Kristina Wicke
Kristina Wicke
Assistant Professor, Mathematical Sciences
507 Cullimore Hall (CULM)
About Me
I obtained B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees in Biomathematics from the University of Greifswald in Germany. I then was a President's Postdoctoral Scholar at The Ohio State University, before joining NJIT in 2022.
Ph.D.; University of Greifswald; Biomathematics; 2020
M.S.; University of Greifswald; Biomathematics; 2016
B.S.; University of Greifswald; Biomathematics; 2015
M.S.; University of Greifswald; Biomathematics; 2016
B.S.; University of Greifswald; Biomathematics; 2015
Office Hours
By appointment.
Teaching Interests
Probability, Discrete Mathematics, Discrete Models in Biology, Calculus
Past Courses
Research Interests
Mathematical Phylogenetics, Graph Theory, Combinatorics
Journal Article
Knüver, Linda, & Fischer, Mareike, & Hellmuth, Marc, & Wicke, Kristina (2024). The weighted total cophenetic index: A novel balance index for phylogenetic networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 359, 89-142.
Döcker, Janosch, & Linz, Simone, & Wicke, Kristina (2024). Bounding the softwired parsimony score of a phylogenetic network. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86(10), 28 pages.
Moulton, Vincent, & Spillner, Andreas, & Wicke, Kristina (2024). Phylogenetic diversity indices from an affine and projective viewpoint. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86(8), 31 pages.
Currie, Bryan, & Wicke, Kristina (2024). On the maximum value of the stairs2 index. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 159, 17 pages.
Wicke, Kristina, & Haque, Rejuan, & Kubatko, Laura (2024). Implications of gene tree heterogeneity on downstream phylogenetic analyses: A case study employing the Fair Proportion index. PLoS ONE, 19(4), 12 pages.
Döcker, Janosch, & Linz, Simone, & Wicke, Kristina (2024). Bounding the softwired parsimony score of a phylogenetic network. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86(10), 28 pages.
Moulton, Vincent, & Spillner, Andreas, & Wicke, Kristina (2024). Phylogenetic diversity indices from an affine and projective viewpoint. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86(8), 31 pages.
Currie, Bryan, & Wicke, Kristina (2024). On the maximum value of the stairs2 index. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 159, 17 pages.
Wicke, Kristina, & Haque, Rejuan, & Kubatko, Laura (2024). Implications of gene tree heterogeneity on downstream phylogenetic analyses: A case study employing the Fair Proportion index. PLoS ONE, 19(4), 12 pages.
Linz, Simone, & Wicke, Kristina (2023). Exploring spaces of semi-directed level-1 networks. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 87(5), 30 pages.
Fischer, Mareike, & Hamann, Tom Niklas, & Wicke, Kristina (2023). How far is my network from being edge-based? Proximity measures for edge-basedness of unrooted phylogenetic networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 337, 18 pages.
Fischer, Mareike, & Francis, Andrew, & Wicke, Kristina (2023). Phylogenetic Diversity Rankings in the Face of Extinctions: The Robustness of the Fair Proportion Index. Systematic Biology, 72(3), 606-615.
Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike, & Kubatko, Laura (2023). Effects of discordance between species and gene trees on phylogenetic diversity conservation. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 86(1), 34 pages.
Bordewich, Magnus, & Semple, Charles, & Wicke, Kristina (2022). On the complexity of optimising variants of phylogenetic diversity on phylogenetic networks. Theoretical Computer Science, 917, 66-80.
Kong, Sungsik, & Pons, Joan Carles, & Kubatko, Laura, & Wicke, Kristina (2022). Classes of explicit phylogenetic networks and their biological and mathematical significance. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 84(6), 44 pages.
Fischer, Mareike, & Galla, Michelle, & Wicke, Kristina (2022). Non-binary universal tree-based networks. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 26(1), 81-90.
Bordewich, Magnus, & Linz, Simone, & Owen, Megan, & St John, Katherine, & Semple, Charles, & Wicke, Kristina (2022). On the Maximum Agreement Subtree Conjecture for Balanced Trees. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 36(1), 336-354.
Bouckaert, Remco, & Fischer, Mareike, & Wicke, Kristina (2021). Combinatorial perspectives on Dollo-k characters in phylogenetics. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 131, 39 pages.
Fischer, Mareike, & Herbst, Lina, & Galla, Michelle, & Long, Yangjing, & Wicke, Kristina (2021). Unrooted non-binary tree-based phylogenetic networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 294, 10-30.
Wicke, Kristina, & Mooers, Arne, & Steel, Mike (2021). Formal Links between Feature Diversity and Phylogenetic Diversity. Systematic Biology, 70(3), 480-490.
Fischer, Mareike, & Galla, Michelle, & Herbst, Lina, & Long, Yangjing, & Wicke, Kristina (2020). Classes of tree-based networks. Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art, 3, 26 pages.
Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike (2020). Combinatorial views on persistent characters in phylogenetics. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 119, 43 pages.
Coronado, Tomás M, & Fischer, Mareike, & Herbst, Lina, & Rosselló, Francesc, & Wicke, Kristina (2020). On the minimum value of the Colless index and the bifurcating trees that achieve it. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80(7), 1993–2054.
Wicke, Kristina, & Steel, Mike (2020). Combinatorial properties of phylogenetic diversity indices. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80(3), 687–715 .
Galla, Michelle, & Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike (2019). Statistical Inconsistency of Maximum Parsimony for k-Tuple-Site Data. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81(4), 1173–1200.
Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike (2019). On the Shapley Value of Unrooted Phylogenetic Trees. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81(2), 618-638.
Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike (2018). Phylogenetic diversity and biodiversity indices on phylogenetic networks. Mathematical Biosciences, 298, 80-90.
Unterseher, Martin, & Karunarathna, Samantha C, & Cruz, García Roberto, & Dagamac, Nikki H, & Dahl, Mathilde B, & Dool, Serena E, & Galla, Michelle, & Herbst, Lina, & Nilsson, R Henrik, & Puechmaille, Sébastien J. , & Schöner, Caroline, & Schöner, Michael, & Siddique, Abu B, & Teltewskoi, Annette, & Wicke, Kristina, & Würth, David G, & Wurzbacher, Christian, & Hyde, Kevin D (2018). Mycobiomes of sympatric Amorphophallus albispathus (Araceae) and Camellia sinensis (Theaceae) – a case study reveals clear tissue perferences and differences in diversity and composition. Mycological Progress, 17, 489-500.
Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike (2017). Comparing the rankings obtained from two biodiversity indices: the Fair Proportion Index and the Shapley Value. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 430, 207-214.
Fischer, Mareike, & Hamann, Tom Niklas, & Wicke, Kristina (2023). How far is my network from being edge-based? Proximity measures for edge-basedness of unrooted phylogenetic networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 337, 18 pages.
Fischer, Mareike, & Francis, Andrew, & Wicke, Kristina (2023). Phylogenetic Diversity Rankings in the Face of Extinctions: The Robustness of the Fair Proportion Index. Systematic Biology, 72(3), 606-615.
Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike, & Kubatko, Laura (2023). Effects of discordance between species and gene trees on phylogenetic diversity conservation. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 86(1), 34 pages.
Bordewich, Magnus, & Semple, Charles, & Wicke, Kristina (2022). On the complexity of optimising variants of phylogenetic diversity on phylogenetic networks. Theoretical Computer Science, 917, 66-80.
Kong, Sungsik, & Pons, Joan Carles, & Kubatko, Laura, & Wicke, Kristina (2022). Classes of explicit phylogenetic networks and their biological and mathematical significance. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 84(6), 44 pages.
Fischer, Mareike, & Galla, Michelle, & Wicke, Kristina (2022). Non-binary universal tree-based networks. Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 26(1), 81-90.
Bordewich, Magnus, & Linz, Simone, & Owen, Megan, & St John, Katherine, & Semple, Charles, & Wicke, Kristina (2022). On the Maximum Agreement Subtree Conjecture for Balanced Trees. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 36(1), 336-354.
Bouckaert, Remco, & Fischer, Mareike, & Wicke, Kristina (2021). Combinatorial perspectives on Dollo-k characters in phylogenetics. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 131, 39 pages.
Fischer, Mareike, & Herbst, Lina, & Galla, Michelle, & Long, Yangjing, & Wicke, Kristina (2021). Unrooted non-binary tree-based phylogenetic networks. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 294, 10-30.
Wicke, Kristina, & Mooers, Arne, & Steel, Mike (2021). Formal Links between Feature Diversity and Phylogenetic Diversity. Systematic Biology, 70(3), 480-490.
Fischer, Mareike, & Galla, Michelle, & Herbst, Lina, & Long, Yangjing, & Wicke, Kristina (2020). Classes of tree-based networks. Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art, 3, 26 pages.
Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike (2020). Combinatorial views on persistent characters in phylogenetics. Advances in Applied Mathematics, 119, 43 pages.
Coronado, Tomás M, & Fischer, Mareike, & Herbst, Lina, & Rosselló, Francesc, & Wicke, Kristina (2020). On the minimum value of the Colless index and the bifurcating trees that achieve it. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80(7), 1993–2054.
Wicke, Kristina, & Steel, Mike (2020). Combinatorial properties of phylogenetic diversity indices. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 80(3), 687–715 .
Galla, Michelle, & Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike (2019). Statistical Inconsistency of Maximum Parsimony for k-Tuple-Site Data. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81(4), 1173–1200.
Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike (2019). On the Shapley Value of Unrooted Phylogenetic Trees. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 81(2), 618-638.
Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike (2018). Phylogenetic diversity and biodiversity indices on phylogenetic networks. Mathematical Biosciences, 298, 80-90.
Unterseher, Martin, & Karunarathna, Samantha C, & Cruz, García Roberto, & Dagamac, Nikki H, & Dahl, Mathilde B, & Dool, Serena E, & Galla, Michelle, & Herbst, Lina, & Nilsson, R Henrik, & Puechmaille, Sébastien J. , & Schöner, Caroline, & Schöner, Michael, & Siddique, Abu B, & Teltewskoi, Annette, & Wicke, Kristina, & Würth, David G, & Wurzbacher, Christian, & Hyde, Kevin D (2018). Mycobiomes of sympatric Amorphophallus albispathus (Araceae) and Camellia sinensis (Theaceae) – a case study reveals clear tissue perferences and differences in diversity and composition. Mycological Progress, 17, 489-500.
Wicke, Kristina, & Fischer, Mareike (2017). Comparing the rankings obtained from two biodiversity indices: the Fair Proportion Index and the Shapley Value. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 430, 207-214.
R package poweRbal: Phylogenetic Tree Models and the Power of Tree Shape Statistics
June 2024
R package treebalance: Computation of Tree (Im)Balance Indices
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2021
June 2024
R package treebalance: Computation of Tree (Im)Balance Indices
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2021
Fischer, Mareike, & Herbst, Lina, & Kersting, Sophie, & Kühn, Luise, & Wicke, Kristina (2023). Tree Balance Indices - A Comprehensive Survey. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG
Systematic Biology
Editor, Associate Editor, 2024
Editor, Associate Editor, 2024