Baruch Schieber
Baruch Schieber
Professor, Computer Science
4207 Guttenberg Information Technologies Center (GITC)
About Me
Baruch Schieber is a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the New Jersey Institute of Technology’s Ying WU College of Computing. Prior to joining NJIT, Baruch was a Distinguished Research Staff Member in IBM Research, and a member of the IBM Academy of Technology. Baruch managed the “Mathematics of AI” group in IBM Research with the mission of performing ground-breaking research in the mathematical foundations of AI including the design of efficient and parallel algorithms for machine learning, development of efficient algorithms for deep learning, and applying mathematical-programming techniques to obtain high-quality interpretable models. Baruch has led and participated in several ground-breaking AI and business analytics projects for over two decades, including a continual fleet optimization project that was featured in the New York Times, Business Week, Fast Company and Forbes. And, an integrated data analytics, simulation, and optimization of airport-security resource allocation for the US Transportation Security Administration. Baruch has published more than 140 papers in leading scientific journals and conferences and is the co-inventor of five patents.
Ph.D.; Tel Aviv University; Computer Science; 1987
M.S.; Israel Institute of Technology ; Computer Science ; 1984
B.S.; Israel Institute of Technology ; Computer Science ; 1980
M.S.; Israel Institute of Technology ; Computer Science ; 1984
B.S.; Israel Institute of Technology ; Computer Science ; 1980
2025 Spring Courses
Teaching Interests
Algorithms and Data Structures
Past Courses
Research Interests
Algorithm design; Combinatorial optimization
Dolev, Shlomi, & Kumari, Komal, & Mehrotra, Sharad, & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sharma, Shantanu (2025). Brief Announcement: Make Master Private-Keys Secure by Keeping It Public, Springer Nature Switzerland. (pp. 338-343). Springer Nature Switzerland
Schieber, Baruch M. (2025). Brief Announcement: Towards Proportionate Fair Assignment, Springer Nature Switzerland. (pp. 255-259). Springer Nature Switzerland
Schieber, Baruch M., & Samineni, Bhargav, & Vahidi, Soroush (2023). Interweaving Real-Time Jobs with Energy Harvesting to Maximize Throughput, Springer Nature Switzerland. (pp. 305-316). Springer Nature Switzerland
Schieber, Baruch M., & Sitaraman, Pranav (2023). Quick Minimization of Tardy Processing Time on a Single Machine, Springer Nature Switzerland. (pp. 637-643). Springer Nature Switzerland
Schieber, Baruch M. (1994). Parallel lowest common ancestor computation, Reif, J.H. (Eds.), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. (pp. 259--273). Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Schieber, Baruch M. (2025). Brief Announcement: Towards Proportionate Fair Assignment, Springer Nature Switzerland. (pp. 255-259). Springer Nature Switzerland
Schieber, Baruch M., & Samineni, Bhargav, & Vahidi, Soroush (2023). Interweaving Real-Time Jobs with Energy Harvesting to Maximize Throughput, Springer Nature Switzerland. (pp. 305-316). Springer Nature Switzerland
Schieber, Baruch M., & Sitaraman, Pranav (2023). Quick Minimization of Tardy Processing Time on a Single Machine, Springer Nature Switzerland. (pp. 637-643). Springer Nature Switzerland
Schieber, Baruch M. (1994). Parallel lowest common ancestor computation, Reif, J.H. (Eds.), Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. (pp. 259--273). Morgan Kaufmann Publishers
Journal Article
Roy, Senjuti Basu, & Schieber, Baruch M., & Talmon, Nimrod (2024). Fairness in Preference Queries: Social Choice Theories Meet Data Management. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, 17(12), 4225--4228.
Sarpatwar, Kanthi, & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, Hadas (2024). The Preemptive Resource Allocation Problem. Journal of Scheduling, 27(1), 103-118.
Schieber, Baruch M. (2020). Fully dynamic MIS in uniformly sparse graphs.. ACM Transactions on Algorithms,
Nagarajan, Viswanath, & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, Hadas (2020). The Euclidean k-Supplier Problem. Mathematics of Operations Research, 45, 1-14.
Sarpatwar, K.K., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H. (2019). Constrained Submodular Maximization via Greedy Local Search. Operations Research Letters, 47, 1--6.
Sarpatwar, Kanthi, & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, Hadas (2024). The Preemptive Resource Allocation Problem. Journal of Scheduling, 27(1), 103-118.
Schieber, Baruch M. (2020). Fully dynamic MIS in uniformly sparse graphs.. ACM Transactions on Algorithms,
Nagarajan, Viswanath, & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, Hadas (2020). The Euclidean k-Supplier Problem. Mathematics of Operations Research, 45, 1-14.
Sarpatwar, K.K., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H. (2019). Constrained Submodular Maximization via Greedy Local Search. Operations Research Letters, 47, 1--6.
Katz, D., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H. (2019). Flexible Resource Allocation to Interval Jobs. Algorithmica, 81, 3217--3244.
Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H., & Tamir, G., & Tamir, T. (2018). A Theory and Algorithms for Combinatorial Reoptimization. Algorithmica, 80, 576--607.
Toubaline, S., & D'Ambrosio, C., & Liberti, L., & Poirion, P-L., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H. (2018). Complexity and inapproximability results for the Power Edge Set problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35, 895--905.
Adany, R., & Feldman, M., & Haramaty, E., & Khandekar, R., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Schwartz, R., & Shachnai, H., & Tamir, T. (2016). All-or-Nothing Generalized Assignment with Applications to Scheduling Advertising Campaigns. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 12, 38:1--38:25.
Khandekar, R., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H., & Tamir, T. (2015). Real-time Scheduling to Minimize Machine Busy Times. Journal of Scheduling, 18, 561--573.
Bansal, N., & Z., D. Chen, & Coppersmith, D., & S., X. Hu, & Luan, S., & Misiolek, E., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Wang, C. (2011). Shape Rectangularization Problems in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy. Algorithmica, 60, 421--450.
Bansal, N., & Chen, N., & Cherniavsky, N., & Rudra, A., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sviridenko, M. (2010). Dynamic Pricing for Impatient Bidders. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 6, 35:1--35:21.
Bar-Noy, A., & Guha, S., & Katz, Y., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H. (2009). Throughput Maximization of Real-Time Scheduling with Batching. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 5, 18:1--18:17.
Even, G., & Levi, R., & Rawitz, D., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shahar, S., & Sviridenko, M. (2008). Algorithms for Capacitated Rectangle Stabbing and Lot Sizing with Joint Set-Up Costs. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 4, 34:1--34:17.
Bahtia, R., & Immorlica, N., & Kimbrel, T., & Mirrokni, V., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2008). Traffic Engineering of Management Flow by Link Augmentations on Confluent Trees. Theory of Computing Systems, 42(1), 2--26.
Barahona, F., & Chowdhary, P., & Ettl, M., & Huang, P., & Kimbrel, T., & Ladanyi, L., & M., Y. Lee, & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sourirajan, K., & I., M. Sviridenko, & M., G. Swirszcz (2007). Inventory allocation and transportation scheduling for logistics of network-centric military operations. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 51, 391--408.
Kimbrel, T., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sviridenko, M. (2006). Minimizing Migrations in Fair Multiprocessor Scheduling of Persistent Tasks. Journal of Scheduling, 9, 365--379.
Gunluk, O., & Kimbrel, T., & Ladanyi, L., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sorkin, G. (2006). Vehicle routing and staffing for sedan service. Transportation Science, 40, 313--326.
Schieber, Baruch M., & Geist, D., & Zaks, A. (2005). Computing the minimum DNF representation of Boolean functions defined by intervals. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 149, 154--173.
Kesselman, A., & Lotker, Z., & Mansour, Y., & Patt-Shamir, B., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sviridenko, M. (2004). Buffer Overflow management in QoS Switches. SIAM Journal on Computing, 33, 563--583.
Charikar, M., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2004). Resource optimization in QoS multicast routing of real-time multimedia. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 12, 340--348.
Even, G., & Guha, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2003). Improved approximations of crossings in graph drawings. SIAM Journal on Computing, 32, 231--252.
Bar-Noy, A., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2003). Publishing dependent data in clients-providers-servers systems. Wireless Networks, 9, 421--430.
Batiste, P., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2003). Scheduling tall/small multiprocessor tasks with unit processing time to minimize maximum tardiness. Journal of Scheduling, 6, 295--404.
Landau, G.M., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Ziv-Ukelson, M. (2003). Sparse LCS Common Substring Alignment. Information Processing Letters, 88, 259--270.
Bar-Noy, A., & Bhatia, R., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2002). Minimizing service and operation costs of periodic scheduling. Mathematics of Operations Research, 27, 518--544.
Bar-Noy, A., & Bar-Yehuda, R., & Freund, A., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2001). A unified approach to approximating resource allocation and scheduling. Journal of the ACM, 48, 1069--1090.
Bar-Noy, A., & Guha, S., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2001). Approximating the throughput of multiple machines in real-time scheduling. SIAM Journal on Computing, 31, 331--352.
Hoffman, A.J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2001). The edge versus path incidence matrix of series parallel graphs and greedy packing. Discrete Mathematics, 113, 275--284.
Even, G., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Zosin, L. (2000). Approximating minimum subset feedback sets in undirected graphs with applications. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 13, 255--267.
Even, G., & Naor, J., & Rao, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2000). Divide-and-conquer approximation algorithms via spreading metrics. Journal of the ACM, 47, 585--616.
Bar-Noy, A., & Guha, S., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2000). Message multicasting in heterogeneous networks. SIAM Journal on Computing, 30, 347--358.
Bar-Noy, A., & Kipnis, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2000). Optimal Multiple Message Broadcasting in Telephone-Like Communication Systems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 100, 1--15.
Even, G., & Naor, J., & Rao, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1999). Approximate Graph Partitioning Algorithms. SIAM Journal on Computing, 28, 2187--2214.
Bar-Noy, A., & Canetti, R., & Kutten, S., & Mansour, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1999). Bandwidth allocation with preemption. SIAM Journal on Computing, 28, 1806--1828.
Coppersmith, D., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1999). Lower bounds on the depth of monotone arithmetic computations. Journal of Complexity, 15, 17--29.
Aggarwal, A., & Coppersmith, D., & Khanna, S., & Motwani, R., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1999). The angular-metric traveling salesman problem. SIAM Journal on Computing, 29, 697--711.
Barnes, G., & Buss, J., & Ruzzo, W.L., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1998). A sub-linear space, polynomial time algorithm for directed $s-t$ connectivity. SIAM Journal on Computing, 27, 1273--1282.
Even, G., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sudan, M. (1998). Approximating minimum feedback sets and multi-cuts in directed graphs. Algorithmica, 20, 151--174.
Schieber, Baruch M. (1998). Computing a minimum weight $K$-link path in graphs with the concave Monge property. Journal of Algorithms, 29, 204--222.
Bar-Noy, A., & Mayer, A., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sudan, M. (1998). Guaranteeing fair service to persistent dependent tasks. SIAM Journal on Computing, 24, 1168--1189.
Cai, L., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1997). A linear-time algorithm for computing the intersection of all odd cycles in a graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 73(1), 27--34.
Bshouty, N., & Mansour, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Tiwari, P. (1997). A tight bound for approximating the square root. Information Processing Letters, 63, 211--213.
Borodin, A., & Rabani, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1997). Deterministic many-to-many hot potato routing. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 8(6), 587--596.
Borodin, A., & Raghavan, P., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Upfal, E. (1997). How much can hardware help routing?. Journal of the ACM, 44(5), 726--741.
Blum, A., & Raghavan, P., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1997). Navigating in unfamiliar geometric terrain. SIAM Journal on Computing, 26(1), 110--137.
Berkman, O., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Vishkin, U. (1996). A fast parallel algorithm for finding the convex hull of a sorted point set. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 6, 231--241.
Aggarwal, A., & Bar-Noy, A., & Coppersmith, D., & Ramaswami, R., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sudan, M. (1996). Efficient routing in optical networks. Journal of the ACM, 43(6), 973--1001.
Borodin, A., & Irani, S., & Raghavan, P., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1995). Competitive paging with locality of reference. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 50, 244--258.
Bar-Noy, A., & Bruck, J., & Ho, C-T., & Kipnis, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1995). Computing global combine operations in the Multi-Port Postal Model. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 6, 896--900.
Aggarwal, A., & Bar-Noy, A., & Kravets, D., & Khuller, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1995). Efficient minimum cost matching using the quadrangle inequality. Journal of Algorithms, 19, 116--143.
Bar-Noy, A., & Kipnis, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1995). Optimal computation of census functions in the Postal Model. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 58, 213--222.
Fiat, A., & Rabani, Y., & Ravid, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1994). A deterministic $O(k{^3})$ competitive $k$-server algorithm for the circle. Algorithmica, 11, 572--578.
Schieber, Baruch M., & Snir, M. (1994). Calling names on nameless networks. Information and Computation, 113, 80--101.
Aggarwal, A., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Tokuyama, T. (1994). Finding a minimum weight $K$-link path in graphs with Monge property and applications. Journal of Discrete and Computational Geometry, 12, 263--280.
Bar-Noy, A., & Kipnis, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1993). An optimal algorithm for computing census functions in message-passing systems. Parallel Processing Letters, 3, 19--23.
Mansour, Y., & Park, J.K., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sen, S. (1993). Improved selection in totally monotone arrays. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 3, 115--132.
Berkman, O., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Vishkin, U. (1993). Optimal doubly logarithmic parallel algorithms based on finding all nearest smaller values. Journal of Algorithms, 14, 344--370.
Gusfield, D., & Landau, G.M., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1992). An efficient algorithm for the all pairs Suffix-Prefix problem. Information Processing Letters, 41, 181--185.
Bern, M.W., & Karloff, H.J., & Raghavan, P., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1992). Fast approximation techniques and geometric embedding problems. Theoretical Computer Science, 106, 265--281.
Bshouty, N.H., & Mansour, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Tiwari, P. (1992). Fast exponentiation using the truncation operation. Computational Complexity, 2, 244--255.
Khuller, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1992). On independent spanning trees. Information Processing Letters, 42, 321--323.
Mansour, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1992). The intractability of bounded protocols for non-FIFO channels. Journal of the ACM, 39, 783--799.
Mansour, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Tiwari, P. (1991). A lower bound for integer greatest common divisor computations. Journal of the ACM, 38, 453--471.
Agarwal, P.K., & Aggarwal, A., & Aronov, B., & Kosaraju, S.R., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Suri, S. (1991). Computing external farthest neighbors for a simple polygon. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 31, 97--111.
Khuller, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1991). Efficient parallel algorithms for testing connectivity and finding disjoint $s-t$ paths in graphs. SIAM Journal on Computing, 20, 352--375.
Mansour, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Tiwari, P. (1991). Lower bounds for computations with the floor operation. SIAM Journal on Computing, 20, 315--327.
Larmore, L.L., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1991). On-line dynamic programming with applications to the prediction of RNA secondary structure. Journal of Algorithms, 12, 490--515.
Schieber, Baruch M., & Vishkin, U. (1990). Finding all nearest neighbors for convex polygons in parallel: a new lower bound technique and a matching algorithm. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 29, 97--111.
Afek, Y., & Landau, G.M., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Yung, M. (1990). The power of multimedia: combining point-to-point and multiaccess networks. Information and Computation, 84, 97--118.
Mansour, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1989). Finding the edge connectivity of directed graphs. Journal of Algorithms, 10, 76--85.
Schieber, Baruch M., & Moran, S. (1989). Parallel algorithms for maximum bipartite matchings and maximum $0-1$ flows. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 6, 20--38.
Schieber, Baruch M., & Vishkin, U. (1988). On finding lowest common ancestors: simplification and parallelization. SIAM Journal on Computing, 17, 1253--1262.
Galil, Z., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1988). On finding most uniform trees (a note). Discrete Applied Mathematics, 20, 173--175.
Apostolico, A., & Iliopoulos, C., & Landau, G.M., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Vishkin, U. (1988). Parallel construction of a suffix tree with applications. Algorithmica, 3, 347--365.
Maon, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Vishkin, U. (1986). Parallel Ear Decomposition Search (EDS) and st-numbering in graphs. Theoretical Computer Science, 47, 277--298.
Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H., & Tamir, G., & Tamir, T. (2018). A Theory and Algorithms for Combinatorial Reoptimization. Algorithmica, 80, 576--607.
Toubaline, S., & D'Ambrosio, C., & Liberti, L., & Poirion, P-L., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H. (2018). Complexity and inapproximability results for the Power Edge Set problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 35, 895--905.
Adany, R., & Feldman, M., & Haramaty, E., & Khandekar, R., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Schwartz, R., & Shachnai, H., & Tamir, T. (2016). All-or-Nothing Generalized Assignment with Applications to Scheduling Advertising Campaigns. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 12, 38:1--38:25.
Khandekar, R., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H., & Tamir, T. (2015). Real-time Scheduling to Minimize Machine Busy Times. Journal of Scheduling, 18, 561--573.
Bansal, N., & Z., D. Chen, & Coppersmith, D., & S., X. Hu, & Luan, S., & Misiolek, E., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Wang, C. (2011). Shape Rectangularization Problems in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy. Algorithmica, 60, 421--450.
Bansal, N., & Chen, N., & Cherniavsky, N., & Rudra, A., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sviridenko, M. (2010). Dynamic Pricing for Impatient Bidders. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 6, 35:1--35:21.
Bar-Noy, A., & Guha, S., & Katz, Y., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shachnai, H. (2009). Throughput Maximization of Real-Time Scheduling with Batching. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 5, 18:1--18:17.
Even, G., & Levi, R., & Rawitz, D., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Shahar, S., & Sviridenko, M. (2008). Algorithms for Capacitated Rectangle Stabbing and Lot Sizing with Joint Set-Up Costs. ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 4, 34:1--34:17.
Bahtia, R., & Immorlica, N., & Kimbrel, T., & Mirrokni, V., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2008). Traffic Engineering of Management Flow by Link Augmentations on Confluent Trees. Theory of Computing Systems, 42(1), 2--26.
Barahona, F., & Chowdhary, P., & Ettl, M., & Huang, P., & Kimbrel, T., & Ladanyi, L., & M., Y. Lee, & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sourirajan, K., & I., M. Sviridenko, & M., G. Swirszcz (2007). Inventory allocation and transportation scheduling for logistics of network-centric military operations. IBM Journal of Research and Development, 51, 391--408.
Kimbrel, T., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sviridenko, M. (2006). Minimizing Migrations in Fair Multiprocessor Scheduling of Persistent Tasks. Journal of Scheduling, 9, 365--379.
Gunluk, O., & Kimbrel, T., & Ladanyi, L., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sorkin, G. (2006). Vehicle routing and staffing for sedan service. Transportation Science, 40, 313--326.
Schieber, Baruch M., & Geist, D., & Zaks, A. (2005). Computing the minimum DNF representation of Boolean functions defined by intervals. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 149, 154--173.
Kesselman, A., & Lotker, Z., & Mansour, Y., & Patt-Shamir, B., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sviridenko, M. (2004). Buffer Overflow management in QoS Switches. SIAM Journal on Computing, 33, 563--583.
Charikar, M., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2004). Resource optimization in QoS multicast routing of real-time multimedia. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 12, 340--348.
Even, G., & Guha, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2003). Improved approximations of crossings in graph drawings. SIAM Journal on Computing, 32, 231--252.
Bar-Noy, A., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2003). Publishing dependent data in clients-providers-servers systems. Wireless Networks, 9, 421--430.
Batiste, P., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2003). Scheduling tall/small multiprocessor tasks with unit processing time to minimize maximum tardiness. Journal of Scheduling, 6, 295--404.
Landau, G.M., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Ziv-Ukelson, M. (2003). Sparse LCS Common Substring Alignment. Information Processing Letters, 88, 259--270.
Bar-Noy, A., & Bhatia, R., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2002). Minimizing service and operation costs of periodic scheduling. Mathematics of Operations Research, 27, 518--544.
Bar-Noy, A., & Bar-Yehuda, R., & Freund, A., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2001). A unified approach to approximating resource allocation and scheduling. Journal of the ACM, 48, 1069--1090.
Bar-Noy, A., & Guha, S., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2001). Approximating the throughput of multiple machines in real-time scheduling. SIAM Journal on Computing, 31, 331--352.
Hoffman, A.J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2001). The edge versus path incidence matrix of series parallel graphs and greedy packing. Discrete Mathematics, 113, 275--284.
Even, G., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Zosin, L. (2000). Approximating minimum subset feedback sets in undirected graphs with applications. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 13, 255--267.
Even, G., & Naor, J., & Rao, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2000). Divide-and-conquer approximation algorithms via spreading metrics. Journal of the ACM, 47, 585--616.
Bar-Noy, A., & Guha, S., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2000). Message multicasting in heterogeneous networks. SIAM Journal on Computing, 30, 347--358.
Bar-Noy, A., & Kipnis, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (2000). Optimal Multiple Message Broadcasting in Telephone-Like Communication Systems. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 100, 1--15.
Even, G., & Naor, J., & Rao, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1999). Approximate Graph Partitioning Algorithms. SIAM Journal on Computing, 28, 2187--2214.
Bar-Noy, A., & Canetti, R., & Kutten, S., & Mansour, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1999). Bandwidth allocation with preemption. SIAM Journal on Computing, 28, 1806--1828.
Coppersmith, D., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1999). Lower bounds on the depth of monotone arithmetic computations. Journal of Complexity, 15, 17--29.
Aggarwal, A., & Coppersmith, D., & Khanna, S., & Motwani, R., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1999). The angular-metric traveling salesman problem. SIAM Journal on Computing, 29, 697--711.
Barnes, G., & Buss, J., & Ruzzo, W.L., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1998). A sub-linear space, polynomial time algorithm for directed $s-t$ connectivity. SIAM Journal on Computing, 27, 1273--1282.
Even, G., & Naor, J., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sudan, M. (1998). Approximating minimum feedback sets and multi-cuts in directed graphs. Algorithmica, 20, 151--174.
Schieber, Baruch M. (1998). Computing a minimum weight $K$-link path in graphs with the concave Monge property. Journal of Algorithms, 29, 204--222.
Bar-Noy, A., & Mayer, A., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sudan, M. (1998). Guaranteeing fair service to persistent dependent tasks. SIAM Journal on Computing, 24, 1168--1189.
Cai, L., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1997). A linear-time algorithm for computing the intersection of all odd cycles in a graph. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 73(1), 27--34.
Bshouty, N., & Mansour, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Tiwari, P. (1997). A tight bound for approximating the square root. Information Processing Letters, 63, 211--213.
Borodin, A., & Rabani, Y., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1997). Deterministic many-to-many hot potato routing. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 8(6), 587--596.
Borodin, A., & Raghavan, P., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Upfal, E. (1997). How much can hardware help routing?. Journal of the ACM, 44(5), 726--741.
Blum, A., & Raghavan, P., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1997). Navigating in unfamiliar geometric terrain. SIAM Journal on Computing, 26(1), 110--137.
Berkman, O., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Vishkin, U. (1996). A fast parallel algorithm for finding the convex hull of a sorted point set. International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications, 6, 231--241.
Aggarwal, A., & Bar-Noy, A., & Coppersmith, D., & Ramaswami, R., & Schieber, Baruch M., & Sudan, M. (1996). Efficient routing in optical networks. Journal of the ACM, 43(6), 973--1001.
Borodin, A., & Irani, S., & Raghavan, P., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1995). Competitive paging with locality of reference. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 50, 244--258.
Bar-Noy, A., & Bruck, J., & Ho, C-T., & Kipnis, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1995). Computing global combine operations in the Multi-Port Postal Model. IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 6, 896--900.
Aggarwal, A., & Bar-Noy, A., & Kravets, D., & Khuller, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1995). Efficient minimum cost matching using the quadrangle inequality. Journal of Algorithms, 19, 116--143.
Bar-Noy, A., & Kipnis, S., & Schieber, Baruch M. (1995). Optimal computation of census functions in the Postal Model. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 58, 213--222.
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Conference Proceeding
Partially Disjoint Shortest Paths and Near-Shortest Paths Trees
Rank aggregation with proportionate fairness
Satisfying Complex Top-k Fairness Constraints by Preference Substitutions
VLDB, 2022
Maximizing Throughput in Flow Shop Real-Time Scheduling
The 23rd International Conference on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX 2020), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), August 2020
The Preemptive Resource Allocation Problem
Proc. 39th Conf. on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), December 2019
Rank aggregation with proportionate fairness
Satisfying Complex Top-k Fairness Constraints by Preference Substitutions
VLDB, 2022
Maximizing Throughput in Flow Shop Real-Time Scheduling
The 23rd International Conference on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX 2020), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), August 2020
The Preemptive Resource Allocation Problem
Proc. 39th Conf. on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science (FSTTCS), December 2019
Fully Dynamic Maximal Independent Set with Sublinear in n Update Time
Generalized Assignment via Submodular Optimization with Reserved Capacity
Scalable Fair Clustering
The Preemptive Resource Allocation Problem
Brief Announcement: Approximation Algorithms for Preemptive Resource Allocation
Fully Dynamic Maximal Independent Set with Sublinear Update Time
Fully Dynamic MIS in Uniformly Sparse Graphs
Generalized Assignment of Time-Sensitive Item Groups
Globally Optimal Symbolic Regression
Brief Announcement: Flexible Resource Allocation for Clouds and All-Optical Networks
Complexit\'e du Probl\`eme Power Edge Set
Real-Time k-Bounded Preemptive Scheduling
Subgraph Counting: Color Coding Beyond Trees
The Container Selection Problem
All-or-Nothing Generalized Assignment with Application to Scheduling Advertising Campaigns
The Approximability of the Binary Paintshop Problem
The Euclidean k-Supplier Problem
Minimizing Busy Time in Multiple Machine Real-time Scheduling
Dynamic Pricing for Impatient Bidders
Non-Preemptive Min-Sum Scheduling with Resource Augmentation
A Quasi-PTAS for Unsplittable Flow on Line Graphs
Minimizing Setup and Beam-On Times in Radiation Therapy
Traffic Engineering of Data Networks for Management Data
Further Improvements in Competitive Guarantees for QoS Buffering
Minimizing migrations in fair multiprocessor scheduling of persistent tasks
Sparse LCS Common Substring Alignment
Scheduling tall/small microprocessor tasks with unit processing time to minimize maximum tardiness
Throughput maximization of real-time scheduling with batching
Buffer overflow management in QoS switches
Online server allocation in a server farm via benefit task systems
A unified approach to approximating resource allocation and scheduling
Improved approximations of crossings in graph drawings
Pushing dependent data in clients-providers-servers systems
Resource optimization in QoS multicast routing of real-time multimedia
Approximating the throughput of multiple machines under real-time scheduling
Efficient recovery from power outage
Competitive dynamic bandwidth allocation
Minimizing service and operation costs of periodic scheduling
Multicasting in heterogeneous networks
Fast spreading metric based approximate graph partitioning algorithms
The angular-metric traveling salesman problem
Approximating minimum subset feedback sets in undirected graphs with applications to multicuts
Approximating minimum feedback sets and multi-cuts in directed graphs
Bandwidth allocation with preemption
Divide-and-conquer approximation algorithms via spreading metrics
Finding a minimum weight K-link path in graphs with the concave Monge property
Guaranteeing fair service to persistent dependent tasks
Efficient routing and scheduling algorithms for optical networks
Optimal multiple message broadcasting in telephone-like communication systems
Computing global combine operations in the Multi-Port Postal Model
Fast deflection routing for packets and worms
Finding a minimum weight K-link path in graphs with Monge property and applications
How much can hardware help routing?
A sub-linear space, polynomial time algorithm for directed $s-t$ connectivity
Efficient minimum cost matching using quadrangle inequality
Lower bounds on the depth of monotone arithmetic computations
An efficient algorithm for Suffix-Prefix matching
Springer-Verlag, 1991
Competitive paging with locality of reference
Improved selection in totally monotone arrays
Springer-Verlag, 1991
Navigating in unfamiliar geometric terrain
The Canadian traveler problem
On-line dynamic programming with applications to the prediction of RNA secondary structure
Calling names on nameless networks
Computing external-furthest neighbors for a simple polygon
Efficient parallel algorithms for testing connectivity and finding disjoint s-t paths in graphs
Fast approximation techniques and geometric embedding problems
Highly parallelizable problems
Lower bounds for computations with the floor operation
The complexity of approximating the square root
The intractability of bounded protocols for non-FIFO channels
Lower bounds for integer greatest common divisor computations
On finding lowest common ancestors: simplification and parallelization
The power of multimedia: combining point-to-point and multiaccess networks
Parallel construction of a suffix tree
Parallel Ear Decomposition Search (EDS) and $st$-numbering in graphs
Springer-Verlag, 1986
Slowing sequential algorithms for obtaining fast distributed and parallel algorithms: maximum matchings
Generalized Assignment via Submodular Optimization with Reserved Capacity
Scalable Fair Clustering
The Preemptive Resource Allocation Problem
Brief Announcement: Approximation Algorithms for Preemptive Resource Allocation
Fully Dynamic Maximal Independent Set with Sublinear Update Time
Fully Dynamic MIS in Uniformly Sparse Graphs
Generalized Assignment of Time-Sensitive Item Groups
Globally Optimal Symbolic Regression
Brief Announcement: Flexible Resource Allocation for Clouds and All-Optical Networks
Complexit\'e du Probl\`eme Power Edge Set
Real-Time k-Bounded Preemptive Scheduling
Subgraph Counting: Color Coding Beyond Trees
The Container Selection Problem
All-or-Nothing Generalized Assignment with Application to Scheduling Advertising Campaigns
The Approximability of the Binary Paintshop Problem
The Euclidean k-Supplier Problem
Minimizing Busy Time in Multiple Machine Real-time Scheduling
Dynamic Pricing for Impatient Bidders
Non-Preemptive Min-Sum Scheduling with Resource Augmentation
A Quasi-PTAS for Unsplittable Flow on Line Graphs
Minimizing Setup and Beam-On Times in Radiation Therapy
Traffic Engineering of Data Networks for Management Data
Further Improvements in Competitive Guarantees for QoS Buffering
Minimizing migrations in fair multiprocessor scheduling of persistent tasks
Sparse LCS Common Substring Alignment
Scheduling tall/small microprocessor tasks with unit processing time to minimize maximum tardiness
Throughput maximization of real-time scheduling with batching
Buffer overflow management in QoS switches
Online server allocation in a server farm via benefit task systems
A unified approach to approximating resource allocation and scheduling
Improved approximations of crossings in graph drawings
Pushing dependent data in clients-providers-servers systems
Resource optimization in QoS multicast routing of real-time multimedia
Approximating the throughput of multiple machines under real-time scheduling
Efficient recovery from power outage
Competitive dynamic bandwidth allocation
Minimizing service and operation costs of periodic scheduling
Multicasting in heterogeneous networks
Fast spreading metric based approximate graph partitioning algorithms
The angular-metric traveling salesman problem
Approximating minimum subset feedback sets in undirected graphs with applications to multicuts
Approximating minimum feedback sets and multi-cuts in directed graphs
Bandwidth allocation with preemption
Divide-and-conquer approximation algorithms via spreading metrics
Finding a minimum weight K-link path in graphs with the concave Monge property
Guaranteeing fair service to persistent dependent tasks
Efficient routing and scheduling algorithms for optical networks
Optimal multiple message broadcasting in telephone-like communication systems
Computing global combine operations in the Multi-Port Postal Model
Fast deflection routing for packets and worms
Finding a minimum weight K-link path in graphs with Monge property and applications
How much can hardware help routing?
A sub-linear space, polynomial time algorithm for directed $s-t$ connectivity
Efficient minimum cost matching using quadrangle inequality
Lower bounds on the depth of monotone arithmetic computations
An efficient algorithm for Suffix-Prefix matching
Springer-Verlag, 1991
Competitive paging with locality of reference
Improved selection in totally monotone arrays
Springer-Verlag, 1991
Navigating in unfamiliar geometric terrain
The Canadian traveler problem
On-line dynamic programming with applications to the prediction of RNA secondary structure
Calling names on nameless networks
Computing external-furthest neighbors for a simple polygon
Efficient parallel algorithms for testing connectivity and finding disjoint s-t paths in graphs
Fast approximation techniques and geometric embedding problems
Highly parallelizable problems
Lower bounds for computations with the floor operation
The complexity of approximating the square root
The intractability of bounded protocols for non-FIFO channels
Lower bounds for integer greatest common divisor computations
On finding lowest common ancestors: simplification and parallelization
The power of multimedia: combining point-to-point and multiaccess networks
Parallel construction of a suffix tree
Parallel Ear Decomposition Search (EDS) and $st$-numbering in graphs
Springer-Verlag, 1986
Slowing sequential algorithms for obtaining fast distributed and parallel algorithms: maximum matchings
Conference Paper
Promoting Fairness and Priority in Selecting k-Winners Using IRV
30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August 2024
Approximations and Hardness of Packing Partially Ordered Items
Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, June 2024
Parallel Longest Common SubSequence Analysis In Chapel
IEEE, September 2023
30th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), August 2024
Approximations and Hardness of Packing Partially Ordered Items
Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, June 2024
Parallel Longest Common SubSequence Analysis In Chapel
IEEE, September 2023