Kurt Rohloff
Kurt Rohloff
Associate Professor, Computer Science
4105 Guttenberg Information Technologies Center (GITC)
About Me
Prof. Rohloff is the founding director of the NJIT Cybersecurity Research Center. He worked as a DARPA PI in industry before joining NJIT. He is trained as an electrical engineer from University of Michigan and Georgia Tech.
Ph.D.; University of Michigan; Electrical Engineering; 2004
M.S.; University of Michigan; Electrical Engineering; 2001
Bachelor of Engineering; Georgia Institute of Technology; Electrical Engineering; 1999
M.S.; University of Michigan; Electrical Engineering; 2001
Bachelor of Engineering; Georgia Institute of Technology; Electrical Engineering; 1999
2025 Spring Courses
Teaching Interests
Cybersecurity, applied cryptography, network security, software engineering, programming
Past Courses
Research Interests
Homomorphic encryption, applied cryptography, software engineering, high assurance computing.
Journal Article
Michael Brenner, Wei Dai, Shai Halevi, Kyoohyung Han, Amir Jalali, Miran Kim, Kim Laine, Alex Malozemoff, Pascal Paillier, Yuriy Polyakov, others. “A STANDARD API FOR RLWE-BASED HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION.” .
David Bruce Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff. “Accelerating Computations on Encrypted Data with an FPGA.” .
Roger Barga, Gaspar Barreira, Radu Calinescu, Petre Dini, Wolfgang Gentzsch, Jianmin Jiang, Hans-Joachim Klein, Simon G Fabri, Jameleddine Hassine, Flavio Oquendo, others. “ADVCOMP 2009.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff. “Automated Discovery and Modeling of Sequential Patterns Preceding Events of Interest.” .
David Bruce Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff, Daniel Sumorok. “Designing an FPGA-Accelerated Homomorphic Encryption Co-Processor.” .
David Bruce Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff. “Accelerating Computations on Encrypted Data with an FPGA.” .
Roger Barga, Gaspar Barreira, Radu Calinescu, Petre Dini, Wolfgang Gentzsch, Jianmin Jiang, Hans-Joachim Klein, Simon G Fabri, Jameleddine Hassine, Flavio Oquendo, others. “ADVCOMP 2009.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff. “Automated Discovery and Modeling of Sequential Patterns Preceding Events of Interest.” .
David Bruce Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff, Daniel Sumorok. “Designing an FPGA-Accelerated Homomorphic Encryption Co-Processor.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff, Kyle Usbeck, Joe Loyall. “GAMETE: General Adaptable Metric Execution Tool and Environment.” .
Mark Allison, Yan Bai, Paolo Bellavista, Cristian M. Borcea, Prasad Calyam, Jiannong Cao, Yiwei Cao, Walter Cerroni, Lei Chen, Yuh-Shyan Chen, others. “IEEE Mobile Cloud 2017 List of Program Committee Members.” .
David Bruce Cousins, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Kamil Doruk Gür, Kevin King, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt R. Rohloff, Gerard W. Ryan, Erkay Savas. “Implementing Conjunction Obfuscation under Entropic Ring LWE.” .
IPEK KAYNAR ROHLOFF, Kurt R. Rohloff. “Modeling Spatial Activity Distributions in Complex Urban Conditions: The Markov Chain Model for Weighting Spaces with Attractors.” .
V Heydari, Seonja Kim, SM Yoo, R Bagai, N Malik, M Jadliwala, Kurt R. Rohloff, DB Cousins, D Sumorok. “Radio Biometrics: Human Recognition Through a Wall.................... Q. Xu, Y. Chen, B. Wang, and KJR Liu 1141.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jeffrey Cleveland, Kyle Usbeck. “Scalable Streaming Graph Data Processing.” .
Arnab Deb Gupta, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt R. Rohloff. “Secure Access Delegation of Encrypted Medical Information.” .
W Liu, EE Swartzlander, JR, M O’Neill, N Onizawa, A Mochizuki, A Tamakoshi, T Hanyu, D Kim, J Kung, S Mukhopadhyay, others. “SPECIAL ISSUE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND DESIGNS FOR APPLICATION-SPECIFIC COMPUTING.” .
David Bakken, Jeff Dagle, Eugene Litvinov, Neeraj Suri, Mustaque Ahamad, Ken Birman, Andrea Bondavalli, Geert Deconinck, Manimaran Govindarasu, Mohamed Kaaniche, others. “ToSG 2014 Workshop Committee.” .
Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt R. Rohloff, Gyana Sahu, Vinod Vaikuntanthan. 2017. “Fast Proxy Re-Encryption for Publish/Subscribe Systems..” ACM TOPS, vol. 2017, pp. 410.
Kamil Doruk Gür12, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt R. Rohloff, Gerard W. Ryan, Erkay Savas12. 2017. “Implementation and Evaluation of Improved Gaussian Sampling for Lattice Trapdoors⋆.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff, David Bruce Cousins, Daniel Sumorok. 2017. “Scalable, Practical VoIP Teleconferencing With End-to-End Homomorphic Encryption.” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1031–1041.
Kurt R. Rohloff, D. B. Cousins, D. Sumorok. 2017. “Scalable, Practical VoIP Teleconferencing With End-to-End Homomorphic Encryption.” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1031-1041.
D. B. Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff, D. Sumorok. 2017. “Designing an FPGA-Accelerated Homomorphic Encryption Co-Processor.” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 193-206.
Cristian M. Borcea, Arnab Gupta, Yuriy Polyakov, Gerard W. Ryan, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2017. “PICADOR: End-to-End Encrypted Publish-Subscribe Information Distribution with Proxy Re-Encryption.” Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 71, pp. 177-191.
David Bruce Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff, Chris Peikert, Rick Schantz. 2015. “An update on Scalable Implementation of Primitives for Homomorphic EncRyption–FPGA implementation using Simulink.” SIPHER: SCALABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIMITIVES FOR HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION, pp. 157.
Steps toward Realization. 2015. “Computing with Data Privacy.” SIPHER: SCALABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIMITIVES FOR HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION, pp. 360.
David W Archer, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2015. “Computing with Data Privacy: Steps toward Realization.” IEEE Security & Privacy, no. 1, pp. 22–29.
Kurt R. Rohloff, D Sumorok, D Cousins, Raytheon BBN Tech. 2015. “Scalable, Practical VoIP Teleconferencing with End-to-End Homomorphic Encryption.” SIPHER: SCALABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIMITIVES FOR HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION, pp. 368.
David Bruce Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff, Chris Peikert, Rick Schantz. 2015. “SIPHER: Scalable implementation of primitives for homomorphic encryption–FPGA implementation using Simulink.” SIPHER: SCALABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIMITIVES FOR HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION, pp. 69.
David W Archer, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2015. “Two new cryptographic methods–linear secret sharing (LSS) and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE)–allow computing on sensitive data without decrypting it. LSS and FHE differ in speed, ease of use, computational primitives, and cost..” IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 22–29.
D. W. Archer, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2015. “Computing with Data Privacy: Steps toward Realization.” IEEE Security Privacy, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 22-29.
Stéphane Lafortune, Kurt R. Rohloff, Tae-Sic Yoo. 2013. “CONTROL OF PARTIALLY-OBSERVED DISCRETE-EVENT SYSTEMS.” Synthesis and Control of Discrete Event Systems, pp. 3.
Kurt R. Rohloff. 2012. “Bounded sensor failure tolerant supervisory control.” Preeprints of the 11th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Guadalajara, Mexico, pp. 272–277.
David Bruce Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff, Chris Peikert, Rick Schantz. 2011. “SIPHER: Scalable implementation of primitives for homomorphic encryption–FPGA implementation using Simulink.” High Performance Extreme Computing Conference.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Partha Pal, Michael Atighetchi, Richard Schantz, Kishor Trivedi, Christos Cassandras. 2010. “Approaches to modeling and simulation for dynamic, distributed cyber-physical systems.” Workshop on Grand Challenges in Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis for Homeland Security (MSAHS-2010).
Partha Pal, Rick Schantz, Michael Atighetchi, Kurt R. Rohloff, Nathan Dautenhahn, William Sanders. 2010. “Fighting Through Cyber Attacks.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff, Rob Battle, Jim Chatigny, Rick Schantz, Victor Asal. 2009. “A Trend Pattern Approach to Forecasting Socio-Political Violence.” 3rd Int. Conf. on Computational Cultural Dynamics.
Robert Battle, Douglas Reid, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2009. “CWEST: Disruptive Integration of Computation Technology for Data Analysis and Visualization.” Visualizing the Past: Tools and Techniques for Understanding Historical Processes.
Partha Pal, Rick Schantz, Kurt R. Rohloff, Joseph Loyall. 2009. “Cyber-physical Systems Security-Challenges and Research Ideas.” Workshop on Future Directions in Cyber-physical Systems Security.
Joseph Loyall, Partha Pal, Kurt R. Rohloff, Matt Gillen. 2009. “Issues in Context-Aware and Adaptive Middleware for Wireless, Mo-bile Networked Systems.” BBN Technologies.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tamer Bacsar. 2008. “Deterministic and stochastic models for the detection of random constant scanning worms.” ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 8.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Victor Asal. 2008. “The identification of sequential patterns preceding the occurrence of political events of interest.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Cultural Dynamics (ICCCD).
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tamer Bacsar. 2008. “Deterministic and Stochastic Models for the Detection of Random Constant Scanning Worms.” ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 8:1–8:24.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jianming Ye, Joseph Loyall, Richard Schantz. 2006. “A hierarchical control system for dynamic resource management.” REPORT-UNIVERSITY OF YORK DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE YCS, vol. 398, pp. 37.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Samir Khuller, Guy Kortsarz. 2006. “Approximating the minimal sensor selection for supervisory control.” Discrete event dynamic systems, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 143–170.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Joseph Loyall, Richard Schantz. 2006. “Quality measures for embedded systems and their application to control and certification.” ACM SIGBED Review, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 58–62.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2006. “The verification and control of interacting similar discrete-event systems.” SIAM journal on control and optimization, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 634–667.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Joseph Loyall, Richard Schantz. 2006. “Quality Measures for Embedded Systems and Their Application to Control and Certification.” SIGBED Rev., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 58–62.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2006. “The Verification and Control of Interacting Similar Discrete-Event Systems.” SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 634–667.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Samir Khuller, Guy Kortsarz. 2006. “Approximating the Minimal Sensor Selection for Supervisory Control.” Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 143–170.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tansu Alpcan, Tamer Basar. 2005. “A discrete-event systems model for congestion control.” IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 79–84.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tansu Alpcan, Tamer Basar. 2005. “A discreteevent systems model for congestion control.” 16th IFAC World Congress, Tu-A12-TO/3.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jan H van Schuppen. 2005. “Approximating minimal communicated event sets for decentralized supervisory control.” Proc. of the 16th IFAC World Congress.
Samir Khuller, Guy Kortsarz, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2005. “Approximating the minimal sensor selection for supervisory control.” Discrete Event Systems 2004 (WODES’04): A Proceedings Volume from the 7th IFAC Workshop, Reims, France, 22-24 September 2004, pp. 87.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jan H van Schuppen. 2005. “Approximation Algorithms, Sensor Selections and Information Sharing.” Proc. Workshop Control Hybrid Discrete Event Syst., Satellite Event ATPN’05, pp. 123–142.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2005. “PSPACE-completeness of Modular Supervisory Control Problems*.” Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 145–167.
Yiping Cheng, Da-Zhong Zheng, Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune, Xi-Ren Cao. 2005. “Contributing Authors.” Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 199–200.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2005. “PSPACE-completeness of Modular Supervisory Control Problems.” Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 145–167.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jan H van Schuppen. 2004. “Approximating the minimal-cost sensor-selection for discrete-event systems.” Modelling, Analysis and Simulation [MAS], no. R 0404, pp. 1–30.
Kurt R. Rohloff, JH van Schuppen. 2004. “Report MAS-R0404 December 2004.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stephane Lafortune. 2004. “Supervisor existence for modular discrete-event systems.” Control Systems Design 2003 (CSD’03): A Proceedings Volume from the 2nd IFAC Conference, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 7-10 September 2003, pp. 205.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jan H van Schuppen. 2003. “Approximating The Minimal Cost Sensor Selection for Discrete Event Systems CWI Technical Report No.???.” Ann Arbor, vol. 1001, pp. 48109–2122.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tae-Sic Yoo, Stéphane Lafortune. 2003. “Deciding co-observability is PSPACE-complete.” Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 1995–1999.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2003. “On the synthesis of safe control policies in decentralized control of discrete-event systems.” Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1064–1068.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2003. “Recent results on computational issues in supervisory control.” Proc. of the ATPN-Workshop on Discrete Event Systems Control.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tae-Sic Yoo, S. Lafortune. 2003. “Deciding co-observability is PSPACE-complete.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 1995-1999.
Kurt R. Rohloff, S. Lafortune. 2003. “On the synthesis of safe control policies in decentralized control of discrete-event systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1064-1068.
Mark Allison, Yan Bai, Paolo Bellavista, Cristian M. Borcea, Prasad Calyam, Jiannong Cao, Yiwei Cao, Walter Cerroni, Lei Chen, Yuh-Shyan Chen, others. “IEEE Mobile Cloud 2017 List of Program Committee Members.” .
David Bruce Cousins, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, Kamil Doruk Gür, Kevin King, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt R. Rohloff, Gerard W. Ryan, Erkay Savas. “Implementing Conjunction Obfuscation under Entropic Ring LWE.” .
IPEK KAYNAR ROHLOFF, Kurt R. Rohloff. “Modeling Spatial Activity Distributions in Complex Urban Conditions: The Markov Chain Model for Weighting Spaces with Attractors.” .
V Heydari, Seonja Kim, SM Yoo, R Bagai, N Malik, M Jadliwala, Kurt R. Rohloff, DB Cousins, D Sumorok. “Radio Biometrics: Human Recognition Through a Wall.................... Q. Xu, Y. Chen, B. Wang, and KJR Liu 1141.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jeffrey Cleveland, Kyle Usbeck. “Scalable Streaming Graph Data Processing.” .
Arnab Deb Gupta, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt R. Rohloff. “Secure Access Delegation of Encrypted Medical Information.” .
W Liu, EE Swartzlander, JR, M O’Neill, N Onizawa, A Mochizuki, A Tamakoshi, T Hanyu, D Kim, J Kung, S Mukhopadhyay, others. “SPECIAL ISSUE ON EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND DESIGNS FOR APPLICATION-SPECIFIC COMPUTING.” .
David Bakken, Jeff Dagle, Eugene Litvinov, Neeraj Suri, Mustaque Ahamad, Ken Birman, Andrea Bondavalli, Geert Deconinck, Manimaran Govindarasu, Mohamed Kaaniche, others. “ToSG 2014 Workshop Committee.” .
Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt R. Rohloff, Gyana Sahu, Vinod Vaikuntanthan. 2017. “Fast Proxy Re-Encryption for Publish/Subscribe Systems..” ACM TOPS, vol. 2017, pp. 410.
Kamil Doruk Gür12, Yuriy Polyakov, Kurt R. Rohloff, Gerard W. Ryan, Erkay Savas12. 2017. “Implementation and Evaluation of Improved Gaussian Sampling for Lattice Trapdoors⋆.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff, David Bruce Cousins, Daniel Sumorok. 2017. “Scalable, Practical VoIP Teleconferencing With End-to-End Homomorphic Encryption.” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1031–1041.
Kurt R. Rohloff, D. B. Cousins, D. Sumorok. 2017. “Scalable, Practical VoIP Teleconferencing With End-to-End Homomorphic Encryption.” IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 12, no. 5, pp. 1031-1041.
D. B. Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff, D. Sumorok. 2017. “Designing an FPGA-Accelerated Homomorphic Encryption Co-Processor.” IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 193-206.
Cristian M. Borcea, Arnab Gupta, Yuriy Polyakov, Gerard W. Ryan, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2017. “PICADOR: End-to-End Encrypted Publish-Subscribe Information Distribution with Proxy Re-Encryption.” Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems, vol. 71, pp. 177-191.
David Bruce Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff, Chris Peikert, Rick Schantz. 2015. “An update on Scalable Implementation of Primitives for Homomorphic EncRyption–FPGA implementation using Simulink.” SIPHER: SCALABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIMITIVES FOR HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION, pp. 157.
Steps toward Realization. 2015. “Computing with Data Privacy.” SIPHER: SCALABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIMITIVES FOR HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION, pp. 360.
David W Archer, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2015. “Computing with Data Privacy: Steps toward Realization.” IEEE Security & Privacy, no. 1, pp. 22–29.
Kurt R. Rohloff, D Sumorok, D Cousins, Raytheon BBN Tech. 2015. “Scalable, Practical VoIP Teleconferencing with End-to-End Homomorphic Encryption.” SIPHER: SCALABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIMITIVES FOR HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION, pp. 368.
David Bruce Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff, Chris Peikert, Rick Schantz. 2015. “SIPHER: Scalable implementation of primitives for homomorphic encryption–FPGA implementation using Simulink.” SIPHER: SCALABLE IMPLEMENTATION OF PRIMITIVES FOR HOMOMORPHIC ENCRYPTION, pp. 69.
David W Archer, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2015. “Two new cryptographic methods–linear secret sharing (LSS) and fully homomorphic encryption (FHE)–allow computing on sensitive data without decrypting it. LSS and FHE differ in speed, ease of use, computational primitives, and cost..” IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 22–29.
D. W. Archer, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2015. “Computing with Data Privacy: Steps toward Realization.” IEEE Security Privacy, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 22-29.
Stéphane Lafortune, Kurt R. Rohloff, Tae-Sic Yoo. 2013. “CONTROL OF PARTIALLY-OBSERVED DISCRETE-EVENT SYSTEMS.” Synthesis and Control of Discrete Event Systems, pp. 3.
Kurt R. Rohloff. 2012. “Bounded sensor failure tolerant supervisory control.” Preeprints of the 11th Workshop on Discrete Event Systems, Guadalajara, Mexico, pp. 272–277.
David Bruce Cousins, Kurt R. Rohloff, Chris Peikert, Rick Schantz. 2011. “SIPHER: Scalable implementation of primitives for homomorphic encryption–FPGA implementation using Simulink.” High Performance Extreme Computing Conference.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Partha Pal, Michael Atighetchi, Richard Schantz, Kishor Trivedi, Christos Cassandras. 2010. “Approaches to modeling and simulation for dynamic, distributed cyber-physical systems.” Workshop on Grand Challenges in Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis for Homeland Security (MSAHS-2010).
Partha Pal, Rick Schantz, Michael Atighetchi, Kurt R. Rohloff, Nathan Dautenhahn, William Sanders. 2010. “Fighting Through Cyber Attacks.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff, Rob Battle, Jim Chatigny, Rick Schantz, Victor Asal. 2009. “A Trend Pattern Approach to Forecasting Socio-Political Violence.” 3rd Int. Conf. on Computational Cultural Dynamics.
Robert Battle, Douglas Reid, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2009. “CWEST: Disruptive Integration of Computation Technology for Data Analysis and Visualization.” Visualizing the Past: Tools and Techniques for Understanding Historical Processes.
Partha Pal, Rick Schantz, Kurt R. Rohloff, Joseph Loyall. 2009. “Cyber-physical Systems Security-Challenges and Research Ideas.” Workshop on Future Directions in Cyber-physical Systems Security.
Joseph Loyall, Partha Pal, Kurt R. Rohloff, Matt Gillen. 2009. “Issues in Context-Aware and Adaptive Middleware for Wireless, Mo-bile Networked Systems.” BBN Technologies.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tamer Bacsar. 2008. “Deterministic and stochastic models for the detection of random constant scanning worms.” ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 8.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Victor Asal. 2008. “The identification of sequential patterns preceding the occurrence of political events of interest.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Cultural Dynamics (ICCCD).
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tamer Bacsar. 2008. “Deterministic and Stochastic Models for the Detection of Random Constant Scanning Worms.” ACM Trans. Model. Comput. Simul., vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 8:1–8:24.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jianming Ye, Joseph Loyall, Richard Schantz. 2006. “A hierarchical control system for dynamic resource management.” REPORT-UNIVERSITY OF YORK DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE YCS, vol. 398, pp. 37.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Samir Khuller, Guy Kortsarz. 2006. “Approximating the minimal sensor selection for supervisory control.” Discrete event dynamic systems, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 143–170.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Joseph Loyall, Richard Schantz. 2006. “Quality measures for embedded systems and their application to control and certification.” ACM SIGBED Review, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 58–62.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2006. “The verification and control of interacting similar discrete-event systems.” SIAM journal on control and optimization, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 634–667.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Joseph Loyall, Richard Schantz. 2006. “Quality Measures for Embedded Systems and Their Application to Control and Certification.” SIGBED Rev., vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 58–62.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2006. “The Verification and Control of Interacting Similar Discrete-Event Systems.” SIAM J. Control Optim., vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 634–667.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Samir Khuller, Guy Kortsarz. 2006. “Approximating the Minimal Sensor Selection for Supervisory Control.” Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 143–170.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tansu Alpcan, Tamer Basar. 2005. “A discrete-event systems model for congestion control.” IFAC Proceedings Volumes, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 79–84.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tansu Alpcan, Tamer Basar. 2005. “A discreteevent systems model for congestion control.” 16th IFAC World Congress, Tu-A12-TO/3.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jan H van Schuppen. 2005. “Approximating minimal communicated event sets for decentralized supervisory control.” Proc. of the 16th IFAC World Congress.
Samir Khuller, Guy Kortsarz, Kurt R. Rohloff. 2005. “Approximating the minimal sensor selection for supervisory control.” Discrete Event Systems 2004 (WODES’04): A Proceedings Volume from the 7th IFAC Workshop, Reims, France, 22-24 September 2004, pp. 87.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jan H van Schuppen. 2005. “Approximation Algorithms, Sensor Selections and Information Sharing.” Proc. Workshop Control Hybrid Discrete Event Syst., Satellite Event ATPN’05, pp. 123–142.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2005. “PSPACE-completeness of Modular Supervisory Control Problems*.” Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 145–167.
Yiping Cheng, Da-Zhong Zheng, Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune, Xi-Ren Cao. 2005. “Contributing Authors.” Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 199–200.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2005. “PSPACE-completeness of Modular Supervisory Control Problems.” Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 145–167.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jan H van Schuppen. 2004. “Approximating the minimal-cost sensor-selection for discrete-event systems.” Modelling, Analysis and Simulation [MAS], no. R 0404, pp. 1–30.
Kurt R. Rohloff, JH van Schuppen. 2004. “Report MAS-R0404 December 2004.” .
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stephane Lafortune. 2004. “Supervisor existence for modular discrete-event systems.” Control Systems Design 2003 (CSD’03): A Proceedings Volume from the 2nd IFAC Conference, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 7-10 September 2003, pp. 205.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Jan H van Schuppen. 2003. “Approximating The Minimal Cost Sensor Selection for Discrete Event Systems CWI Technical Report No.???.” Ann Arbor, vol. 1001, pp. 48109–2122.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tae-Sic Yoo, Stéphane Lafortune. 2003. “Deciding co-observability is PSPACE-complete.” Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 1995–1999.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2003. “On the synthesis of safe control policies in decentralized control of discrete-event systems.” Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1064–1068.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Stéphane Lafortune. 2003. “Recent results on computational issues in supervisory control.” Proc. of the ATPN-Workshop on Discrete Event Systems Control.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Tae-Sic Yoo, S. Lafortune. 2003. “Deciding co-observability is PSPACE-complete.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 1995-1999.
Kurt R. Rohloff, S. Lafortune. 2003. “On the synthesis of safe control policies in decentralized control of discrete-event systems.” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 48, no. 6, pp. 1064-1068.
Technical Report
“Implementation and evaluation of a lattice-based key-policy ABE scheme”
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017: 601, 2017.
“Adaptive Multilevel Middleware for Object Systems”
DTIC Document, 2006.
IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2017: 601, 2017.
“Adaptive Multilevel Middleware for Object Systems”
DTIC Document, 2006.
“PALISADE Open-Source Lattice Encryption Library”
Conference Proceeding
“Practical Implementation of Lattice-Based Program Obfuscators for Point Functions”
“Practical Implementation of Lattice-Based Program Obfuscators for Point Functions”
July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2017.
“Practical implementations of program obfuscators for point functions”
“Practical implementations of program obfuscators for point functions”
“Securely Sharing Encrypted Medical Information”
“Practical Implementation of Lattice-Based Program Obfuscators for Point Functions”
July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2017.
“Practical implementations of program obfuscators for point functions”
“Practical implementations of program obfuscators for point functions”
“Securely Sharing Encrypted Medical Information”
“Practical implementations of program obfuscators for point functions”
July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2016.
“Securely Sharing Encrypted Medical Information”
June 2016.
“Secure access delegation of encrypted medical information”
March 2016.
“An End-to-End Security Architecture to Collect, Process and Share Wearable Medical Device Data”
“Privacy-Preserving Data Exfiltration Monitoring Using Homomorphic Encryption”
“Privacy-Preserving Data Exfiltration Monitoring Using Homomorphic Encryption”
November 2015.
“An end-to-end security architecture to collect, process and share wearable medical device data”
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2015.
“An FPGA co-processor implementation of Homomorphic Encryption”
“An FPGA co-processor implementation of Homomorphic Encryption”
September 2014.
“Alternative fuels #x2014; How to increase the use of coarse alternative fuels in the cement industry”
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2014.
“GAMETE: general adaptable metric execution tool and environment (WIP)”
“GAMETE: General Adaptable Metric Execution Tool and Environment (WIP)”
Society for Computer Simulation International, 2013.
“SCIMITAR: Scalable Stream-Processing for Sensor Information Brokering”
“SCIMITAR: Scalable Stream-Processing for Sensor Information Brokering”
November 2013.
“An update on SIPHER (scalable implementation of primitives for homomorphic encryption)—FPGA implementation using Simulink”
“An update on SIPHER (Scalable Implementation of Primitives for Homomorphic EncRyption) #x2014; FPGA implementation using Simulink”
September 2012.
“A Survey of Security Concepts for Common Operating Environments”
“A Survey of Security Concepts for Common Operating Environments”
IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
“An ontology for resource sharing”
“An Ontology for Resource Sharing”
IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
“Clause-iteration with MapReduce to scalably query datagraphs in the SHARD graph-store”
“Clause-iteration with MapReduce to Scalably Query Datagraphs in the SHARD Graph-store”
ACM, 2011.
“An Ontology for Resource Sharing”
September 2011.
“A Survey of Security Concepts for Common Operating Environments”
March 2011.
“High-performance, massively scalable distributed systems using the MapReduce software framework: the SHARD triple-store”
“High-performance, Massively Scalable Distributed Systems Using the MapReduce Software Framework: The SHARD Triple-store”
ACM, 2010.
“Managed Mission Assurance - Concept, Methodology and Runtime Support”
IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
“Managed Mission Assurance-Concept, Methodology and Runtime Support”
“Managed Mission Assurance - Concept, Methodology and Runtime Support”
August 2010.
“Computational Methods to Discover Sets of Patterns of Behaviors that Precede Political Events of Interest.”
“An Evaluation of Triple-store Technologies for Large Data Stores”
Springer-Verlag, 2007.
“High-Assurance Distributed, Adaptive Software for Dynamic Systems”
IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
“High-level dynamic resource management for distributed, real-time embedded systems”
“High-level Dynamic Resource Management for Distributed, Real-time Embedded Systems”
Society for Computer Simulation International, 2007.
“Scalable, adaptive, time-bounded node failure detection”
“Scalable, Adaptive, Time-Bounded Node Failure Detection”
IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
“Scalable, distributed, dynamic resource management for the ARMS distributed real-time embedded system”
“Software Certification for Distributed, Adaptable Medical Systems: Position Paper on Challenges and Paths Forward”
“Software Certification for Distributed, Adaptable Medical Systems: Position Paper on Challenges and Paths Forward”
IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
“High-Assurance Distributed, Adaptive Software for Dynamic Systems”
November 2007.
“Scalable, Adaptive, Time-Bounded Node Failure Detection”
November 2007.
“Software Certification for Distributed, Adaptable Medical Systems: Position Paper on Challenges and Paths Forward”
June 2007.
“Scalable, Distributed, Dynamic Resource Management for the ARMS Distributed Real-Time Embedded System”
March 2007.
“Sensor Failure Tolerant Supervisory Control”
December 2005.
“Sensor failure tolerant supervisory control”
“Stochastic behavior of random constant scanning worms”
“The detection of RCS worm epidemics”
“The Detection of RCS Worm Epidemics”
ACM, 2005.
“The Diagnosis of Failures via the Combination of Distributed Observations”
“Stochastic behavior of random constant scanning worms”
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2005.
“A high-temperature thermopile fabrication process for thermal flow sensors”
June 2005.
“The Diagnosis of Failures Via the Combination of Distributed Observations”
June 2005.
“Symmetry reductions for a class of discrete-event systems”
December 2004.
“Symmetry reductions for a class of discrete-event systems”
“The control and verification of similar agents operating in a broadcast network environment”
December 2003.
“The control and verification of similar agents operating in a broadcast network environment”
“On the computational complexity of the verification of modular discrete-event systems”
December 2002.
“On the computational complexity of the verification of modular discrete-event systems”
July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2016.
“Securely Sharing Encrypted Medical Information”
June 2016.
“Secure access delegation of encrypted medical information”
March 2016.
“An End-to-End Security Architecture to Collect, Process and Share Wearable Medical Device Data”
“Privacy-Preserving Data Exfiltration Monitoring Using Homomorphic Encryption”
“Privacy-Preserving Data Exfiltration Monitoring Using Homomorphic Encryption”
November 2015.
“An end-to-end security architecture to collect, process and share wearable medical device data”
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2015.
“An FPGA co-processor implementation of Homomorphic Encryption”
“An FPGA co-processor implementation of Homomorphic Encryption”
September 2014.
“Alternative fuels #x2014; How to increase the use of coarse alternative fuels in the cement industry”
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2014.
“GAMETE: general adaptable metric execution tool and environment (WIP)”
“GAMETE: General Adaptable Metric Execution Tool and Environment (WIP)”
Society for Computer Simulation International, 2013.
“SCIMITAR: Scalable Stream-Processing for Sensor Information Brokering”
“SCIMITAR: Scalable Stream-Processing for Sensor Information Brokering”
November 2013.
“An update on SIPHER (scalable implementation of primitives for homomorphic encryption)—FPGA implementation using Simulink”
“An update on SIPHER (Scalable Implementation of Primitives for Homomorphic EncRyption) #x2014; FPGA implementation using Simulink”
September 2012.
“A Survey of Security Concepts for Common Operating Environments”
“A Survey of Security Concepts for Common Operating Environments”
IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
“An ontology for resource sharing”
“An Ontology for Resource Sharing”
IEEE Computer Society, 2011.
“Clause-iteration with MapReduce to scalably query datagraphs in the SHARD graph-store”
“Clause-iteration with MapReduce to Scalably Query Datagraphs in the SHARD Graph-store”
ACM, 2011.
“An Ontology for Resource Sharing”
September 2011.
“A Survey of Security Concepts for Common Operating Environments”
March 2011.
“High-performance, massively scalable distributed systems using the MapReduce software framework: the SHARD triple-store”
“High-performance, Massively Scalable Distributed Systems Using the MapReduce Software Framework: The SHARD Triple-store”
ACM, 2010.
“Managed Mission Assurance - Concept, Methodology and Runtime Support”
IEEE Computer Society, 2010.
“Managed Mission Assurance-Concept, Methodology and Runtime Support”
“Managed Mission Assurance - Concept, Methodology and Runtime Support”
August 2010.
“Computational Methods to Discover Sets of Patterns of Behaviors that Precede Political Events of Interest.”
“An Evaluation of Triple-store Technologies for Large Data Stores”
Springer-Verlag, 2007.
“High-Assurance Distributed, Adaptive Software for Dynamic Systems”
IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
“High-level dynamic resource management for distributed, real-time embedded systems”
“High-level Dynamic Resource Management for Distributed, Real-time Embedded Systems”
Society for Computer Simulation International, 2007.
“Scalable, adaptive, time-bounded node failure detection”
“Scalable, Adaptive, Time-Bounded Node Failure Detection”
IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
“Scalable, distributed, dynamic resource management for the ARMS distributed real-time embedded system”
“Software Certification for Distributed, Adaptable Medical Systems: Position Paper on Challenges and Paths Forward”
“Software Certification for Distributed, Adaptable Medical Systems: Position Paper on Challenges and Paths Forward”
IEEE Computer Society, 2007.
“High-Assurance Distributed, Adaptive Software for Dynamic Systems”
November 2007.
“Scalable, Adaptive, Time-Bounded Node Failure Detection”
November 2007.
“Software Certification for Distributed, Adaptable Medical Systems: Position Paper on Challenges and Paths Forward”
June 2007.
“Scalable, Distributed, Dynamic Resource Management for the ARMS Distributed Real-Time Embedded System”
March 2007.
“Sensor Failure Tolerant Supervisory Control”
December 2005.
“Sensor failure tolerant supervisory control”
“Stochastic behavior of random constant scanning worms”
“The detection of RCS worm epidemics”
“The Detection of RCS Worm Epidemics”
ACM, 2005.
“The Diagnosis of Failures via the Combination of Distributed Observations”
“Stochastic behavior of random constant scanning worms”
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2005.
“A high-temperature thermopile fabrication process for thermal flow sensors”
June 2005.
“The Diagnosis of Failures Via the Combination of Distributed Observations”
June 2005.
“Symmetry reductions for a class of discrete-event systems”
December 2004.
“Symmetry reductions for a class of discrete-event systems”
“The control and verification of similar agents operating in a broadcast network environment”
December 2003.
“The control and verification of similar agents operating in a broadcast network environment”
“On the computational complexity of the verification of modular discrete-event systems”
December 2002.
“On the computational complexity of the verification of modular discrete-event systems”
“System and method for merging encryption data without sharing a private key”
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2017.
“Device, system and method for fast and secure proxy re-encryption”
December 2016.
“System and method for operating on streaming encrypted data”
May 2016.
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2015.
September 2015.
April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 2017.
“Device, system and method for fast and secure proxy re-encryption”
December 2016.
“System and method for operating on streaming encrypted data”
May 2016.
October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 2015.
September 2015.
August 2015.
“System and method for operating on streaming encrypted data”
February 2014.
“Method for secure substring search”
Google Patents, November 2013.
“Information management using proxy re-encryption”
July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2012.
“Computations on distributed discrete-event systems”
The University of Michigan, 2004.
“Computations on Distributed Discrete-event Systems”
University of Michigan, 2004.
August 2015.
“System and method for operating on streaming encrypted data”
February 2014.
“Method for secure substring search”
Google Patents, November 2013.
“Information management using proxy re-encryption”
July (3rd Quarter/Summer) 2012.
“Computations on distributed discrete-event systems”
The University of Michigan, 2004.
“Computations on Distributed Discrete-event Systems”
University of Michigan, 2004.
Kurt R. Rohloff, David Bruce Cousins. 2014. “A scalable implementation of fully homomorphic encryption built on NTRU.” pp. 221–234. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Mike Dean, Ian Emmons, Dorene Ryder, John Sumner. 2007. “An evaluation of triple-store technologies for large data stores.” pp. 1105–1114. Springer, 2007.
Stéphane Lafortune, Kurt R. Rohloff, Tae-Sic Yoo. 2002. “Recent advances on the control of partially-observed discrete-event systems.” pp. 3–17. Springer, 2002.
Kurt R. Rohloff, Mike Dean, Ian Emmons, Dorene Ryder, John Sumner. 2007. “An evaluation of triple-store technologies for large data stores.” pp. 1105–1114. Springer, 2007.
Stéphane Lafortune, Kurt R. Rohloff, Tae-Sic Yoo. 2002. “Recent advances on the control of partially-observed discrete-event systems.” pp. 3–17. Springer, 2002.