Mengjia Xu
Mengjia Xu
Assistant Professor, Data Science
2116 Guttenberg Information Technologies Center (GITC)
About Me
Dr. Mengjia Xu is currently an Assistant Professor at Department of Data Science, Ying Wu College of Computing, NJIT. She also holds a Research Affiliate position with the MIT NSF Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines (CBMM) at McGovern Institute for Brain Research. Prior to NJIT, she was a Research Assistant Professor in the Division of Applied Mathematics at Brown University. Concurrently, she held a joint postdoctoral position at MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research. Before her joint postdoc at MIT and Brown, she completed her PhD degree at the Department of Computer Science, Northeastern University (China) and two-year joint PhD at Brown University.
Ph.D.; Northeastern University; Computer Science; 2017
Past Courses
Research Interests
Machine learning theory; graph representation learning for diverse applications (e.g., Alzheimer's disease early stage detection, human brain aging trajectory detection, climate data modeling, etc.)
Journal Article
Xu, Mengjia, & Rangamani, Akshay, & Liao, Qianli, & Galanti, Tomer, & Poggio, Tomaso (2023). Dynamics in Deep Classifiers trained with the Square Loss: normalization, low rank, neural collapse and generalization bounds. Research,
Baker, Cole, & Su\'arez-M\'endez, Isabel, , & Smith, Grace, & Marsh, Elisabeth B, & Funke, Michael, & Mosher, John C, & Maest\'u, Fernando, , & Xu, Mengjia, & Pantazis, Dimitrios (2023). Hyperbolic graph embedding of MEG brain networks to study brain alterations in individuals with subjective cognitive decline. bioRxiv, 2023--10.
Varghese, Alan John, & Bora, Aniruddha, & Xu, Mengjia, & Karniadakis, George Em (2023). TransformerG2G: Adaptive time-stepping for learning temporal graph embeddings using transformers. Neural Networks,
Xu, Mengjia, & Singh, Apoorva Vikram, & Karniadakis, George Em (2022). Dyng2g: An efficient stochastic graph embedding method for temporal graphs. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,
Shukla, Khemraj, & Xu, Mengjia, & Trask, Nathaniel, & Karniadakis, George E (2022). Scalable algorithms for physics-informed neural and graph networks. Data-Centric Engineering, 3, e24.
Baker, Cole, & Su\'arez-M\'endez, Isabel, , & Smith, Grace, & Marsh, Elisabeth B, & Funke, Michael, & Mosher, John C, & Maest\'u, Fernando, , & Xu, Mengjia, & Pantazis, Dimitrios (2023). Hyperbolic graph embedding of MEG brain networks to study brain alterations in individuals with subjective cognitive decline. bioRxiv, 2023--10.
Varghese, Alan John, & Bora, Aniruddha, & Xu, Mengjia, & Karniadakis, George Em (2023). TransformerG2G: Adaptive time-stepping for learning temporal graph embeddings using transformers. Neural Networks,
Xu, Mengjia, & Singh, Apoorva Vikram, & Karniadakis, George Em (2022). Dyng2g: An efficient stochastic graph embedding method for temporal graphs. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems,
Shukla, Khemraj, & Xu, Mengjia, & Trask, Nathaniel, & Karniadakis, George E (2022). Scalable algorithms for physics-informed neural and graph networks. Data-Centric Engineering, 3, e24.
Xu, Mengjia, & Sanz, David Lopez, & Garces, Pilar, & Maestu, Fernando, & Li, Quanzheng, & Pantazis, Dimitrios (2021). A graph Gaussian embedding method for predicting Alzheimer's disease progression with MEG brain networks. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 68(5), 1579--1588.
Xu, Mengjia (2021). Understanding graph embedding methods and their applications. SIAM Review, 63(4), 825--853.
Xu, Mengjia, & Wang, Zhijiang, & Zhang, Haifeng, & Pantazis, Dimitrios, & Wang, Huali, & Li, Quanzheng (2020). A new Graph Gaussian embedding method for analyzing the effects of cognitive training. PLoS computational biology, 16(9), e1008186.
Xu, Mengjia, & Papageorgiou, Dimitrios P, & Abidi, Sabia Z, & Dao, Ming, & Zhao, Hong, & Karniadakis, George Em (2017). A deep convolutional neural network for classification of red blood cells in sickle cell anemia. PLoS computational biology, 13(10), e1005746.
Xu, Mengjia (2021). Understanding graph embedding methods and their applications. SIAM Review, 63(4), 825--853.
Xu, Mengjia, & Wang, Zhijiang, & Zhang, Haifeng, & Pantazis, Dimitrios, & Wang, Huali, & Li, Quanzheng (2020). A new Graph Gaussian embedding method for analyzing the effects of cognitive training. PLoS computational biology, 16(9), e1008186.
Xu, Mengjia, & Papageorgiou, Dimitrios P, & Abidi, Sabia Z, & Dao, Ming, & Zhao, Hong, & Karniadakis, George Em (2017). A deep convolutional neural network for classification of red blood cells in sickle cell anemia. PLoS computational biology, 13(10), e1005746.
Conference Proceeding
Norm-based Generalization Bounds for Sparse Neural Networks
Generalization in deep network classifiers trained with the square loss\_ver59.pdf, 2020\_ver59.pdf, 2020