proof of concept study. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 6(1), 28.
Qiu, Qinyin, & Ramirez, Diego A, & Saleh, Soha, & Parikh, Heta D, & Kelly, Donna, & Adamovich, Sergei (2009). Design of NJIT-Robot-Assisted Virtual Rehabilitation System to Train the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity of Children with Cerebral Palsy. Arlington (VA): RESNA,
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Mathai, Abraham, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Lewis, Jeffrey, & Merians, Alma S (2009). Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 6, 28.
Qiu, Qinyin, & Ramirez, Diego A, & Saleh, Soha, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Parikh, Heta D, & Kelly, Donna, & Adamovich, Sergei (2009). Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 6, 40.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, GG, & Merians, AS, & Mathai, A, & Qiu, Q (2009). Neural and Rehabilitation Interface-Incorporating Haptic Effects Into Three-Dimensional Virtual Environments to Train the Hemiparetic Upper Extremity. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 17(5), 512.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, Gerard G, & Tunik, Eugene, & Merians, Alma S (2009). Sensorimotor training in virtual reality: a review. NeuroRehabilitation, 25(1), 29–44.
Qiu, Qinyin, & Ramirez, Diego, & Saleh, Soha, & Fluet, Gerald, & Parikh, Heta, & Kelly, Donna, & Adamovich, Sergei (2009). The New Jersey Institute of Technology Robot-Assisted Virtual Rehabilitation (NJIT-RAVR) system for children with cerebral palsy: A feasibility study. . Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation, 16(1), 6-40.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, G G, & Merians, A S, & Mathai, A, & Qiu, Q (2009). Design of 3 Robotically Facilitated Simulations in Virtual Environments to Train the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity.. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2009, 17, 512-520.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, Gerard, & Merians, Alma, & Mathai, Abraham, & Qiu, Qinyin (2009). Incorporating haptic effects into three-dimensional virtual environments to train the hemiparetic upper extremity.. IEEE Transactions in Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 17(5), 512-520.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Fluet, G G, & Tunik, E, & Merians, A S (2009). Sensorimotor Training in Virtual Reality. Neurorehabilitation, 25(1), 29-44.
Merians, A S, & Tunik, E, & Adamovich, Sergei (2009). Virtual reality to maximize function for hand and arm rehabilitation: exploration of neural mechanisms. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009, 145, 109-25.
Adamovich, Sergei, & August, K, & Merians, A S, & Tunik, E (2009). A Virtual Reality-Based System Integrated with fMRI to Study Neural Mechanisms Underlying Rehabilitation: A Proof of Concept Study. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 2009, 27(3), 209-23.
Merians, A S, & Tunik , E, & Fluet, G G, & Qiu, Q, & Adamovich, Sergei (2009). Innovative approaches to the rehabilitation of upper extremity hemiparesis using virtual environments.. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 45(1), 123-33.
E, Tunik, & Lo , O, & Adamovich, Sergei (2008). Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to the Frontal Operculum and Supramarginal Gyrus Disrupts Planning of Outcome Based Hand-Object Interactions. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 14422-14427.
Tunik, Eugene, & Ortigue, Stephanie, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Grafton, Scott T (2008). Differential recruitment of anterior intraparietal sulcus and superior parietal lobule during visually guided grasping revealed by electrical neuroimaging. Journal of Neuroscience, 28(50), 13615–13620.
Tunik, E, & Merians, A, & Adamovich, Sergei (2008). Mirrored feedback in virtual reality enhances corticospinal excitability. Brain Stimulation, 1(3), 302.
Fluet, Gerard G, & Merians, Alma S, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Mathai, Abraham, & Adamovich, Sergei (2008). Poster 35: Robotically Facilitated Training of the Hemiplegic Upper Extremity as a Functional Unit, Compared With Isolated Training of the Hand and Arm: Decreased Competition for Reorganizing Cortical Territory?. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 89(10), e37.
Tunik, E, & Lo, OY, & Adamovich, Sergei (2008). TMS to the frontal operculum and supramarginal gyrus disrupts planning of outcome based hand-object interactions. Brain Stimulation, 1(3), 298.
Tunik, E S, & Ortigue, S, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Grafton, S T (2008). Fronto-parietal interactions during adaptive control of visually-guided reach-to-grasp revealed by electrical neuroimaging.. Journal of Neuroscience, 28, 13615-20.
Foulds, R A, & Saxe, D M, & Joyce III, A W, & Adamovich, Sergei (2008). Sensory-motor enhancement in a virtual therapeutic environment.. Virtual Reality, 12, 87-97.
Messier, Julie, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Jack, David, & Hening, Wayne, & Sage, Jacob, & Poizner, Howard (2007). Visuomotor learning in immersive 3D virtual reality in Parkinson’s disease and in aging. Experimental brain research, 179(3), 457–474.
Abbott, David F, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Akinwuntan, AE, & Alcaniz, Mariano, & Arno, P, & Auerbach, Edward J, & Baccini, Marco, & Barbay, Scott, & Bastian, Amy J, & Baten, G, & others, (2006). 516 Copyright 2006 The American Society of Neurorehabilitation. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 20(4), 517.
Schettino, Luis F, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Hening, Wayne, & Tunik, Eugene, & Sage, Jacob, & Poizner, Howard (2006). Hand preshaping in Parkinson’s disease: effects of visual feedback and medication state. Experimental Brain Research, 168(1-2), 186–202.
Merians, Alma S, & Poizner, Howard, & Boian, Rares, & Burdea, Grigore, & Adamovich, Sergei (2006). Sensorimotor training in a virtual reality environment: does it improve functional recovery poststroke?. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 20(2), 252–267.
August, K, & Lewis, J A, & Chandar, G, & Merians, A, & Biswal, Bharat, & Adamovich, Sergei (2006). FMRI analysis of neural mechanisms underlying rehabilitation in virtual reality: activating secondary motor areas.. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 1, 3692-5.
August, K, & Lewis, J A, & Chandar, G, & Merians, A, & Biswal, Bharat, & Adamovich, Sergei (2006). FMRI analysis of neural mechanisms underlying rehabilitation in virtual reality: activating secondary motor areas.. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Conference, 1, 3692-5.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Merians, Alma S, & Boian, Rares, & Lewis, Jeffrey A, & Tremaine, Marilyn, & Burdea, Grigore S, & Recce, Michael L., & Poizner, Howard (2005). A Virtual Reality—Based Exercise System for Hand Rehabilitation Post-Stroke. Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 14(2), 161–174.
Tunik, Eugene, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, Howard, & Feldman, Anatol G (2004). Deficits in rapid adjustments of movements according to task constraints in Parkinson’s disease. Movement disorders, 19(8), 897–906.
Schettino, Luis F, & Rajaraman, Viswanathan, & Jack, David, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Sage, Jacob, & Poizner, Howard (2004). Deficits in the evolution of hand preshaping in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychologia, 42(1), 82–94.
Deutsch, Judith E, & Merians, Alma S, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, Howard, & Burdea, Grigore C (2004). Development and application of virtual reality technology to improve hand use and gait of individuals post-stroke. Restorative neurology and neuroscience, 22(3), 371–386.
Tunik, E, & Poizner, H, & Levin, MF, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Messier, J, & Lamarre, Y, & Feldman, AG (2003). Arm–trunk coordination in the absence of proprioception. Experimental brain research, 153(3), 343–355.
Schettino, Luis F, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, Howard (2003). Effects of object shape and visual feedback on hand configuration during grasping. Experimental Brain Research, 151(2), 158–166.
Messier, Julie, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Berkinblit, Michail, & Tunik, Eugene, & Poizner, Howard (2003). Influence of movement speed on accuracy and coordination of reaching movements to memorized targets in three-dimensional space in a deafferented subject. Experimental Brain Research, 150(4), 399–416.
Krebs, Hermano Igo, & Volpe, Bruce T, & Aisen, ML, & Hening, W, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, Howard, & Subrahmanyan, K, & Hogan, Neville (2003). Robotic applications in neuromotor rehabilitation. Robotica, 21(1), 3–11.
Deutsch, Judith E, & Merians, Alma S, & Burdea, Grigore C, & Boian, Rares, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, Howard (2002). Haptics and virtual reality used to increase strength and improve function in chronic individuals post-stroke: two case reports. Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 26(2), 79–86.
Ghafouri, Mohammad, & Archambault, Philippe S, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Feldman, Anatol G (2002). Pointing movements may be produced in different frames of reference depending on the task demand. Brain research, 929(1), 117–128.
Boian, R, & Sharma, A, & Han, C, & Merians, A, & Burdea, G, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Recce, Michael L., & Tremaine, M, & Poizner, H, & others, (2002). Virtual reality-based post-stroke hand rehabilitation. Studies in health technology and informatics, 64–70.
Merians, Alma S, & Jack, David, & Boian, Rares, & Tremaine, Marilyn, & Burdea, Grigore C, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Recce, Michael L., & Poizner, Howard (2002). Virtual reality–augmented rehabilitation for patients following stroke. Physical therapy, 82(9), 898–915.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Archambault, Philippe S, & Ghafouri, Mohammad, & Levin, Mindy F, & Poizner, Howard, & Feldman, Anatol G (2001). Hand trajectory invariance in reaching movements involving the trunk.. Experimental Brain Research, 138(3), 288–303.
Krebs, H, & Hogan, N, & Hening, W, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, H (2001). Procedural motor learning in Parkinson’s disease. Experimental Brain Research, 141(4), 425–437.
Adamovich, Sergei, & Berkinblit, MB, & Hening, W, & Sage, J, & Poizner, H (2001). The interaction of visual and proprioceptive inputs in pointing to actual and remembered targets in Parkinson’s disease. Neuroscience, 104(4), 1027–1041.
Jack, David, & Boian, Rares, & Merians, Alma S, & Tremaine, Marilyn, & Burdea, Grigore C, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Recce, Michael L., & Poizner, Howard (2001). Virtual reality-enhanced stroke rehabilitation. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, IEEE Transactions on, 9(3), 308–318.
Rajaraman, V, & Jack, D, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Hening, W, & Sage, J, & Poizner, H (2000). A novel quantitative method for 3D measurement of Parkinsonian tremor. Clinical neurophysiology, 111(2), 338–343.
Schettino, LF, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Poizner, H (2000). The role of visual feedback in the determination of hand configuration during grasping. Proc. Integrated Neuroscience Minisymp, 179–187.
Poizner, Howard, & Feldman, Anatol G, & Levin, Mindy F, & Berkinblit, Michail B, & Hening, Wayne A, & Patel, Ami, & Adamovich, Sergei (2000). The timing of arm-trunk coordination is deficient and vision-dependent in Parkinson’s patients during reaching movements.. Experimental brain research, 133(3), 279–292.
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Finger Prosthetic
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2021
Methods and apparatus for rehabilitation
March 2019
January (1st Quarter/Winter) 2021
Methods and apparatus for rehabilitation
March 2019
Zhou, Xianlian A., & Mont, Ashley, & Adamovich, Sergei (2020). Evaluation of a 1-DOF Hand Exoskeleton for Neuromuscular Rehabilitation, Ateshian G., Myers K., Tavares J. (Eds.), Springer International Publishing. (pp. pp. 384-397). Cham: Springer International Publishing
Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Cronce, Amanda, & Sia, Eduardo, & Blessing, Kathryn, & Patel, Jigna, & Merians, Alma, & Wohn, Donghee Yvette, & Adamovich, Sergei (2020). Participant Adherence to a Video Game-Based Tele-rehabilitation Program: A Mixed-Methods Case Series, CRC Press. (pp. 169--184). CRC Press
Merians, Alma, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Patel, Jigna, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Fluet, Gerard, & Tunik, Eugene, & Adamovich, Sergei (2017). Examining VR/Robotic Hand Retraining in an Acute Rehabilitation Unit: A Pilot Study, Springer International Publishing. (pp. 437–441). Springer International Publishing
Cheung, Katharine L, & Tunik, Eugene, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Boyd, Lara A (2014). Neuroplasticity and virtual reality, Springer New York. (pp. 5–24). Springer New York
Feldman, AG, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Ostry, DJ, & Flanagan, JR, (1990). The origin of electromyograms—explanations based on the equilibrium point hypothesis, Springer New York. (pp. 195–213). Springer New York
Abdusamatov, RM, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Berkinblit, MB, & Chernavsky, AV, & Feldman, AG (1988). Rapid one-joint movements: A qualitative model and its experimental verification, Springer. (pp. 261–270). Springer
Abdusamatov, RM, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Feldman, AG (1987). A model for one-joint motor control in man, Springer. (pp. 183–187). Springer
Fluet, Gerard G, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Cronce, Amanda, & Sia, Eduardo, & Blessing, Kathryn, & Patel, Jigna, & Merians, Alma, & Wohn, Donghee Yvette, & Adamovich, Sergei (2020). Participant Adherence to a Video Game-Based Tele-rehabilitation Program: A Mixed-Methods Case Series, CRC Press. (pp. 169--184). CRC Press
Merians, Alma, & Yarossi, Mathew, & Patel, Jigna, & Qiu, Qinyin, & Fluet, Gerard, & Tunik, Eugene, & Adamovich, Sergei (2017). Examining VR/Robotic Hand Retraining in an Acute Rehabilitation Unit: A Pilot Study, Springer International Publishing. (pp. 437–441). Springer International Publishing
Cheung, Katharine L, & Tunik, Eugene, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Boyd, Lara A (2014). Neuroplasticity and virtual reality, Springer New York. (pp. 5–24). Springer New York
Feldman, AG, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Ostry, DJ, & Flanagan, JR, (1990). The origin of electromyograms—explanations based on the equilibrium point hypothesis, Springer New York. (pp. 195–213). Springer New York
Abdusamatov, RM, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Berkinblit, MB, & Chernavsky, AV, & Feldman, AG (1988). Rapid one-joint movements: A qualitative model and its experimental verification, Springer. (pp. 261–270). Springer
Abdusamatov, RM, & Adamovich, Sergei, & Feldman, AG (1987). A model for one-joint motor control in man, Springer. (pp. 183–187). Springer