Simon Garnier
About Me
Simon Garnier is an Associate Professor of Biology at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. He is the head of the Swarm Lab, an interdisciplinary research lab that studies the mechanisms underlying Collective Behaviors and Swarm Intelligence in natural and artificial systems ( His research aims to reveal the detailed functioning of collective intelligence in systems as diverse as ant colonies, human crowds or robotic swarms. Dr. Garnier received a B.Sc. in Cell and Molecular Biology in 2002 from the University of Bordeaux. He received his M.Sc. in Neuroscience and Cognition in 2004 and his Ph.D. in Animal Behavior in 2008 from the University of Toulouse, both under the direction of Dr. Guy Theraulaz.
Ph.D.; Université de Toulouse; Ethology; 2008
M.S.; Université de Toulouse; Neuroscience And Behavior; 2004
B.S.; Université Victor Segalen - Bordeaux II; Cell And Molecular Biology; 2002
M.S.; Université de Toulouse; Neuroscience And Behavior; 2004
B.S.; Université Victor Segalen - Bordeaux II; Cell And Molecular Biology; 2002
Teaching Interests
Collective Intelligence, Science Communication, Statistics and Data Analysis
Past Courses
Research Interests
Collective Behavior and Intelligence, Swarm Intelligence, Swarm Robotics, Social Behaviors
Journal Article
Garnier, Simon J., & Moussa\"\id, Mehdi, (2022). We the swarm---Methodological, theoretical, and societal (r)evolutions in collective decision-making research. Collective Intelligence, 1(1), 26339137221133400.
McCreery, Helen F, & Gemayel, Georgina, & Pais, Ana Isabel, & Garnier, Simon J., & Nagpal, Radhika (2022). Hysteresis stabilizes dynamic control of self-assembled army ant constructions. Nature communications, 13(1), 1--13.
Wi\'sniewska, Maggie, , & Puga-Gonzalez, Ivan, & Lee, Phyllis, & Moss, Cynthia, & Russell, Gareth J., & Garnier, Simon J., & Sueur, C\'edric, (2022). Simulated poaching affects global connectivity and efficiency in social networks of African savanna elephants-An exemplar of how human disturbance impacts group-living species. PLoS computational biology, 18(1), e1009792.
Kennedy, Leslie W, & Caplan, Joel M, & Garnier, Simon J., & Lersch, Kim, & Mir\'o-Llinares, Fernando, , & Gibbs Van Brunschot, Erin E, , & Lopez, David (2021). Editorial: Using Evidence Based Analytics to Create Narratives for Police Decision Making. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 791605.
Lutz, Matthew J, & Reid, Chris R, & Lustri, Christopher J, & Kao, Albert B, & Garnier, Simon J., & Couzin, Iain D (2021). Individual error correction drives responsive self-assembly of army ant scaffolds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(17),
McCreery, Helen F, & Gemayel, Georgina, & Pais, Ana Isabel, & Garnier, Simon J., & Nagpal, Radhika (2022). Hysteresis stabilizes dynamic control of self-assembled army ant constructions. Nature communications, 13(1), 1--13.
Wi\'sniewska, Maggie, , & Puga-Gonzalez, Ivan, & Lee, Phyllis, & Moss, Cynthia, & Russell, Gareth J., & Garnier, Simon J., & Sueur, C\'edric, (2022). Simulated poaching affects global connectivity and efficiency in social networks of African savanna elephants-An exemplar of how human disturbance impacts group-living species. PLoS computational biology, 18(1), e1009792.
Kennedy, Leslie W, & Caplan, Joel M, & Garnier, Simon J., & Lersch, Kim, & Mir\'o-Llinares, Fernando, , & Gibbs Van Brunschot, Erin E, , & Lopez, David (2021). Editorial: Using Evidence Based Analytics to Create Narratives for Police Decision Making. Frontiers in psychology, 12, 791605.
Lutz, Matthew J, & Reid, Chris R, & Lustri, Christopher J, & Kao, Albert B, & Garnier, Simon J., & Couzin, Iain D (2021). Individual error correction drives responsive self-assembly of army ant scaffolds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(17),
Blackiston, Douglas, & Lederer, Emma, & Kriegman, Sam, & Garnier, Simon J., & Bongard, Joshua, & Levin, Michael (2021). A cellular platform for the development of synthetic living machines. Science Robotics, 6(52),
Moffett, Mark W, & Garnier, Simon J., & Eisenhardt, Kathleen M, & Furr, Nathan R, & Warglien, Massimo, & Sartoris, Costanza, & Ocasio, William, & Knudsen, Thorbj\orn, , & Bach, Lars A, & Offenberg, Joachim (2021). Ant colonies: building complex organizations with minuscule brains and no leaders. Journal of Organization Design,
Sankey, D W E, & O'Bryan, L R, & Garnier, Simon J., & Cowlishaw, G, & Hopkins, P, & Holton, M, & F\"urtbauer, I, , & King, A J, (2021). Consensus of travel direction is achieved by simple copying, not voting, in free-ranging goats. Royal Society open science, 8(2), 201128.
Walsh, Justin Troy, & Garnier, Simon J., & Linksvayer, Timothy A (2020). Ant collective behavior is heritable and shaped by selection. The American naturalist, 567503.
Samson, Julia E, & Ray, Dylan D, & Porfiri, Maurizio, & Miller, Laura A, & Garnier, Simon J. (2020). Collective Pulsing in Xeniid Corals: Part I-Using Computer Vision and Information Theory to Search for Coordination. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 82(7), 90.
Pilkiewicz, K R, & Lemasson, B H, & Rowland, M A, & Hein, A, & Sun, J, & Berdahl, A, & Mayo, M L, & Moehlis, J, & Porfiri, M, & Fern\'andez-Juricic, E, , & Garnier, Simon J., & Bollt, E M, & Carlson, J M, & Tarampi, M R, & Macuga, K L, & Rossi, L, & Shen, C-C (2020). Decoding collective communications using information theory tools. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society, 17(164), 20190563.
O'Bryan, Lisa, & Abaid, Nicole, & Nakayama, Shinnosuke, & Dey, Tanujit, & King, Andrew, & Cowlishaw, Guy, & Rubenstein, Daniel, & Garnier, Simon J. (2019). Contact Calls Facilitate Group Contraction in Free-ranging Goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 73.
Tuci, Elio, & Trianni, Vito, & King, Andrew, & Garnier, Simon J. (2019). Editorial: Novel Technological and Methodological Tools for the Understanding of Collective Behaviors. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 6, 139.
Ray, Subash, & Valentini, Gabriele, & Shah, Purva, & Haque, Abid, & Reid, Chris, & Weber, Gregory, & Garnier, Simon J. (2019). Information Transfer During Food Choice in the Slime Mold Physarum polycephalum. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 67.
Middleton, Eliza J T, & Garnier, Simon J., & Latty, Tanya, & Reid, Chris R (2019). Temporal and spatial pattern of trail clearing in the Australian meat ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus. Animal behaviour, 150, 97--111.
Moser, Helen L, & Doe, Anton P, & Meier, Kristen, & Garnier, Simon J., & Laudier, Damien, & Akiyama, Haruhiko, & Zumstein, Matthias A, & Galatz, Leesa M, & Huang, Alice H (2018). Genetic lineage tracing of targeted cell populations during enthesis healing. Journal of orthopaedic research: official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 36(12), 3275--3284.
Garnier, Simon J., & Caplan, Joel M, & Kennedy, Leslie W (2018). Predicting Dynamical Crime Distribution From Environmental and Social Influences. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 4, 13.
Ireland, Tim, & Garnier, Simon J. (2018). Architecture, space and information in constructions built by humans and social insects: a conceptual review. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 373(1753),
Delcourt, Johann, & Miller, Noam Y, & Couzin, Iain D, & Garnier, Simon J. (2018). Methods for the effective study of collective behavior in a radial arm maze. Behavior research methods, 50(4), 1673--1685.
Graham, Jason M, & Kao, Albert B, & Wilhelm, Dylana A, & Garnier, Simon J. (2017). Optimal construction of army ant living bridges. Journal of theoretical biology, 435, 184--198.
Garnier, Simon J., & Kronauer, Daniel J C (2017). The adaptive significance of phasic colony cycles in army ants. Journal of theoretical biology, 428, 43--47.
Reid, Chris R, & MacDonald, Hannelore, & Mann, Richard P, & Marshall, James A R, , & Latty, Tanya, & Garnier, Simon J. (2016). Decision-making without a brain: how an amoeboid organism solves the two-armed bandit. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society, 13(119), 20160030.
Reid, Chris R, & Lutz, Matthew J, & Powell, Scott, & Kao, Albert B, & Couzin, Iain D, & Garnier, Simon J. (2015). Army ants dynamically adjust living bridges in response to a cost-benefit trade-off. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(49), 15113--15118.
Dorigo, Marco, & Birattari, Mauro, & Garnier, Simon J., & Hamann, Heiko, & de Oca, Marco A Montes, , & Solnon, Christine, & St\"utzle, Thomas, (2015). ANTS 2014 special issue: Editorial. Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3), 71--73.
Vela-P\'erez, M, , & Fontelos, M A, & Garnier, Simon J. (2015). From individual to collective dynamics in Argentine ants (Linepithema humile). Mathematical biosciences, 262, 56--64.
Reid, Chris R, & Garnier, Simon J., & Beekman, Madeleine, & Latty, Tanya (2015). Information integration and multiattribute decision making in non-neuronal organisms. Animal behaviour, 100, 44--50.
P\'erez-Escudero, Alfonso, , & Miller, Noam, & Hartnett, Andrew T, & Garnier, Simon J., & Couzin, Iain D, & de Polavieja, Gonzalo G (2013). Estimation models describe well collective decisions among three options. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(37), E3466--7.
Miller, Noam, & Garnier, Simon J., & Hartnett, Andrew T, & Couzin, Iain D (2013). Both information and social cohesion determine collective decisions in animal groups. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(13), 5263--5268.
Garnier, Simon J., & Combe, Maud, & Jost, Christian, & Theraulaz, Guy (2013). Do ants need to estimate the geometrical properties of trail bifurcations to find an efficient route? A swarm robotics test bed. PLoS computational biology, 9(3), e1002903.
Garnier, Simon J., & Murphy, Tucker, & Lutz, Matthew, & Hurme, Edward, & Leblanc, Simon, & Couzin, Iain D (2013). Stability and responsiveness in a self-organized living architecture. PLoS computational biology, 9(3), e1002984.
Perna, Andrea, & Granovskiy, Boris, & Garnier, Simon J., & Nicolis, Stamatios C, & Lab\'edan, Marjorie, , & Theraulaz, Guy, & Fourcassi\'e, Vincent, , & Sumpter, David J T (2012). Individual rules for trail pattern formation in Argentine ants (Linepithema humile). PLoS computational biology, 8(7), e1002592.
Gallup, Andrew C, & Hale, Joseph J, & Sumpter, David J T, & Garnier, Simon J., & Kacelnik, Alex, & Krebs, John R, & Couzin, Iain D (2012). Visual attention and the acquisition of information in human crowds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(19), 7245--7250.
Garnier, Simon J. (2011). From Ants to Robots and Back : How Robotics Can Contribute to the Study of Collective Animal Behavior. Bio-Inspired Self-Organizing Robotic Systems, 355, 105--120.
Campo, Alexandre, & Garnier, Simon J., & D\'edriche, Olivier, , & Zekkri, Mouhcine, & Dorigo, Marco (2011). Self-organized discrimination of resources. PloS one, 6(5), e19888.
Campo, Alexandre, & Guti\'errez, Alvaro, , & Nouyan, Shervin, & Pinciroli, Carlo, & Longchamp, Valentin, & Garnier, Simon J., & Dorigo, Marco (2010). Artificial pheromone for path selection by a foraging swarm of robots. Biological cybernetics, 103(5), 339--352.
Moussa\"\id, Mehdi, , & Perozo, Niriaska, & Garnier, Simon J., & Helbing, Dirk, & Theraulaz, Guy (2010). The walking behaviour of pedestrian social groups and its impact on crowd dynamics. PloS one, 5(4), e10047.
Moussa\"\id, Mehdi, , & Helbing, Dirk, & Garnier, Simon J., & Johansson, Anders, & Combe, Maud, & Theraulaz, Guy (2009). Experimental study of the behavioural mechanisms underlying self-organization in human crowds. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 276(1668), 2755--2762.
Moussaid, Mehdi, & Garnier, Simon J., & Theraulaz, Guy, & Helbing, Dirk (2009). Collective information processing and pattern formation in swarms, flocks, and crowds. Topics in cognitive science, 1(3), 469--497.
Garnier, Simon J., & Gu\'er\'echeau, Aur\'elie, , & Combe, Maud, & Fourcassi\'e, Vincent, , & Theraulaz, Guy (2009). Path selection and foraging efficiency in Argentine ant transport networks. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, 63(8), 1167--1179.
Garnier, Simon J., & Gautrais, J, & Asadpour, M, & Jost, C, & Theraulaz, G (2009). Self-Organized Aggregation Triggers Collective Decision Making in a Group of Cockroach-Like Robots. Adaptive behavior, 17(2), 109--133.
Gerbier, Gr\'egory, , & Garnier, Simon J., & Rieu, C\'ecile, , & Theraulaz, Guy, & Fourcassi\'e, Vincent, (2008). Are ants sensitive to the geometry of tunnel bifurcation?. Animal cognition, 11(4), 637--642.
Garnier, Simon J., & Jost, Christian, & Gautrais, Jacques, & Asadpour, Masoud, & Caprari, Gilles, & Jeanson, Rapha\"el, , & Grimal, Anne, & Theraulaz, Guy (2008). The Embodiment of Cockroach Aggregation Behavior in a Group of Micro-robots. Artificial life, 14(4), 387--408.
Garnier, Simon J., & Gautrais, Jacques, & Theraulaz, Guy (2007). The biological principles of swarm intelligence. Swarm Intelligence, 1(1), 3--31.
Moffett, Mark W, & Garnier, Simon J., & Eisenhardt, Kathleen M, & Furr, Nathan R, & Warglien, Massimo, & Sartoris, Costanza, & Ocasio, William, & Knudsen, Thorbj\orn, , & Bach, Lars A, & Offenberg, Joachim (2021). Ant colonies: building complex organizations with minuscule brains and no leaders. Journal of Organization Design,
Sankey, D W E, & O'Bryan, L R, & Garnier, Simon J., & Cowlishaw, G, & Hopkins, P, & Holton, M, & F\"urtbauer, I, , & King, A J, (2021). Consensus of travel direction is achieved by simple copying, not voting, in free-ranging goats. Royal Society open science, 8(2), 201128.
Walsh, Justin Troy, & Garnier, Simon J., & Linksvayer, Timothy A (2020). Ant collective behavior is heritable and shaped by selection. The American naturalist, 567503.
Samson, Julia E, & Ray, Dylan D, & Porfiri, Maurizio, & Miller, Laura A, & Garnier, Simon J. (2020). Collective Pulsing in Xeniid Corals: Part I-Using Computer Vision and Information Theory to Search for Coordination. Bulletin of mathematical biology, 82(7), 90.
Pilkiewicz, K R, & Lemasson, B H, & Rowland, M A, & Hein, A, & Sun, J, & Berdahl, A, & Mayo, M L, & Moehlis, J, & Porfiri, M, & Fern\'andez-Juricic, E, , & Garnier, Simon J., & Bollt, E M, & Carlson, J M, & Tarampi, M R, & Macuga, K L, & Rossi, L, & Shen, C-C (2020). Decoding collective communications using information theory tools. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society, 17(164), 20190563.
O'Bryan, Lisa, & Abaid, Nicole, & Nakayama, Shinnosuke, & Dey, Tanujit, & King, Andrew, & Cowlishaw, Guy, & Rubenstein, Daniel, & Garnier, Simon J. (2019). Contact Calls Facilitate Group Contraction in Free-ranging Goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 73.
Tuci, Elio, & Trianni, Vito, & King, Andrew, & Garnier, Simon J. (2019). Editorial: Novel Technological and Methodological Tools for the Understanding of Collective Behaviors. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 6, 139.
Ray, Subash, & Valentini, Gabriele, & Shah, Purva, & Haque, Abid, & Reid, Chris, & Weber, Gregory, & Garnier, Simon J. (2019). Information Transfer During Food Choice in the Slime Mold Physarum polycephalum. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 7, 67.
Middleton, Eliza J T, & Garnier, Simon J., & Latty, Tanya, & Reid, Chris R (2019). Temporal and spatial pattern of trail clearing in the Australian meat ant, Iridomyrmex purpureus. Animal behaviour, 150, 97--111.
Moser, Helen L, & Doe, Anton P, & Meier, Kristen, & Garnier, Simon J., & Laudier, Damien, & Akiyama, Haruhiko, & Zumstein, Matthias A, & Galatz, Leesa M, & Huang, Alice H (2018). Genetic lineage tracing of targeted cell populations during enthesis healing. Journal of orthopaedic research: official publication of the Orthopaedic Research Society, 36(12), 3275--3284.
Garnier, Simon J., & Caplan, Joel M, & Kennedy, Leslie W (2018). Predicting Dynamical Crime Distribution From Environmental and Social Influences. Frontiers in Applied Mathematics and Statistics, 4, 13.
Ireland, Tim, & Garnier, Simon J. (2018). Architecture, space and information in constructions built by humans and social insects: a conceptual review. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 373(1753),
Delcourt, Johann, & Miller, Noam Y, & Couzin, Iain D, & Garnier, Simon J. (2018). Methods for the effective study of collective behavior in a radial arm maze. Behavior research methods, 50(4), 1673--1685.
Graham, Jason M, & Kao, Albert B, & Wilhelm, Dylana A, & Garnier, Simon J. (2017). Optimal construction of army ant living bridges. Journal of theoretical biology, 435, 184--198.
Garnier, Simon J., & Kronauer, Daniel J C (2017). The adaptive significance of phasic colony cycles in army ants. Journal of theoretical biology, 428, 43--47.
Reid, Chris R, & MacDonald, Hannelore, & Mann, Richard P, & Marshall, James A R, , & Latty, Tanya, & Garnier, Simon J. (2016). Decision-making without a brain: how an amoeboid organism solves the two-armed bandit. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society, 13(119), 20160030.
Reid, Chris R, & Lutz, Matthew J, & Powell, Scott, & Kao, Albert B, & Couzin, Iain D, & Garnier, Simon J. (2015). Army ants dynamically adjust living bridges in response to a cost-benefit trade-off. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(49), 15113--15118.
Dorigo, Marco, & Birattari, Mauro, & Garnier, Simon J., & Hamann, Heiko, & de Oca, Marco A Montes, , & Solnon, Christine, & St\"utzle, Thomas, (2015). ANTS 2014 special issue: Editorial. Swarm Intelligence, 9(2-3), 71--73.
Vela-P\'erez, M, , & Fontelos, M A, & Garnier, Simon J. (2015). From individual to collective dynamics in Argentine ants (Linepithema humile). Mathematical biosciences, 262, 56--64.
Reid, Chris R, & Garnier, Simon J., & Beekman, Madeleine, & Latty, Tanya (2015). Information integration and multiattribute decision making in non-neuronal organisms. Animal behaviour, 100, 44--50.
P\'erez-Escudero, Alfonso, , & Miller, Noam, & Hartnett, Andrew T, & Garnier, Simon J., & Couzin, Iain D, & de Polavieja, Gonzalo G (2013). Estimation models describe well collective decisions among three options. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(37), E3466--7.
Miller, Noam, & Garnier, Simon J., & Hartnett, Andrew T, & Couzin, Iain D (2013). Both information and social cohesion determine collective decisions in animal groups. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(13), 5263--5268.
Garnier, Simon J., & Combe, Maud, & Jost, Christian, & Theraulaz, Guy (2013). Do ants need to estimate the geometrical properties of trail bifurcations to find an efficient route? A swarm robotics test bed. PLoS computational biology, 9(3), e1002903.
Garnier, Simon J., & Murphy, Tucker, & Lutz, Matthew, & Hurme, Edward, & Leblanc, Simon, & Couzin, Iain D (2013). Stability and responsiveness in a self-organized living architecture. PLoS computational biology, 9(3), e1002984.
Perna, Andrea, & Granovskiy, Boris, & Garnier, Simon J., & Nicolis, Stamatios C, & Lab\'edan, Marjorie, , & Theraulaz, Guy, & Fourcassi\'e, Vincent, , & Sumpter, David J T (2012). Individual rules for trail pattern formation in Argentine ants (Linepithema humile). PLoS computational biology, 8(7), e1002592.
Gallup, Andrew C, & Hale, Joseph J, & Sumpter, David J T, & Garnier, Simon J., & Kacelnik, Alex, & Krebs, John R, & Couzin, Iain D (2012). Visual attention and the acquisition of information in human crowds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 109(19), 7245--7250.
Garnier, Simon J. (2011). From Ants to Robots and Back : How Robotics Can Contribute to the Study of Collective Animal Behavior. Bio-Inspired Self-Organizing Robotic Systems, 355, 105--120.
Campo, Alexandre, & Garnier, Simon J., & D\'edriche, Olivier, , & Zekkri, Mouhcine, & Dorigo, Marco (2011). Self-organized discrimination of resources. PloS one, 6(5), e19888.
Campo, Alexandre, & Guti\'errez, Alvaro, , & Nouyan, Shervin, & Pinciroli, Carlo, & Longchamp, Valentin, & Garnier, Simon J., & Dorigo, Marco (2010). Artificial pheromone for path selection by a foraging swarm of robots. Biological cybernetics, 103(5), 339--352.
Moussa\"\id, Mehdi, , & Perozo, Niriaska, & Garnier, Simon J., & Helbing, Dirk, & Theraulaz, Guy (2010). The walking behaviour of pedestrian social groups and its impact on crowd dynamics. PloS one, 5(4), e10047.
Moussa\"\id, Mehdi, , & Helbing, Dirk, & Garnier, Simon J., & Johansson, Anders, & Combe, Maud, & Theraulaz, Guy (2009). Experimental study of the behavioural mechanisms underlying self-organization in human crowds. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 276(1668), 2755--2762.
Moussaid, Mehdi, & Garnier, Simon J., & Theraulaz, Guy, & Helbing, Dirk (2009). Collective information processing and pattern formation in swarms, flocks, and crowds. Topics in cognitive science, 1(3), 469--497.
Garnier, Simon J., & Gu\'er\'echeau, Aur\'elie, , & Combe, Maud, & Fourcassi\'e, Vincent, , & Theraulaz, Guy (2009). Path selection and foraging efficiency in Argentine ant transport networks. Behavioral ecology and sociobiology, 63(8), 1167--1179.
Garnier, Simon J., & Gautrais, J, & Asadpour, M, & Jost, C, & Theraulaz, G (2009). Self-Organized Aggregation Triggers Collective Decision Making in a Group of Cockroach-Like Robots. Adaptive behavior, 17(2), 109--133.
Gerbier, Gr\'egory, , & Garnier, Simon J., & Rieu, C\'ecile, , & Theraulaz, Guy, & Fourcassi\'e, Vincent, (2008). Are ants sensitive to the geometry of tunnel bifurcation?. Animal cognition, 11(4), 637--642.
Garnier, Simon J., & Jost, Christian, & Gautrais, Jacques, & Asadpour, Masoud, & Caprari, Gilles, & Jeanson, Rapha\"el, , & Grimal, Anne, & Theraulaz, Guy (2008). The Embodiment of Cockroach Aggregation Behavior in a Group of Micro-robots. Artificial life, 14(4), 387--408.
Garnier, Simon J., & Gautrais, Jacques, & Theraulaz, Guy (2007). The biological principles of swarm intelligence. Swarm Intelligence, 1(1), 3--31.
Garnier, Simon J., & Jost, Christian, & Jeanson, Rapha\"el, , & Gautrais, Jacques, & Asadpour, Masoud, & Caprari, Gilles, & Theraulaz, Guy (2005). Aggregation behaviour as a source of collective decision in a group of cockroach-like-robots, Capcarr\`ere, Mathieu S; Freitas, Alex A; Bentley, Peter J; Johnson, Colin G; Timmis, Jon (Eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg. (pp. 169--178). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg