Michelle Cirillo
Michelle Cirillo
Professor, Mathematical Sciences
622 Cullimore Hall (CULM)
About Me
Michelle Cirillo is a Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences where she contributes to the department's and university's teaching mission and collaborates with mathematics instructors on research projects that make progress on problems of practice. She is particularly interested in the studying the teaching and learning of mathematical processes, such as proving and modeling, classroom discourse, and teachers' use of curriculum materials. She is especially interested in the space where these three areas intersect.
Office Hours
Friday: 9-10 and 2-3
2025 Spring Courses
Research Interests
Teaching and learning mathematical proof
Teaching and learning mathematical modeling
Classroom discourse
Curriculum studies
Teacher Development
Teaching and learning mathematical modeling
Classroom discourse
Curriculum studies
Teacher Development
Journal Article
Beth A Herbel-Eisenmann, Michael D Steele, Michelle Cirillo. “A Framework for Professional Development.” .
Michelle Cirillo. “EN TEACH| NG PROOF.” .
Kyle T Schultz, LouAnn Lovin, Michelle Cirillo, Patricio G Herbst, Lu Pien Cheng, Lee Peng Yee, Anderson Norton, Michael Baldwin. “Full Publication PDF Cover PDF From the Editors PDF Guest Editorial... Examining Mathematics Teachers' Disciplinary Thinking PDF.” .
Michelle Cirillo. “EN TEACH| NG PROOF.” .
Kyle T Schultz, LouAnn Lovin, Michelle Cirillo, Patricio G Herbst, Lu Pien Cheng, Lee Peng Yee, Anderson Norton, Michael Baldwin. “Full Publication PDF Cover PDF From the Editors PDF Guest Editorial... Examining Mathematics Teachers' Disciplinary Thinking PDF.” .
Michelle Cirillo, PATRICIO G HERBST. “Moving Toward More Authentic Proof Practices in Geometry PDF.” .
Michelle Cirillo, Dawn Berk, Raymond LaRochelle, Kristen N Bieda, Fran Arbaugh. 2024. “Undergraduate students’ perceptions of features of active learning models for teaching and learning to teach mathematics.” International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 172--200.
Lateefah Id-Deen, Rachelle Ebanks, Michelle Cirillo. 2022. “From green book to gradebook.” Mathematics teacher: Learning and teaching pk-12, vol. 115, no. 5, pp. 330--338.
Michelle Cirillo, Casey Griffin, Amanda Seiwell, Jenifer Hummer. 2021. “" What Do You Believe Is True?" A Routine for Proving Theorems in Secondary Geometry..” North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Michelle Cirillo, Jenifer Hummer. 2021. “Competencies and behaviors observed when students solve geometry proof problems: An interview study with smartpen technology.” ZDM--Mathematics Education, vol. 53, pp. 861--875.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert, Arthur Bakker. 2020. “Addressing the problem of always starting over: Identifying, valuing, and sharing professional knowledge for teaching.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 130--139.
Michelle Cirillo, Raymond LaRochelle, Fran Arbaugh, Kristen N Bieda. 2020. “An innovative early field experience for preservice secondary teachers: Early results from shifting to an online model.” Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 353--363.
Michelle Cirillo, Jenifer Hummer. 2020. “Exploring Secondary Students' Proving Competencies through Clinical Interviews with Smartpens..” North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2020. “Improving the impact of research on practice: Capitalizing on technological advances for research.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 518--529.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert, Arthur Bakker. 2020. “Maximizing the quality of learning opportunities for every student.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 12--25.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2020. “Timely and useful data to improve classroom instruction.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 387--398.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2020. “Working across contexts: Scaling up or replicating with variations?.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 258--267.
Michelle Cirillo, Jenifer Hummer. 2019. “Addressing misconceptions in secondary geometry proof.” The Mathematics Teacher, vol. 112, no. 6, pp. 410--417.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2019. “Choosing and justifying robust methods for educational research.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 342--348.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2019. “Posing significant research questions.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 114--120.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2019. “So what? Justifying conclusions and interpretations of data.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 470--477.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2019. “Theoretical framing as justifying.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 218--224.
Michelle Cirillo. 2018. “Engaging students with non-routine geometry proof tasks.” International perspectives on the teaching and learning of geometry in secondary schools, pp. 283--300.
Megan Staples, Jill Newton, Karl Kosko, A Conner, Michelle Cirillo, Kristen Bieda, David Yopp, O Zaslavasky, Jenifer Hummer, Susanne Strachota, others. 2017. “Using artifacts to explore conceptions and consequences of argumentation, justification, and proof.” White Paper.
Michelle Cirillo, Tonya Gau Bartell, Anita A Wager. 2016. “Teaching mathematics for social justice through mathematical modeling.” Annual perspectives in mathematics education, pp. 87--96.
Michelle Cirillo. 2015. “Area and Perimeter Geogebra Applet.” .
Michelle Cirillo, Karl W Kosko, Jill Newton, Megan Staples, Keith Weber. 2015. “Conceptions and consequences of what we call argumentation, justification, and proof.” East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Michelle Cirillo, Rachael Todd, Joe Obrycki. 2015. “Exploring Side-Side-Angle Triangle Congruence Criterion.” .
Samuel Otten, Michelle Cirillo, Beth A Herbel-Eisenmann. 2015. “Making the most of going over homework.” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 98--105.
Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Kate R Johnson, Samuel Otten, Michelle Cirillo, Michael D Steele. 2015. “Mapping talk about the mathematics register in a secondary mathematics teacher study group.” The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, vol. 40, pp. 29--42.
Michelle Cirillo. 2014. “Supporting the introduction to formal proof.” The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME).
Michelle Cirillo, Michael D Steele, Samuel Otten, Beth A Herbel-Eisenmann, Kathleen McAneny, Jamila Q Riser. 2014. “Teacher discourse moves: Supporting productive and powerful discourse.” Annual perspectives in mathematics education: Using research to improve instruction, pp. 141--149.
Jinfa Cai, Michelle Cirillo. 2014. “What do we know about reasoning and proving? Opportunities and missing opportunities from curriculum analyses.” International Journal of Educational Research, vol. 64, pp. 132--140.
Beth A Herbel-Eisenmann, Michael D Steele, Michelle Cirillo. 2013. “(Developing) teacher discourse moves: A framework for professional development.” Mathematics Teacher Educator, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 181--196.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert, Barajas-L\'opez, Filiberto, Gregory V Larnell, others. 2013. “J ournal\textperiodcentered for.” Hong Kong Med J, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. S40--3.
Beth A Herbel-Eisenmann, Kate R Johnson, Samuel Otten, Michelle Cirillo. 2013. “Secondary Teachers' Talk about the Mathematics Register..” North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Michelle Cirillo. 2013. “What are some strategies for facilitating productive classroom discussions.” The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Michelle Cirillo. 2013. “What does research say the benefits of discussion in mathematics class are.” Research Brief, vol. 19.
Samuel Otten, B Herbel-Eisenmann, Michelle Cirillo. 2012. “Going over homework in mathematics classrooms: An unexamined activity.” Teachers College Record, pp. 1--12.
Michelle Cirillo, Patricio G Herbst. 2012. “Moving toward More Authentic Proof Practices in Geometry..” Mathematics Educator, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 11--33.
Michelle Cirillo. 2011. ““I’m like the Sherpa guide”: On learning to teach proof in school mathematics.” The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Michelle Cirillo, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann. 2011. ““Mathematicians would say it this way”: an investigation of teachers' framings of mathematicians.” School science and mathematics, vol. 111, no. 2, pp. 68--78.
Michelle Cirillo, Katherine Richardson Bruna, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann. 2010. “Acquisition of mathematical language: Suggestions and activities for English language learners.” Multicultural Perspectives, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 34--41.
Michelle Cirillo. 2009. “Challenges to teaching authentic mathematical proof in school mathematics.” The Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University Taipei, Taiwan.
Michelle Cirillo, Corey Drake, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann. 2009. “Contemporary curriculum issues: Curriculum vision and coherence: Adapting curriculum to focus on authentic mathematics.” The Mathematics Teacher, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 70--75.
Corey Drake, Michelle Cirillo, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann. 2009. “Contemporary Curriculum Issues: Using Curriculum to Build on Children's Thinking.” teaching children mathematics, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 49--54.
J Obrycki, B Herbel-Eisenmann, Michelle Cirillo. 2009. “Listening to my students’ thoughts on mathematics education.” Promoting purposeful discourse: Teacher research in mathematics classrooms, pp. 187--202.
Abraham Ayebo, Reads, Lynda R Wiest Quick, Another Good Idea Poematics, Exploring Math through Poetry, Lisa C Brown, Cathy L Seeley Contemporary, Rachael Ericksen Brown, Christine A Browning, Gina Garza-Kling Graphing, Michelle Cirillo, others. 2009. “Mathematic Teaching in the Middle School Classified Index.” Science, vol. 100, pp. 107.
B Herbel-Eisenmann, Michelle Cirillo, K Skowronski. 2009. “Why discourse deserves our attention.” Responding to diversity. Grades, pp. 9--12.
Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Corey Drake, Michelle Cirillo. 2009. ““Muddying the clear waters”: Teachers' take-up of the linguistic idea of revoicing.” Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 268--277.
Michelle Cirillo. 2007. “Humanizing calculus.” The Mathematics Teacher, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 23--27.
Michelle Cirillo, Heather Thompson. 2007. “Mathematical Lens: The Alhambra, Granada, Spain.” The Mathematics Teacher, vol. 100, no. 6, pp. 413--415.
Michelle Cirillo, PATRICIO G HERBST. “Moving Toward More Authentic Proof Practices in Geometry PDF.” .
Michelle Cirillo, Dawn Berk, Raymond LaRochelle, Kristen N Bieda, Fran Arbaugh. 2024. “Undergraduate students’ perceptions of features of active learning models for teaching and learning to teach mathematics.” International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 172--200.
Lateefah Id-Deen, Rachelle Ebanks, Michelle Cirillo. 2022. “From green book to gradebook.” Mathematics teacher: Learning and teaching pk-12, vol. 115, no. 5, pp. 330--338.
Michelle Cirillo, Casey Griffin, Amanda Seiwell, Jenifer Hummer. 2021. “" What Do You Believe Is True?" A Routine for Proving Theorems in Secondary Geometry..” North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Michelle Cirillo, Jenifer Hummer. 2021. “Competencies and behaviors observed when students solve geometry proof problems: An interview study with smartpen technology.” ZDM--Mathematics Education, vol. 53, pp. 861--875.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert, Arthur Bakker. 2020. “Addressing the problem of always starting over: Identifying, valuing, and sharing professional knowledge for teaching.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 130--139.
Michelle Cirillo, Raymond LaRochelle, Fran Arbaugh, Kristen N Bieda. 2020. “An innovative early field experience for preservice secondary teachers: Early results from shifting to an online model.” Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 353--363.
Michelle Cirillo, Jenifer Hummer. 2020. “Exploring Secondary Students' Proving Competencies through Clinical Interviews with Smartpens..” North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2020. “Improving the impact of research on practice: Capitalizing on technological advances for research.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 51, no. 5, pp. 518--529.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert, Arthur Bakker. 2020. “Maximizing the quality of learning opportunities for every student.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 12--25.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2020. “Timely and useful data to improve classroom instruction.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 387--398.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2020. “Working across contexts: Scaling up or replicating with variations?.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 51, no. 3, pp. 258--267.
Michelle Cirillo, Jenifer Hummer. 2019. “Addressing misconceptions in secondary geometry proof.” The Mathematics Teacher, vol. 112, no. 6, pp. 410--417.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2019. “Choosing and justifying robust methods for educational research.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 50, no. 4, pp. 342--348.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2019. “Posing significant research questions.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 114--120.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2019. “So what? Justifying conclusions and interpretations of data.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 470--477.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert. 2019. “Theoretical framing as justifying.” Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 218--224.
Michelle Cirillo. 2018. “Engaging students with non-routine geometry proof tasks.” International perspectives on the teaching and learning of geometry in secondary schools, pp. 283--300.
Megan Staples, Jill Newton, Karl Kosko, A Conner, Michelle Cirillo, Kristen Bieda, David Yopp, O Zaslavasky, Jenifer Hummer, Susanne Strachota, others. 2017. “Using artifacts to explore conceptions and consequences of argumentation, justification, and proof.” White Paper.
Michelle Cirillo, Tonya Gau Bartell, Anita A Wager. 2016. “Teaching mathematics for social justice through mathematical modeling.” Annual perspectives in mathematics education, pp. 87--96.
Michelle Cirillo. 2015. “Area and Perimeter Geogebra Applet.” .
Michelle Cirillo, Karl W Kosko, Jill Newton, Megan Staples, Keith Weber. 2015. “Conceptions and consequences of what we call argumentation, justification, and proof.” East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Michelle Cirillo, Rachael Todd, Joe Obrycki. 2015. “Exploring Side-Side-Angle Triangle Congruence Criterion.” .
Samuel Otten, Michelle Cirillo, Beth A Herbel-Eisenmann. 2015. “Making the most of going over homework.” Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 98--105.
Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Kate R Johnson, Samuel Otten, Michelle Cirillo, Michael D Steele. 2015. “Mapping talk about the mathematics register in a secondary mathematics teacher study group.” The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, vol. 40, pp. 29--42.
Michelle Cirillo. 2014. “Supporting the introduction to formal proof.” The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (PME).
Michelle Cirillo, Michael D Steele, Samuel Otten, Beth A Herbel-Eisenmann, Kathleen McAneny, Jamila Q Riser. 2014. “Teacher discourse moves: Supporting productive and powerful discourse.” Annual perspectives in mathematics education: Using research to improve instruction, pp. 141--149.
Jinfa Cai, Michelle Cirillo. 2014. “What do we know about reasoning and proving? Opportunities and missing opportunities from curriculum analyses.” International Journal of Educational Research, vol. 64, pp. 132--140.
Beth A Herbel-Eisenmann, Michael D Steele, Michelle Cirillo. 2013. “(Developing) teacher discourse moves: A framework for professional development.” Mathematics Teacher Educator, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 181--196.
Jinfa Cai, Anne Morris, Charles Hohensee, Stephen Hwang, Victoria Robison, Michelle Cirillo, Steven L Kramer, James Hiebert, Barajas-L\'opez, Filiberto, Gregory V Larnell, others. 2013. “J ournal\textperiodcentered for.” Hong Kong Med J, vol. 19, no. 9, pp. S40--3.
Beth A Herbel-Eisenmann, Kate R Johnson, Samuel Otten, Michelle Cirillo. 2013. “Secondary Teachers' Talk about the Mathematics Register..” North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Michelle Cirillo. 2013. “What are some strategies for facilitating productive classroom discussions.” The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Michelle Cirillo. 2013. “What does research say the benefits of discussion in mathematics class are.” Research Brief, vol. 19.
Samuel Otten, B Herbel-Eisenmann, Michelle Cirillo. 2012. “Going over homework in mathematics classrooms: An unexamined activity.” Teachers College Record, pp. 1--12.
Michelle Cirillo, Patricio G Herbst. 2012. “Moving toward More Authentic Proof Practices in Geometry..” Mathematics Educator, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 11--33.
Michelle Cirillo. 2011. ““I’m like the Sherpa guide”: On learning to teach proof in school mathematics.” The International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education.
Michelle Cirillo, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann. 2011. ““Mathematicians would say it this way”: an investigation of teachers' framings of mathematicians.” School science and mathematics, vol. 111, no. 2, pp. 68--78.
Michelle Cirillo, Katherine Richardson Bruna, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann. 2010. “Acquisition of mathematical language: Suggestions and activities for English language learners.” Multicultural Perspectives, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 34--41.
Michelle Cirillo. 2009. “Challenges to teaching authentic mathematical proof in school mathematics.” The Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University Taipei, Taiwan.
Michelle Cirillo, Corey Drake, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann. 2009. “Contemporary curriculum issues: Curriculum vision and coherence: Adapting curriculum to focus on authentic mathematics.” The Mathematics Teacher, vol. 103, no. 1, pp. 70--75.
Corey Drake, Michelle Cirillo, Beth Herbel-Eisenmann. 2009. “Contemporary Curriculum Issues: Using Curriculum to Build on Children's Thinking.” teaching children mathematics, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 49--54.
J Obrycki, B Herbel-Eisenmann, Michelle Cirillo. 2009. “Listening to my students’ thoughts on mathematics education.” Promoting purposeful discourse: Teacher research in mathematics classrooms, pp. 187--202.
Abraham Ayebo, Reads, Lynda R Wiest Quick, Another Good Idea Poematics, Exploring Math through Poetry, Lisa C Brown, Cathy L Seeley Contemporary, Rachael Ericksen Brown, Christine A Browning, Gina Garza-Kling Graphing, Michelle Cirillo, others. 2009. “Mathematic Teaching in the Middle School Classified Index.” Science, vol. 100, pp. 107.
B Herbel-Eisenmann, Michelle Cirillo, K Skowronski. 2009. “Why discourse deserves our attention.” Responding to diversity. Grades, pp. 9--12.
Beth Herbel-Eisenmann, Corey Drake, Michelle Cirillo. 2009. ““Muddying the clear waters”: Teachers' take-up of the linguistic idea of revoicing.” Teaching and Teacher Education, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 268--277.
Michelle Cirillo. 2007. “Humanizing calculus.” The Mathematics Teacher, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 23--27.
Michelle Cirillo, Heather Thompson. 2007. “Mathematical Lens: The Alhambra, Granada, Spain.” The Mathematics Teacher, vol. 100, no. 6, pp. 413--415.
Michelle Cirillo, Dana C Cox. 2022. “Reasoning Is in the Eye of the Lens-Holder: Observations Made Through the Lenses of Justification, Argumentation, and Proof at the High School Level.” Conceptions and Consequences of Mathematical Argumentation, Justification, and Proof pp. 195--207. Springer International Publishing Cham, 2022.
Nathalie Sinclair, Michelle Cirillo, Michael de Villiers. 2017. “The Learning and Teaching of Geometry.” Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education pp. 457--489. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2017.
Cirillo, Michelle, Pelesko, John A., Felton-Koestler, Matt,, \& Rubel, Laurie. 2016. “Perspectives on modeling in school mathematics.” Mathematical Modeling and Modeling Mathematics pp. 3--15. NCTM, 2016.
Nathalie Sinclair, Michelle Cirillo, Michael de Villiers. 2017. “The Learning and Teaching of Geometry.” Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education pp. 457--489. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2017.
Cirillo, Michelle, Pelesko, John A., Felton-Koestler, Matt,, \& Rubel, Laurie. 2016. “Perspectives on modeling in school mathematics.” Mathematical Modeling and Modeling Mathematics pp. 3--15. NCTM, 2016.
Conference Proceeding
“(2020). Real-time coaching with secondary preservice teachers: The practices of mathematics teacher educators., Mexico (pp. 1567-1571). Cinvestav/AMIUTEM/PME-NA. https:/doi. org/10.51272/pmena. 42.2020-246.”
“Communicating mathematics during small groupwork through video-conferencing applications”
“Decomposing proof in secondary classrooms: A promising intervention for school geometry”
“The UTE model: Developing pre-service teachers’ visions of high-quality mathematics instruction.”
“Conceptions and consequences of what we call argumentation, justification, and proof”
“Communicating mathematics during small groupwork through video-conferencing applications”
“Decomposing proof in secondary classrooms: A promising intervention for school geometry”
“The UTE model: Developing pre-service teachers’ visions of high-quality mathematics instruction.”
“Conceptions and consequences of what we call argumentation, justification, and proof”
“Conceptions and consequences of what we call argumentation, justification, and proof”
“Mathematical modeling in school education: Mathematical, cognitive, curricular, instructional and teacher educational perspectives”
“Mathematical proof tools: Supporting the introduction to formal proof”
“Students actively listening: A foundation for productive discourse in mathematics classrooms”
“Teacher communication behavior in the mathematics classroom”
“Mathematical modeling in school education: Mathematical, cognitive, curricular, instructional and teacher educational perspectives”
“Mathematical proof tools: Supporting the introduction to formal proof”
“Students actively listening: A foundation for productive discourse in mathematics classrooms”
“Teacher communication behavior in the mathematics classroom”
“The question formulation technique: a tool for teaching mathematical modeling”
“Benjamin Franklin's Numbers: An Unsung Mathematical Odyssey”
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2009.
“Promoting purposeful discourse: Teacher research in mathematics classrooms”
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2009.
“On becoming a geometry teacher: A longitudinal case study of one teacher learning to teach proof”
Iowa State University, 2008.
“Benjamin Franklin's Numbers: An Unsung Mathematical Odyssey”
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2009.
“Promoting purposeful discourse: Teacher research in mathematics classrooms”
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 2009.
“On becoming a geometry teacher: A longitudinal case study of one teacher learning to teach proof”
Iowa State University, 2008.