Yan Xu
Ph.D.; ; ;
Journal Article
Yasser Abduallah, Jason T. Wang, Haimin Wang, Yan Xu. 2023. “Operational prediction of solar flares using a transformer-based framework .” Nature Scientific Reports, no. 13, pp. 13665.
Ju Jing, Nian Liu, Jeongwoo Lee, Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Haimin Wang. 2023. “Characterizing 3D Magnetic Structures in Sunspot Light Bridges .” ApJ, vol. 952, pp. 40.
Qin Li, Yan Xu, Meetus Verma, Carsten Denker, Junwei Zhao, Haimin Wang. 2023. “Study of Global Photospheric and Chromospheric Flows Using Local Correlation Tracking and Machine Learning Methods I: Methodology and Uncertainty Estimates .” Solar Physics, vol. 298, pp. 62.
Yan Xu, Haimin Wang. 2022. “Multi-passband Observations of a Solar Flare over the He i 10830 A line.” .
Haodi Jiang, Qin Li, Nian Liu, Zhiqiang Hu, Yasser Abduallah, Ju Jing, Yan Xu, Jason T. Wang, Haimin Wang. 2022. “Inferring Line-of-sight Velocities and Doppler Widths from Stokes Profiles of GST/NIRIS Using Stacked Deep Neural Networks.” Astrophysical Journal , no. 939, pp. 66.
Ju Jing, Nian Liu, Jeongwoo Lee, Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Haimin Wang. 2023. “Characterizing 3D Magnetic Structures in Sunspot Light Bridges .” ApJ, vol. 952, pp. 40.
Qin Li, Yan Xu, Meetus Verma, Carsten Denker, Junwei Zhao, Haimin Wang. 2023. “Study of Global Photospheric and Chromospheric Flows Using Local Correlation Tracking and Machine Learning Methods I: Methodology and Uncertainty Estimates .” Solar Physics, vol. 298, pp. 62.
Yan Xu, Haimin Wang. 2022. “Multi-passband Observations of a Solar Flare over the He i 10830 A line.” .
Haodi Jiang, Qin Li, Nian Liu, Zhiqiang Hu, Yasser Abduallah, Ju Jing, Yan Xu, Jason T. Wang, Haimin Wang. 2022. “Inferring Line-of-sight Velocities and Doppler Widths from Stokes Profiles of GST/NIRIS Using Stacked Deep Neural Networks.” Astrophysical Journal , no. 939, pp. 66.
Ju Jing, Satoshi Inoue, Jeongwoo Lee, Qin Li, Gelu Nita, Yan Xu, Chang Liu, Dale Gary, Haimin Wang. 2021. “Understanding the Initiation of the M2.4 Flare on 2017 July 14.” The Astrophysical Journal/The American Astronomical Society, vol. 922, no. 108, pp. 9.
Gelu M. Nita, Manolis Georgoulis, Irina Kitiashvili, Viacheslav Sadykov, Enrico Camporeale, Alexand er Kosovichev, Haimin Wang, Vincent Oria, Jason T. Wang, Rafal Angryk, Berkay Aydin, Azim Ahmadzadeh, Xiaoli Bai, Timothy Bastian, Soukaina Filali Boubrahimi, Bin Chen, Alisdair Davey, Sheldon Fereira, Gregory David Fleishman, Dale E. Gary, Andrew J. Gerrard, Gregory Hellbourg, Katherine Herbert, Jack Ireland, Egor Illarionov, Natsuha Kuroda, Qin Li, Chang Liu, Yuexin Liu, Hyomin Kim, Dustin Kempton, Ruizhe Ma, Petrus Martens, Ryan McGranaghan, Edward Semones, John Stefan, Andrey Stejko, Yaireska Collado-Vega, Meiqi Wang, Yan Xu, Sijie Yu. 2020. “Machine Learning in Heliophysics and Space Weather Forecasting: A White Paper of Findings and Recommendations.” arXiv e-prints, pp. arXiv:2006.12224.
Ju Jing, Qin Li, Chang Liu, Jeongwoo Lee, Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Haimin Wang. 2019. “High-resolution Observations of Dynamics of Superpenumbral Hα Fibrils.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 880, no. 2.
Wen Zhang, Yan Xu, S. Li, Mengchu Zhou, W. Liu, Yan Xu. 2018. “A Distributed Dynamic Programming-Based Solution for Load Management in Smart Grids.” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 402-413.
Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Kwangsu Ahn, Ju Jing, Chang Liu, Jongchul Chae, Nengyi Huang, Na Deng, Dale E. Gary, Haimin Wang. 2018. “Transient rotation of photospheric vector magnetic fields associated with a solar flare.” Nature Communications, vol. 9, no. 1.
Jingwen Zhang, Hui Tian, Sami K. Solanki, Haimin Wang, Hardi Peter, Kwangsu Ahn, Yan Xu, Yingjie Zhu, Wenda Cao, Jiansen He, Linghua Wang. 2018. “Dark Structures in Sunspot Light Bridges.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 865, no. 1.
Haimin Wang, Rui Liu, Qin Li, Chang Liu, Na Deng, Yan Xu, Ju Jing, Yuming Wang, Wenda Cao. 2018. “Extending Counter-streaming Motion from an Active Region Filament to a Sunspot Light Bridge.” Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 852, no. 1.
Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Mingde Ding, Lucia Kleint, Jiangtao Su, Chang Liu, Haisheng Ji, Jongchul Chae, Ju Jing, Kyuhyoun Cho, Kyungsuk Cho, Dale E. Gary, Haimin Wang. 2016. “ULTRA-NARROW NEGATIVE FLARE FRONT OBSERVED in HELIUM-10830 USING the 1.6 m NEW SOLAR TELESCOPE.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 819, no. 2.
Wenda Cao, Klaus Hartkorn, Jun Ma, Yan Xu, Tom Spirock, Haimin Wang, Philip R. Goode. 2006. “First light of the near-infrared narrow-band tunable birefringent filter at big bear solar observatory.” Solar Physics, vol. 238, no. 1, pp. 207-217.
Na Deng, Yan Xu, Guo Yang, Wenda Cao, Chang Liu, Thomas R. Rimmele, Haimin Wang, Carsten Denker. 2006. “Multiwavelength study of flow fields in flaring super active region NOAA 10486.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 644, no. 2 II, pp. 1278-1291.
Wenda Cao, Ju Jing, Jun Ma, Yan Xu, Haimin Wang, Philip R. Goode. 2006. “Diffraction-limited polarimetry from the infrared imaging magnetograph at big bear solar observatory.” Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol. 118, no. 844, pp. 838-844.
Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Chang Liu, Guo Yang, Ju Jing, Carsten Denker, A. Gordon Emslie, Haimin Wang. 2006. “High-resolution observations of multiwavelength emissions during two X-class white-light flares.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 641, no. 2 I, pp. 1210-1216.
T Boonfueng, Lisa B. Axe, Yan Xu. 2005. “Sequestration of Pb by hydrous manganese oxide-coated clay.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. A610.
Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Jun Ma, Klaus Hartkorn, Ju Jing, Carsten Denker, Haimin Wang. 2005. “Properties of small dark features observed in the pure near-infrared and visible continua.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 628, no. 2 II.
Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Chang Liu, Guo Yang, Jiong Qiu, Ju Jing, Carsten Denker, Haimin Wang. 2004. “Near-infrared observations at 1.56 microns of the 2003 october 29 X10 white-light flare.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 607, no. 2 II.
Gelu M. Nita, Manolis Georgoulis, Irina Kitiashvili, Viacheslav Sadykov, Enrico Camporeale, Alexand er Kosovichev, Haimin Wang, Vincent Oria, Jason T. Wang, Rafal Angryk, Berkay Aydin, Azim Ahmadzadeh, Xiaoli Bai, Timothy Bastian, Soukaina Filali Boubrahimi, Bin Chen, Alisdair Davey, Sheldon Fereira, Gregory David Fleishman, Dale E. Gary, Andrew J. Gerrard, Gregory Hellbourg, Katherine Herbert, Jack Ireland, Egor Illarionov, Natsuha Kuroda, Qin Li, Chang Liu, Yuexin Liu, Hyomin Kim, Dustin Kempton, Ruizhe Ma, Petrus Martens, Ryan McGranaghan, Edward Semones, John Stefan, Andrey Stejko, Yaireska Collado-Vega, Meiqi Wang, Yan Xu, Sijie Yu. 2020. “Machine Learning in Heliophysics and Space Weather Forecasting: A White Paper of Findings and Recommendations.” arXiv e-prints, pp. arXiv:2006.12224.
Ju Jing, Qin Li, Chang Liu, Jeongwoo Lee, Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Haimin Wang. 2019. “High-resolution Observations of Dynamics of Superpenumbral Hα Fibrils.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 880, no. 2.
Wen Zhang, Yan Xu, S. Li, Mengchu Zhou, W. Liu, Yan Xu. 2018. “A Distributed Dynamic Programming-Based Solution for Load Management in Smart Grids.” IEEE Systems Journal, vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 402-413.
Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Kwangsu Ahn, Ju Jing, Chang Liu, Jongchul Chae, Nengyi Huang, Na Deng, Dale E. Gary, Haimin Wang. 2018. “Transient rotation of photospheric vector magnetic fields associated with a solar flare.” Nature Communications, vol. 9, no. 1.
Jingwen Zhang, Hui Tian, Sami K. Solanki, Haimin Wang, Hardi Peter, Kwangsu Ahn, Yan Xu, Yingjie Zhu, Wenda Cao, Jiansen He, Linghua Wang. 2018. “Dark Structures in Sunspot Light Bridges.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 865, no. 1.
Haimin Wang, Rui Liu, Qin Li, Chang Liu, Na Deng, Yan Xu, Ju Jing, Yuming Wang, Wenda Cao. 2018. “Extending Counter-streaming Motion from an Active Region Filament to a Sunspot Light Bridge.” Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 852, no. 1.
Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Mingde Ding, Lucia Kleint, Jiangtao Su, Chang Liu, Haisheng Ji, Jongchul Chae, Ju Jing, Kyuhyoun Cho, Kyungsuk Cho, Dale E. Gary, Haimin Wang. 2016. “ULTRA-NARROW NEGATIVE FLARE FRONT OBSERVED in HELIUM-10830 USING the 1.6 m NEW SOLAR TELESCOPE.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 819, no. 2.
Wenda Cao, Klaus Hartkorn, Jun Ma, Yan Xu, Tom Spirock, Haimin Wang, Philip R. Goode. 2006. “First light of the near-infrared narrow-band tunable birefringent filter at big bear solar observatory.” Solar Physics, vol. 238, no. 1, pp. 207-217.
Na Deng, Yan Xu, Guo Yang, Wenda Cao, Chang Liu, Thomas R. Rimmele, Haimin Wang, Carsten Denker. 2006. “Multiwavelength study of flow fields in flaring super active region NOAA 10486.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 644, no. 2 II, pp. 1278-1291.
Wenda Cao, Ju Jing, Jun Ma, Yan Xu, Haimin Wang, Philip R. Goode. 2006. “Diffraction-limited polarimetry from the infrared imaging magnetograph at big bear solar observatory.” Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, vol. 118, no. 844, pp. 838-844.
Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Chang Liu, Guo Yang, Ju Jing, Carsten Denker, A. Gordon Emslie, Haimin Wang. 2006. “High-resolution observations of multiwavelength emissions during two X-class white-light flares.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 641, no. 2 I, pp. 1210-1216.
T Boonfueng, Lisa B. Axe, Yan Xu. 2005. “Sequestration of Pb by hydrous manganese oxide-coated clay.” Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Supplement, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. A610.
Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Jun Ma, Klaus Hartkorn, Ju Jing, Carsten Denker, Haimin Wang. 2005. “Properties of small dark features observed in the pure near-infrared and visible continua.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 628, no. 2 II.
Yan Xu, Wenda Cao, Chang Liu, Guo Yang, Jiong Qiu, Ju Jing, Carsten Denker, Haimin Wang. 2004. “Near-infrared observations at 1.56 microns of the 2003 october 29 X10 white-light flare.” Astrophysical Journal, vol. 607, no. 2 II.
Conference Proceeding
“High performance 14nm SOI FinFET CMOS technology with 0.0174μm2 embedded DRAM and 15 levels of Cu metallization”
February 2015.
“1024 × 1024 HgCdTe CMOS camera for infrared imaging magnetograph of big bear solar observatory”
December 2005.
“Goethite coated silica: Synthesis, characterization and its impact on Ni and Pb adsorption.”
“Adsorption of heavy metals on iron oxide coated silica.”
“Intraparticle surface diffusion of Pb in amorphous Fe and Mn oxides.”
February 2015.
“1024 × 1024 HgCdTe CMOS camera for infrared imaging magnetograph of big bear solar observatory”
December 2005.
“Goethite coated silica: Synthesis, characterization and its impact on Ni and Pb adsorption.”
“Adsorption of heavy metals on iron oxide coated silica.”
“Intraparticle surface diffusion of Pb in amorphous Fe and Mn oxides.”